Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gerald Celente Bashing Ben Bernanke


  1. Do these kiddie reporters even understand anything he says?

    The reporter is asking if Bernanke is qualified to continue and Gerald is telling them about the entire criminal Federal Reserve system. Then the two kiddies in their $1000 suits just ramble on. They don't understand.

  2. Gerald is speaking right over their heads...

    They are clueless!

    LOL! Way to go Gerald! :)

  3. They might as well ask Brittany Spears to do the interviews.

  4. ANON @ 6:47

    Yeah, or Jaylo...


  5. The Elite banksters were really busy around the time of the birth of the Fed in 1913. First, the JP Morgan Titanic sinking (1912). Then WWI (1914). Then the overthrown of the Russian Csar, who was a great friend to the US, in order to make good on a death promise the Rothschilds had made.

    Woodrow Wilson, the bankster bought stooge is put into the Presidency. Worst President prior to LBJ.

    The Rockfeller Foundation got its start at corrupting minds.

    All the scumbags were running to and fro. The slimiest act of course was the passing of the Federal Reserve Act on that fateful late night of Dec 23rd 1913 while most of Congress was at home with their families.

    That was when JP Morgan and his band of lowlifes from Jekyll Island took over America.

  6. The vast majority of Americans don't want us starting and continuing more Empire wars. But that does not matter since the people have no say.

    How does that subject relate to our economic doom? It costs over ONE MILLION dollars EACH to deploy soldiers in Afghanistan. That is how badly we want to keep the poppy fields churning out heroin and our military bases in tact.

  7. Yeah...who is this joker interviewing Celente???

    Don't get me wrong, Celente may be a complete nut...but this kid is asking idiotic questions.

    As for Bernanke - as I've stated elsewhere, a blindfolded monkey throwing darts has a better chance of hitting a bullseye than Bernanke has of being right about the economy.

  8. Gerald is nostradamus.

  9. This interview highlights the gross failings of when the right questions aren't being asked therefore the real truth keeps getting surpressed. But time has come when the lies can no longer flourish and it's all the Gerald Celentes of the world that will make sure the truth does come out and the rest of the world will be begin to understand what the agenda is that this elite group of people have instore for us all.


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