Monday, December 21, 2009

The End is Inching Closer: Ford Offers Buyouts to ALL Factory Workers

(AP) Ford Motor Co. says it is offering buyout and early retirement incentives to all of its 41,000 U.S. hourly workers to further reduce its factory work force.

Company spokesman Mark Truby said Ford still has too many factory workers for its current sales levels.

He would not say how many workers the company wants to leave but said Ford is working that out with the United Auto Workers union. Ford currently has about 600 blue-collar workers laid off but available for recall.

The buyout offer includes $50,000 cash plus a $25,000 car voucher or $20,000 more in cash. The retirement package includes $40,000 cash for skilled trades and $20,000 for production workers.


  1. Now if Osama Bin Obama had not wasted this last year with "Obama Care", things might be different.

    - I have no health insurance of any kind and I really could use a heart surgery.

    - I have not had a job for 1.5 years.

    - So far I have spent less than $20.00 on Christmas shopping. I bought some Oak and I'm making my yarn winder for my 81 year old mother.

    - If I had a job...
    --- I might have health insurance
    --- I would have extra money for Christmas
    --- I could consider junking my 16-year old Toyota and buy a new Ford Focus. I hear ther're pretty good cars.

    All this but Obama Bin Asswipe thought the top priority for the sake of the country was to reform the healthcare system.

    God help us all.

  2. It appears American cars are crap..People I know all have Toyotas, Nissans, Hyundai's and Honda's, very few in my neighborhood drive American junk cars. I was a GM owner for decades, will never own another Chevy or Buick because they broke down w/expensive repairs. I think Chrysler is even lower than junk...people want quality.

  3. It's never been about healthcare reform. It's always been about taking over a lucrative industry and bilking the profits while running it into the ground. All the while, creating the problem fix to repair it (at another profit of course) Obama never goes out in public-he knows all Americans with a brain would rather have this man no longer exist than have him as president. He's a sell-out through and through.
    Pray for his ruin. That's all we can do.

  4. How can american cars be crap??? We don't actually make them anymore, Laura. We sold that
    ship down the river long ago. Well over 50% of what goes into your "junk american" cars are the same imported parts and pieces that end up in you beautiful Honda. Really sad moral to the story ? WE ( Americans ) practically invented the entire machine from the ground up; lights, rubber tires; internal combustion engines; plate glass - even 4Wd was first used here in the states. Like everything else -- we just had to "spread the wealth and knowledge" now our own citizens won't buy our stuff. SADD

  5. yEAH i WISH i HAD A JOB TOO. I havn't spent a DIME on any christmas gifts. Forget about that. I'm having trouble getting enough to eat.

    ps. 3:37 if you can , maybe you can make her a loom too. I think we'll have to make our own clothes in this country in a year or two.

  6. 3:37 I think you need to grow up, and take responsibility for your own life. That is why our country is in the shape it is in. Every one needs a hand out. When things do not go our way, we cry like a 2 year old and blame the other guy.

  7. you pay my share tooDecember 21, 2009 at 9:00 PM

    5:13 is right on!

  8. 3:37 here

    So you think I should grow up?

    I'm not going to waste my keystrokes listing all of my marketable skills.

    Our country is in the toilet because of asswipes like Obama! This fuck is bowing and apologizing to anyone that will listen.

    Very soon, you'll see the start of the second American Revolution. You'll be too busy pissing your pants to understand what's going on.

    We who understand the Bill of Rights was written in blood, will defend it to the end of our lives.

    There are five rights listed in article #1, can you tell us what they are? Not likely! The majority of young US adult citizens have no idea. They can't get 4 of the ten correct! Your lives are focused around video games and fucking anything that moves! Please get an education.

  9. The article says basically more ways to screw the worker. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he will eat for life. The way the job outlook is for America seems pretty bleak. I just dont see this economy coming around. I have had cut hours for a year and budget constraints that dont end. My wife has been laid off for 3/4 of the year. We lived the american dream in our thirties and everything was cheap credit and we got suckered into it. Now we owe and the credit cards are last. Our cards that were 5-9% now are up to 18-23% before the newyear. What do we do we cant pay How many others are out there like us. We had a 800 credit score now since all this we are not even on the charts. We have become DEBT SLAVES. We were foolish and felt it was the american thing to do, now I am sorry. Should have listened to the elders who lived through the depression. Now I know why my PA used to add flour to his beef stew and tomatoe soup was delicasy along with a Sunday beef roast. But yet they had money but lived with in there means in a 3 bedroom 1200 sqaure foot ranch and walked to work, with his lunch pal of leftovers for luch and breaks. Maybe we are being pushed back to the simple things in life and not a 5000 sqaure foot home with 3 brand new foriegn cars in the driveway and a vacation home in another state, and TVs in every room and cell phones for everyone in the house besides the dog! To be Humble again and remeber it is not about who dies with the most toys, but with the most friends. Times are only going to get worse so brace your family. Coppenhagen was a failure now the elite are really going to sock it to us. Somehow someway.

  10. Here's some food for thought: If the future of employment is in the "service industry" and everybody's broke/unemployed...just who the hell will we be "serving"?

    And another thought: What do you think will happen when America can no longer repay its debt(s) to China et al? They'll come over here and "collect" the "debt" by taking us it property, land, or citizens.

    I'm in my mid 30's and never thought that our country would so quickly deteriorate. I'm thankful I have no children, seeing how the next 3 generations have such a bleak offering of a "future" ahead of them.

    Seriously folks, what's next? A "you didn't consolidate all of your tax payments together" tax!?!?

  11. That's the American Wet Dream.

  12. 8:52 Thanks for sharing. You were the perfect target.

    When I was in my 20's, in the 1980's, my wife and I had roughly an $1800.00 monthly budget. We owned a home, or is it being a slave to a mortgage? Our monthly take home pay was about $5,500.00. With this much cash and a few plastic time bombs in my wallet. It took a few short years to have it all come crashing down. We saved nothing and spent more than we took in, after all that's the American way, right. I was a well paid aerospace machinist. Yes I, and my co-workers actually made high tech stuff, including the McDonnell Douglas, Delta Launch Vehicle, a fore runner of the Space Shuttle.

    40,000 machinists lost their jobs, just in Southern California. I went from taking home $1,000 + dollars a week, with full, 100% paid health insurance and a combined 30-days of paid time off, to taking what I thought would be a short term job as a Security Guard, with zero benefits and a $5.25 an hour rate of pay. That "temp job" lasted better than 10 years.

    We have shifted from a manufacturing based economy to a consumption based economy. The economy needs spenders to survive. Since there are fewer and fewer consumers available, the country is headed straight down a bottomless pit.

    We will never recover. We may be able to rebuild. Start over and live much like our forefathers have for the last 233 years, but before we can do that, we have to remove everyone from Washington DC. Toss the traitors in the brig and let them rot, starting with Obama.

    After Obama won the election, (I did not vote for him, nor have I voted since Regan) I sent him a very polite email. Basically I said that since the whole world is describing him as a black man and ignoring the fact that his momma is lilly white, you might take the job seriously and do the very best you can do to advance your black ethnicity. I suggested his presidency will either pave the way for future black presidents, or he will prevent another black man from ever holding the position again or for at least another 200 years.

    You messed up bad Barry

  13. Noodles123-

    I was and still am a "Debt Slave" since some things you need to make it in our economy...Since I got on this prepper trip in late 2004 I have since got rid of over a million dollars in mortgage and misc. debts (small loans/school loans/court fine etc).

    I have tried to focus on zeroing my credit cards but find myself ALMOST paying it off then SOMETHING comes up that requires the use of it.

    We all hate to owe but mechanic bills/emergencies/illness sneak up on us...I wish I could be completely free but people are confusing using credit properly and being idiots.

    CREDIT is a good thing...STUPID MASS CONSUMPTION is not.

    We all decided to buy the things and splurge...So I personally hate it when people blame the banks/politicians/their spouse for their problems.

    We all need to accept our part of the responsibility...No one made you buy a BMW 328i instead of a used Honda civic...No one made you buy all those electronic gadgets and furniture when you ereally didn't need them...No one made you have 3 kids when your wife doesn't work etc etc.

    I personally think we need this horrible thing to happen to wake us ALL up and make us better and stronger...Prob is SO MANY poor/old/sick people will suffer.

  14. 510 bush was better huh jesus fcker?

  15. Its the end of the world as we know it. Ok, not really.


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