Saturday, December 19, 2009

Officials and Experts Warn of Crash-Induced Unrest

Numerous high-level officials and experts warn that the economic crisis could lead to unrest world-wide – even in developed countries:

Today, Moody's warned that future tax rises and spending cuts could trigger social unrest in a range of countries from the developing to the developed world, that in the coming years, evidence of social unrest and public tension may become just as important signs of whether a country will be able to adapt as traditional economic metrics, that a fiscal crisis remains a possibility for a leading economy, and that 2010 would be a “tumultuous year for sovereign debt issuers”.

The U.S. Army War College warned in 2008 November in a monograph titled “Known Unknowns: Unconventional ‘Strategic Shocks’ in Defense Strategy Development” of crash-induced unrest:

The military must be prepared, the document warned, for a “violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States,” which could be provoked by “unforeseen economic collapse,” “purposeful domestic resistance,” “pervasive public health emergencies” or “loss of functioning political and legal order.” The “widespread civil violence,” the document said, “would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.” “An American government and defense establishment lulled into complacency by a long-secure domestic order would be forced to rapidly divest some or most external security commitments in order to address rapidly expanding human insecurity at home,” it went on. “Under the most extreme circumstances, this might include use of military force against hostile groups inside the United States. Further, DoD [the Department of Defense] would be, by necessity, an essential enabling hub for the continuity of political authority in a multi-state or nationwide civil conflict or disturbance,” the document read.

Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair said:


  1. Think the British royals had simular concerns when those pesky American colonists started to resist?

  2. One wonders if anything will happen here in the good ole USofA. We allow our politicians to screw us and we say nothing. We allow the wars to go on and we say nothing. We allow the banksters to run a muck and say nothing.

    Perhaps when the collapse occurs, in 2010, some of the idiotic pathetic TV addicted sheeple might get hungry. Then what?

  3. The 'sheeple' said something. It's called protest, the media trivialized it and didn't report it because they don't report the news, they infuence public opinion.

  4. Maybe the military is preparing for the plan:

    - violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States
    - unforeseen economic collapse
    - purposeful domestic resistance
    - pervasive public health emergencies
    - loss of functioning political and legal order

    Homeland Security is to protect to Government
    from the outraged and understandably upset citizens.

    This way anyone who does not like the new government policies. laws, and taxes will be a troublemaking terrorist.

  5. Those of us living in reality, know what is coming, very soon. This article merely confirms what we have been saying for years. And yes 7:25, I totally agree, the MSN influences public opinion, and no doubt hypnotize the sheeple into a lackadaisical state, accepting whatever they are told.

    Time is short, something BIG is going to happen very soon.


  6. This is a snip from the EU Times, Nov. 28th

    “The American people have reached the point of total saturation due to the failure of Government to protect its borders, corruption and theft.” Everson expects that such a response has been projected by US Government computer models and believes NORTHCOM, DHS and state and local authorities will begin implementation of Operation Garden Plot and Martial Law within 45-60 days. “Civil war is precisely what this administration wants to happen,” said Everson. “And before Americans can organize themselves they will be destroyed by their own military.”

    The first signs of pacification by our own forces will not only be convoys rolling through city streets and small towns throughout the Country, but direct military action against pre-targeted areas. Data acquired in the past year by “Census workers” has been used to program military targeting computers which our own armed forces will use in the unthinkable task of fighting its own citizenry.

  7. “even in developed countries”
    Ha-ha. If we actually start thinking “even in developed countries” is where it should happen. We here understand that the greatest transfer of wealth is happening in front of our eyes. There can't be transfer of wealth from have-nots. Then it is the middle class that is been robbed. By definition it is the developed countries. So, back to my initial sarcasm, if we think, then this is the most logical place for unrests to happen. But because we live in a kingdom of warped mirrors, everything is presented backwards.

  8. The central question is how the banksters identify and deactivate the Constitutional Loyalists within the active US military and, even more importantly, within the ranks of the honorable, wiser retired military. There are many such strategies. Here is a hypothetical one: 1) banksters order smuggling of weapons and "terrorist" personel within US borders 2) another "911" incident occurs which is "investigated" and reported as a "domestic terrorist" incident. 3) banksters "advise" the Executive Branch to suspend "Posse Comitatus"; US military is ordered to deploy domestically.
    4) the "Constitutional Loyalists" refuse the order. 5) civil war within government ensues.

    Here is where the course of human history is determined. Depending on who prevails, the United States will either have a new birth of freedom (Loyalists prevail), or it will sink into a third world despotic regime, weakened and bankrupt - ripe for a Chinese/Russian invasion.

    This is the "Rothchild Formula" being applied to the United States, rather than 1940 Germany or Japan,, or 1990 Iraq. Read G Edward Griffin's "Creature from Jekyll Island" to learn more about this mechanism.

    Semper Fi.

  9. Semper Fi Honorable Brother.

    We die in Glory!

    (nevermind the madness of war)

  10. When it does hit the fan not even the servants of Satan, The Rothschilds will not escape. If we could go into the depths of hell and ask Mayer Amschel if he would change his ways, he'd do anything to get out. Permutations and combinations are so exponentially unpredictable that no models will work. Hundreds of thousands get hungry, dislocation within the ranks of The Boots and you have hell on earth. No Boots are going to go against their family and friends but they will frag a LT are higher! Food...water....self defense and some prayer would be adviseable....just my worthless two cents.

  11. Today's headlines just in case anyone thinks the ship is not sinking fast:

    - The Health care scam aka Federal takeover is proceeding nicely through the bankster owned Congreee

    - The United Nation touts Climate change deal to tax you to death over a completely contrived lie

    - Senate sends $626B spending bill to Obama so we can go occupy and slaughter more innocents for oil gas and drugs

    - Oligarchs are being staging Iraqi/Iranian standoffs over their borders to hopefully set up a false flag.

    - New puppet Afghan cabinet being set up loaded with American Empire friendly stooges

    - US threatening Ahmadinejad over make believe nuclear threat he poses.

    It never ends daily. With the sheeple sitting quiet in their apathy it is a daily free for all for the Oligarchs.

    It won't be much longer because the Oligarch's go for their hail mary pass.

  12. BEN BERNANKE NAMED PERSON OF THE YEAR!December 19, 2009 at 4:38 PM

    Oh crap people I thought I have seen the lowest of the low.

    This tops it.

    TIME Magazine has just named Ben Bernanke PERSON OF THE YEAR!!

    Because he saved us from a Depression!!! LOL!

    Holy crap! Just in case anyone did not believe the media is controlled by the bankster Oligarchs.

    Still can't believe it. One of the worst crooks to every stand in Congress in front of a microphone is being applauded as a great hero.

    THAT is how screwed we are now.,28804,1946375_1947251,00.html

  13. Check out this MSM video about how the Federal Reserve works HAHAHA!! "They are just a bunch of people just like you and me!",28804,1946375_1947930_1947942,00.html


    Now if you really want to know how the Fed works watch the standard on the subject "Money Masters" or "Zeitgeist Movie part 3."

  14. Smarter than Laura but not as cuteDecember 19, 2009 at 4:51 PM

    That was as bad as Reefer Madness for propaganda.

    Basically, what is the Fed's main purpose?

    Their main purpose is to preserve the value of the dollar.

    Had to replay that for laughs! Great job Fed! A dollar is now worth .04 cents or less since you started.

    Thieves, criminals and robbers held up as national heros. Just how pathetic is this BS?

  15. 12:22 just die forget the glory there is none

  16. Remember those stories flying around late last year that for the first time ever some personnel from the US armed services were training for civil uprest?

    My worst-case scenario - I combine those stories with the way the health care bill is being pushed through to arrive at the possibility that things are going to get a lot worse in the "near" future...and the feds know it.

    Perhaps there is some junk in the new health care bill that will make it possible for the federal government to COMPLETELY run the health care system if/when the S really HTF.

    Just a thought...

  17. Semper Fidelis=Mindless faith and killing for your owner

  18. Money is just an abscract concept. What we need are shoulder-fired missles! Get Harry Carey on the phone! We need someone to commentate this collapse first-hand and get it up on the net! Go CUBS!!!!!!

  19. Are any posters interested in taking the Dale Carnigie Course "How to Win Friends and Influence
    People"? If so, I can direct you to getting this life-changing course in your hands.


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