BEIJING, China -- Sources at the United States Embassy in Beijing China have just CONFIRMED that the United States of America has tendered to China a written agreement which grants to the People's Republic of China, an option to exercise Eminent Domain within the USA, as collateral for China's continued purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves.
The written agreement was brought to Beijing by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and was formalized and agreed-to during her recent trip to China.
This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its financial obligations to China, the Communist Government of China would be permitted to physically take -- inside the USA -- land, buildings, factories, perhaps even entire cities - to satisfy the financial obligations of the US government.
Put simply, the feds have now actually mortgaged the physical land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United States. They have given to a foreign power, their Constitutional power to "take" all of our property, as actual collateral for continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the continued carrying of US national debt.
This is an unimaginable betrayal of every man, woman and child in the USA. An outrage worthy of violent overthrow.
More Here...
Is this for real? Seriously, because I don't want to pass this along to others if it's a false story.
ReplyDeleteBtw, I'm not a Bible thumper, but I recall something about this in the writings of some people like Hal Lindsey, etc., they said China would take over our country.
"The Beast from The East."
Mista Magloo, Mista Magloo!
ReplyDeleteThe angry Chinamen are coming for you!
8:54, ok, I have to admit your comment was strangely amusing.
ReplyDeleteOn a more serious note, I think I read somewhere else that this story was posted initially by some conspiracy theory nut. Not that I have anything against conspiracy theory, just that this particular guy is extra loony.
Do you have any credible authority to cite for this claim?
ReplyDeleteCheck snopes.com about this, it's FALSE.
ReplyDeleteSnopes is more false than anything, they are an opinionated website
ReplyDelete"Extra Loony" is our current administration: $12.4T+ defecit, NAFTA, Trade imbalances, Devaluated property values, Currency devaluation, Ben Bernanke and the financial market "Bubble Machine", Commodities/food inflation, Rampant unemployment, Bailouts of corporate "to big to fail" entities/banks, Bankrupt FDIC, Corrupt Court systems & the mockery to the US Constitution, et al.
ReplyDeleteNeed more proof that the Lunatics are running the asylum?
Think its not real? Here's a little test, go find an institution willing to loan you untold trillions without some form of collateral.
ReplyDeleteThink what? That you aren't credible. Try to be at last SOMEWHAT credible please.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm thinking, thinking I've had enough. Back to alien lizards controlling the world.
ReplyDeleteTwo things to think about.
ReplyDelete1.I do not believe even for a second that Chinese government (most of whom graduates with technical degrees from Beijing University) will be dumb enough to keep landing money to the States without a serious collateral. What is left in the States as a collateral?
2.Why do you think Hitler started extermination of Jews in Germany after a deep depression Germany was in for a decade? Granted he exterminated the wrong Jews, those who were not involved with financial cheating-doctors, tailors, musicians. He should have started with the richest financiers. Who are these “alien lizards controlling the world”? Why is it he exterminated the Jews, not Arabs, Iranians, Turks? Does anyone have an explanation?
This actually adds to the post above:
As you all can see, there were no Russians,Estonians or Arabs in the scheme. Why?
the commentary by the proprietor of this web site on credibility is outrageous. a source is credible if it has a reputation of reporting the truth and it matters not what i do or do not think of them. printing nonsense to encourage people to think is nonsense.
ReplyDeleteI thought perhaps the post was satire. Following the link to find it was expressing a serious concern was surprising. Simply put, Assertion of Eminent in the U.S. is a process whereby a domestic governing body seeks to appropriate private property for the 'greater good'. As is mentioned, the power to assert eminent domain is quite broad and rarely blocked by the courts. However private property owners being subject to emminent domain proceedings still have the right to their day in court. So assuming the most farfetched scenario - that the Secretary of State has given the Chinese a document that says 'Hey, we owe you money so come take whatever you want' (which is just patently ridiculous) - the assertion of Emminent domain will still have to come from a domestic government and the end-result will still have to be demonstrably for the 'greater good'. I think a more likely scenario can be found playing out in Iceland where the populace has told their Govt that they are unwilling to pay for the wayward Icelandic bankers' execess risk & losses. And you may be surprised to know that there is substantial international law that backs-up their position. A populace cannot be effectively enslaved due to the excesses of a few. We're 'simply' heading towards sovereign defaults.....period.
ReplyDelete- TOTN
Google this article and you will find it has been posted months ago already. I don't buy into everything this site reports, just somethings This site is trying to reign and profit from speculations of doom and gloom if you want my opinion. At least the moderator doesn't delete posts like mine. I respect that.
ReplyDeleteOne other point I'd like to make. The largest purchaser of Treasury Debt these days is presumed to be the Federal Reserve. It's also worth mentioning that, as the Government continues to gobble up mortgage securities thru Fannie & Freddie, they already own something like 30% of the residential property in this country. Why would they need eminent domain? Just sign over a couple of empty Vegas subdivisions priced @ retail and you've got your Nationnal Debt payment covered for the month....
ReplyDelete@10:17 Your second remark is really offensive. You should take a trip to Auswitsch in Poland and see if you still support your second remark after you have been there.
ReplyDeleteOn topic:
Of what use is a worthless building in the U.S. to the Chinese government when the U.S. collapes?
Gosh, 11.50... I wonder: just what WOULD China, or any country, do with thousands of acres of tillable land do with ownership of such land? (Especially when it can't grow enough food to feed its population.)
ReplyDeleteFurther investigation will reveal that Bill "I never had sex" Clinton surrendered several California ports to China in the 90's.
So, my question is: Just what would those ports be used for if China (or any country) had thousands of acres of food crops to transport?
Now, do I believe 100% that Himary formally gave away the United States' sovereignty to China? No, just 99%- because that's what a One World Gov. politician would do. Do I believe the Dark Lord would instruct her to formalize this treason? Yes, 101%.
I'm sure the Chicoms would be willing to lend me a few hundred thousand on just my word.
ReplyDeleteArticles like this one is what keeps me from being able to financially support this site. Dollarcollapse.com doesn't post this type of Bull$***. The only thing that helps him save face is that the headline includes Conspiracy or Not?
ReplyDelete@11:50 AM
ReplyDeleteWhat is more offensive to me is the number of victims after the revolution in Russia perpetrated by a Jewish gang of Lenin and Trotsky. Why won't you go and visit that camp? Why won't you look at what this gang is doing in Russia now. Blind? Why won't you look at what they did in Eastern Europe after these countries broke away from Russia? Why they are broke and their industries in ruins? Is this also offensive to you? BTW, I troubled myself to go and take a look at the link posted in 10:33. Does that offend you too?
Personally I want all my bases covered by knowing even the conspiracy stuff that could possibly happen. It stays at the back of my mind as a possibility. For some of these closed minded losers, go read CNN like you normally do. The government would prefer you do NOT even know this stuff.
ReplyDeleteYep, that's what we're doing...
Except when we turn it over to the Chinese, the government will then impose property taxes of 110% of assessed value per year!
@1:13 "They", "gang"?
ReplyDeleteI visit Eastern Europe on a regular basis and I can't see what you are talking about.
Stalin was the biggest criminal of the communist dictators and he was far from jewish.
Both nazis and communists have been cruel regimes. So disliking the holocaust does not mean I support the Goelags.
About the link, I do not waste my time reading stupid consperacy theories about 9-11.
Why is this so surprising to so many?
ReplyDeleteOf course we have handed over every bit of the US to the Chinese as collateral. That's what a Corporate state has to do when it is in past the point of no return debt wise.
This doesn't make the Chinese 'evil' or 'bad.' What would you do? Of course we have no choice. We send them little pieces of soon to be worthless paper in exchange for TVs, computers, etc for years and years! Do you think that can go on forever.
Even MSM news like 20/20 shows have reported that most, if not all, of our national parks, waterways, ports, and federal buildings have been given to the Chinese as collateral.
The goal of our banker owners is a global Communist/fascist dictatorship. When the time is right, under full legal authority of the UN, they will begin 'moving in.' By then, we will be an non-entity, worse than bankrupt. It will be so bad that we will be asking them to come in. Someone has to run the 700 Fema camps. The Chinese know how to do that very well.
Sure, there will be a few hics who rebel over it, but it is all legal and binding. So don't expect to go to a Ferrari dealer, sign your name, drive away and never make a payment do you?
Your home, your property is never really yours anyway. It belongs to the state and the state may let you live there as long as they want. Not the mention here is the good old USA our state is entirely corrupted and immoral. Just like any corporation out for nothing but expansion and profit.
Thanks primarily to the ignorance and delusion of the sheeple, the USA is finished. Finito. Starting with slaughtering native Americans right up to the nude body scanners they are yelling 'hey! we are assholes!' But no one seems to notice, no one seems to care. Programmmed national bias won't allow it.
The elite's role for the US Corp is coming to an end. The role being the world billy club for the Oligarch's agenda. This role will simply be passed on to another puppet country.
We are too busy fretting over a fake staged war on terror and American Idol to give a shit. Every thing you see on the TV about terrorism, the economy, religion, politics; all stage acting. All BS. All worthless shit. There to buy them time to do what the want which is to openly enslave you and your children in a giant prison.
Other than that, enjoy the buffet and live life day by day, share the knowledge you can, but live now for #1.
30 years, not 3.
ReplyDeleteThere has never been and never will be again a populace as dumbed down and manipulated as Americans. Every lie unquestioned. Complete and utter trust in authority. Unfortunately our mis-leaders are genocidal maniacs who showed on 9/11 that they have no problem killing us.
ReplyDeleteThe trigger to start the economic collapse will be another self-inflicted false flag. 1.2 million Iraqi innocents had to die based on bold face lies. Many more will die bashed on propaganda. The Iranians, the Yemens. All who just happen to be enemies of zionist "by deceit thou shalt do war" Israel.
The world will be better off without a nation of stooges and retards that cannot think for themselves or reign in their murderous military in any way.
At least past military empire's populace knew the score. They knew it was all about killing and conquering others. Our deluded brain dead fellow Americans believe we are doing God's work and fighting for our freedoms. Christ on a cracker we are retards.
1:07 Although I was really thinking about joining "the Claus Club", DollarCollapse.com is free and they are not pushing ads down your throat either.
ReplyDeleteSnopes says this is a hoax
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing how people get so riled up when they realize that what they have can be so easily taken away.
ReplyDeleteGovernments change almost daily worldwide. Ours will too. What you have is not really your own.
Those of us who do not depend on things to make us happy will be better off.
ReplyDeleteThousands of us LOVE this blog. There are people coming and going every 10 secs or so. That is a lot of people.
I am sure the one you are pimping is fine. This one is 'free' and the 'ads' are for real things people will need, not dick pills and push up bras.
EA is well liked and respected here so good luck with your other blog.
There is a lot of truth on this blog that offends the sheeple and gets their cotton all in a bunch. Truth is a bitch.
ReplyDelete"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)
I like EA so much I'm gonna let him hump my sister.
ReplyDeleteAs for the article, having a Chinese person be your landlord won't be that bad. You probably will be allowed to work as a self/slave in exchange for room and board.
It may be wise to take some Mandarin classes at your local public college though.
As for the Chinese having a lock on a lot of the US already, that is verifiable FACT. The entrances to nearly every National park has a dark green and yellow plaque at its entrance. It states that the park is held under fidiciary control of XXXXX Corporation.
Of course the happy campers don't notice or care. XXXXX company is just a front for the Chinese government and it corp bankers. The minute the US defaults, the National US parks become their land to do with what they please, with complete sovereignty. If they wish to move in their military, that is their right under international law.
Yogi the Bear is going to get his ass kicked out on the street.
We have been stabbed in the back by a government not of the people, but working for the interests of the very few Elite bankers and secret societies.
ReplyDeleteSold up the river. Conned. Manipulated and massaged to believe every lie. We are soon to be flushed down that red white and blue toilet.
"Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Social justice, urban renewal, and development, the provision of decent dwellings and health conditions for people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole."
ReplyDelete@1:54 PM
ReplyDeleteHey pal, do not make a fool out of yourself. All leading Soviet statesmen were Jews: Lenin and Trotsky, Lunacharsky and Rakovsky, Kuibyshev and Krasin, Kaganovitch and Manuilsky among them. BTW, go and read what Stalin's real name was. I'll give you a hint: Jughashvili. (shvili) in Georgian means son, like in John(son). You go and figure out what the front part is, then come back and post something here. Then go and do a little bit of investigation where the Jewish commissars sent all the confiscated grain that they took from the farmers in the yearly 30's, which caused the greatest famine in the Soviet Union. So, they are a gang of the lowest order. Now, go and look what they are doing to the States. And please, do not tell me that this is a pure coincidence that they are all Jews.
3:49 there..I just changed that act..didn't you read it? it it was bill 709.01 of the Urban development Act under section 207 sub section 205.07. Passed and read by congress a few minutes ago under order of the President of The USA.
ReplyDeleteBEIJING (AP) — China overtook Germany as the world's top exporter after December exports jumped 17.7% for their first increase in 14 months, data showed Sunday, in another sign of China's rise as a global economic force.
ReplyDeleteExports for the last month of 2009 were $130.7 billion, data from the General Administration of Customs showed. That raised total 2009 exports to $1.2 trillion, ahead of the $1.17 trillion for Germany forecast by its foreign trade organization, BGA.
China's new status is largely symbolic but reflects the ability of its resilient, low-cost manufacturers to keep selling abroad despite a slump in global consumer demand due to the financial crisis.
I get to learn a whole new complex language!
ReplyDeleteIn the corporate shell aka the USA we export very nice looking slips of paper.
ReplyDelete5:00, Its probably a lie about CHINA read this:
I heard that this is a fake story that was put out by someone named Hal Turner, a man who is a nut according to what I've read.
ReplyDeleteEA thanks for putting it on here, you scared poor 5:54 into submission. He's so scared $hitless, he can't spell.
ReplyDeleteIn order to better understand the Eminent Domain our government has granted to china, you must consider all the facets.
ReplyDeleteFirst, the eminent domain covers the collateral underlying many of the MBS and CDO's we sold them.
China will not march soldiers into our country openly as coming to claim property directly.
Rather, some other event will be used as a pretext for Chinese military to be here anyway, notably as UN Peacekeepers.
You can bet on it. I've already seen the documents showing which points of entry they will arrive at in 1998. What you are watching is the slow unfolding of a plan that takes many decades. Most people can't think that far ahead, but the likes of Brezinsky and Kissinger certainly do.
Many areas will come under Chinese control as a result of occupation by UN peacekeeping forces.
But this will also apply to German, French, Canadian, Russia, and other countries providing "Peacekeeping troops" to the UN.
The process of war by attrition will turn America into a huge bloody mess for many many years if not decades.
A treasury note has no collateral, its worth whatever the dollar is worth. That's why the creditor bears the risk and that's why China has been buying resources to store value.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't cha just see a boatload of chinamen
ReplyDeletein the new world order of the usa; it'll be great!
we'll replace the poppy fields of old with marijuana fields of new - they won't miss a "trick" awesome! Better product; lower price - look out wal mart cause he we is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:45 and 2:48
ReplyDeleteSnopes says anthropogenic global warming is real, too. They have an agenda. I don't think they're reliable at 'debunking'.
The elite see the way the Chinese government deal with dissenters as ideal. We are already half way there in the USA.
ReplyDelete78% approve of the use of Xray machines at airports. If that doesn't tell you how dumbed down and scared the US sheeple are, nothing will. We are done.
ReplyDeleteBy Thomas Frank, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Air travelers strongly approve of the government's use of body scanners at the nation's airports even if the machines compromise privacy, a USA TODAY/Gallup poll finds.
Do any of you people ever step back and observe just how freaking tin-foil hat crazy you sound? I mean, seriously. You actually think this is true? I got a bridge for sale, cheap.
ReplyDeleteSpoken by a typical drone.
ReplyDeleteActually, you are truly a drone. You drone on about silly things, a supposed fact here, an untrue assumption here, and act like the whole world is stupider than you because of it. Maybe you should really look around you sometime, Batman.
ReplyDeleteThanks man. I appears I am not the only one who questions what and why actually happened. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/celebritynews/6962475/Oliver-Stone-suggests-Hitler-is-easy-scapegoat.html
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ReplyDeleteWell said John Ubele