Friday, December 25, 2009

Getting It Cheap: Rothschilds to invest millions in Latvia

Representatives of the Rothschild dynasty are considering investing tens of million of euros in the Baltic countries.

The Baltic Course reported with reference to a story in the newspaper Telegraf last week that the Rothschild family is mostly interested in infrastructure development projects and concessions.

Representatives of the Rothschild family have expressed interest to meet with Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis to discuss these matters, according to sources close to the premier.

Economic Reality Blog


  1. Once prices hit the dumpster, the big money will get assets at fire sale prices and the rest of the people will end up with nothing.

  2. Emerging markets are the future. It is worth to invest there.

    ynwestor, Poland 51 N 17 E

  3. To a family worth 250-400 trillion dollars that is a non event. Like a pack of gum to them. Interesting that it is being reported though. The Rothschild family is very secretive about where they invest their ill-gotten gains.

    They could buy the world's largest corporation over and over again - the USA. Oh wait. They already did that long ago.

  4. Id like to see the figures on that wild stat. I dont think there is enough wealth in the world to cover it (remember derivatives are not worth their theoretical value).

  5. Noone really knows what the Rothchilds are worth. But they either directly own or indirectly own every central bank. And have been profiting off of Wars and economic turmoil for 400 years. There net worth is in the trillions. How many trillions is a mute point. If the global GDP is are 45 trillion. It wouldn't be a stretch to be that. 250 to 400 trillion is a bit out there.

  6. Why dont we just tax the Rothchilds? I'm not talking about a govt tax, I'm talking about people standing up and yelling "off with their heads!"

  7. Good luck with that. While your at it. The Rockefellers should be on the firing line as well. I believe they are number 2 on the REAL list of wealtiest bastards.

  8. Word has it that the Baldwin brothers have a net value of 24 quadrillion dollars. I believe it, just because.

  9. That's because you believe anything, jackass.

  10. @ 5:08 and 10:36 AM
    No, that's because he can think, unlike you.

  11. >According to unofficial information, the Rothschilds could invest EUR 10 million<
    That's all their independence is worth these day? After separating from Russia? They must be dorks and deserve it. Ha-ha

  12. The reason Iran, Syria, N Korea and others are on our hit list: no Rothschilds central bank.

    After we invaded Iraq, a Rothschilds Central bank was in place with 90 days.

    Not about oil; about controlling money.

  13. 12:06 very interesting

  14. Specious link. There is also no CIA office or US military base there. If when invade one day you can bet there will be one.

  15. relax, don't take chill pills
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