The total net long positions by large speculators showed record bets on energy prices. Crude prices have risen 17% over the last month and over 100% in the last year as big money has poured into oil as the dollar has weakened and the global economy has strengthened. Unlike small speculators, who lack the firepower to move prices and have generally been on the wrong side of trades, the large speculators tend to be the market movers. This latest data shows a continued allocation into energy by large hedge funds and institutional traders.
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Prepare for the Great Depression. Survival Seeds
It reamins a mystery to me ? We are in the worst economic times in most of our lifetimes and here we are with 82/bbl oil and 3.00 gas and guess where consumption keeps going - up - up - up.
ReplyDeleteAnother go figure ? how is it that natural gas
is still at like 7 year lows and it's 30 degrees
in florida?
Does any of this make sense ???
Fixed plain and simple
ReplyDeleteSomeone/s can fix a WORLDWIDE demand of almost 90 million barrels every day ?? At over 80 bucks a barrel?/
ReplyDeleteSeriously now ---
Somebody/s else can price fix several BILLION
MCFS of Nat gas ( most of which is produced by small imdependants)
Seriously now ---
Seriously-...you believe every figure that the government media issues? SERIOUSLY? Yes its 10 % unemployment..seriously
ReplyDeleteIts GLOBAL "WARMING"! OIL should be going DOWN! No seriously now.
ReplyDeleteNice to have a 100 mpg Ruckus.
ReplyDeleteOIL itself is a scam. Non pollutant, free energy exists, but we cannot have access to it. That is not in the elite's interest.
ReplyDeleteAre some of you confused???? The EA does not know anything about Economics. He advocates economic depression and then post this article which clearly demonstrate the economy is recovering as the only thing to push oil price up is higher demand driven by higher economic activity. EA need to take basic cources in economics and understand how demand and supply works.
ReplyDeleteThese stupid speculators (not that stupid I guess manipulating the system for profits) will contribute to the next economic collapse if the national average of gas stays over $ 3.00 a gallon for any length of time like they helped speed up the current recession happening. Supply and Demand has no true price effect anymore when you have devious crap like this going on. If it stays over $ 3.00 look for the depression to start at least by the end of this year no matter how much QE the fed does...
ReplyDelete5:33 - I think his point in posting this is look at the manipulation going on. If supply and demand was the determining factor then oil would be about $ 50.00 a barrel now not $ 80 something dollars...
ReplyDeleteThe EA is showing how the whole she-bang is orchestrated and how a coming collapse is right around the corner.
ReplyDeleteI figure there are a few types of people that post here:
1.The people that see and believe we are in a coming depression so they are buckling down and doing what they can.
2. People who are down with the elitest agenda. The deceivers and manipulators of men. They are sleek, sly and extremely clever. They will subtly led people away from the truth because that is their job and they are good at it.
3. The people who just can't believe the truth no matter how much of it they see. They will scorn and ridicule any and all truth because they can't fathom making changes to their lives, it's just easier to bash!
All of these people post at this blog. I am glad to see what appears to be more and more people waking up but it is still too late for Amerika. As a people and as a country we are about to become extinct.
The average length of an empire on the earth is a little over 200 years, Amerika has reached that and now she is decadent and believes she sits a queen and shall see no sorrow.
This country is about to reap what she has sown throughout the decades. The thing is, the average Amerikan has no idea the sorts of evils this country has engaged in over the years so the masses will believe they are not getting what they deserve.
Welcome to the most interesting times in the history of man.
@5:33 There is a long disconnect between supply and demand right now, the dollar is losing value,,, last January the Aussie Dollar was 67 cents to the us dollar, today they are on almost parity...... An OPEC statement in Sept said they were comfortable with oil above $70 and below $100 so here we are... Last time oil shot to $150 we were entering the recession and oil and Nat gas jumped in a month, but demand did not change at all,, so much for supply and demand.... Supply and demand usually work for normal things, but oil has never been a normal commodity, it is more a political commodity than anyhting else....
ReplyDelete5:33 honestly believes that nothing is manipulated. He/she is as stupid as they come..Yes the economy is recovering straight into a depression
ReplyDeleteI think we all could read on Ferfal's page about surviving in Argentina. I just started checking his blog out and learned a bit about the Great Depression and how he is surviving the economic crash of his country.
ReplyDeleteGood to learn true reality that sits under our noses (Internet).
6:18 I think some rules need to be enacted to prevent this manipulative speculation in futures contracts that effect the real time price so much so that supply and demand is the most important factor in the price. It has became such a fantasy land that traders are just leaughed at now when they mention china or middle east trouble and the rest as driving the increase - everyone knows it is mostly speculkators driving the increases now and are tired of it - maybe make them have to take delivery of the oil - that would stop it real quick....
ReplyDeleteOil will not run out! Jesus cuddled dinosaurs, earth is 6000 years old, and the earth is filled with a creamy nougut center of oil!
ReplyDeletePraise Jesus! Humans RULE!
jesus was gay, he created them in is own gay image, praise that!
ReplyDeleteIf oil price is $80, it means someone is prepared to pay that price to acquire oil. There may be a bit of speculation in there but nothing dramatic. Oil is important for every sector of the economy and therefore manipulation is less likely and I don't see how it is going to benefit the Administration for showing a high oil price....
ReplyDeleteIf anyone here can afford it please have a trip to China and other parts of Asia then you will come back and say "Oil should $150" as these economies are pumping. I've been there recently and boy are they working fucking hard, not one second to spare. China is growing so fast the economy is starting to overheat and the recent proof of that is China starting to withdraw stimulus. Is that a sign of going into depression? Think again,,,,
7:41 China is collapsing you don't honestly believe that bullshit media garbage? You're not that lost in space are you? Maybe you are. Have you been to China? Know anyone there? I do, and its NOT pleasant
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see that none of you know what the f--- you are talking about when it comes to oil.
ReplyDeleteJesus coddled dinosaurs and my balls. Every catholic since him has followed his example too. Oil is not a finite resource and the pope is blacker than Texas tea.
ReplyDelete836 oil is going to go sky high, something you know nothing about
ReplyDelete8:39 agree with you oil price will go sky high, the coming economic boom will create fenomenal demand for oil and other resouces.
ReplyDelete918 not an economic boom, a boom of a bomb blast over iran, then 1/3 of the worlds oil cut off, than a rise quickly to over $6.00 a gallon virtually overnight. Maybe Higher!
ReplyDeletebuy Silver now use the Manipulation to your advantage.
ReplyDeleteI will say it again, 3:55 is the same troll I have reconised on other places. This person has an agenda.
ReplyDeletemwahahahahahahaaaaa..........so much for all you idiots, oil trading bellow $79.mwahahahahahahahha.
ReplyDeleteWho is 8:36? I agree oil will only be going up eventually. For all those who think we will never run out of oil, or other quickly receding resources, they need to wake up and smell the coffee baby. Uncle oil will not be around forever. I hope they come up with gas-lit computers eventually, cuz we will be surfing the web on wooden routers and shit.
ReplyDeleteLook, if anything, the price of oil is manipulated to be too low so the average joe six pack american can keep sludging along to the lake in the suburban drinkin brews and riding jet skis, polluting up the place with bad music and 2 stroke engine smoke, while mama pack has the kids at the mall getting high on zanax because the kids are too ADD to listen. The fur coat and earrings then going home to watch the Jefferson's reruns helps her relax. Throw on a bit of chicago and its a little late not scrogging while the kids are in bed dreaming about x-box games and lollipops. If oil was never so dirt cheap we wouldnt have built this crazy house of cards to begin with and become frankly so greedy, irresponsible, and gullible as to think the oil party would last forever and ever. Those who argue so are just part of this waking grand delusion...
ReplyDeleteExactly - there is one helluva difference between a country fudging it's numbers about anything and an entire world price fixing 90 million barrels a day that's traded openly in every country of the world - are you trying to tell me that the entire world is run by the same elitests? I think not. This country might be but it sure doesn't tell the entire globe waht to do.
ReplyDeleteSame on natural gas here in the midwest most of our gas comes from smaller independant producers only thing I can speculate there is that our big manufacturing here is down & they all use Nat.Gas. The record cold has helped stabilize prices but until those big factories come back on line I doubt we'll see 12.00 nat gas like we did 2 years ago.
It's a different market altogether than oil.
The only thing fixed are the reerve numbers that were sometimes fudged so that, in opec, quotas (sales) could be higher to represent stocks. So there is probably far less oil than most conservative and mainstream figures put it at. And then you have the IAEA who tried to suppress information about reserves. This is less a conspiracy to control the world price of oil than individual developing countries trying to sell more of the stuff and now attention being taken away from the depleting supplies. With 3 wars going on in the middle east and potentially 1 in Iran, the price could be a lot higher. We have done well to keep it this low and other countries have avoided too much demand destruction as well as a price that is any lower than it already is at above 70-ish.
ReplyDeleteI agree; we should also consider that people like Hugo Chavez are not prone to being swayed by any Elitest mentality and there is more than one major oil producing nation with a dictator
ReplyDeleteof his cloth sitting on the throne.
I am not a genius, but I want to know why no one is asking this very basic question...Oil was at $140 a barrel and we were paying $4.00 a gallon. It is no at 82.00 a barrel, and we are paying $3.00 a gallon. Does that mean if and when it hits 140. again, we will be paying over $5.00? Shouldn't gas be about 2.50 about now? Not almost $3.00 or over 3 a gallon? just wondering!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have heard that question asked a few times and have yet to hear an answer that was understandable.
ReplyDeleteThere are other factors that come in to play on the price of gasoline itself, such as the quality of oil available for refining, the price to refine, and also where and how much it costs to ship from the refinery to gas station Additionally, there is sometimes a delay between the price of oil, which changes, and the price points you see at the pump and I think it also has to do with overall market forces of gasoline versus oil.
ReplyDeleteThe last I read, all shipping and transportation around the world had slowed. There are miles of parked railroad cars in the U.S., miles of parked ships in the sea, and everytime the price of gas goes up, more people stop driving. And trucking and flying are down as well. The precentage was something like 25% lower for everything.
ReplyDeleteYou'd think this would affect the price of oil, but it doesn't very much. Seems to me the price is driven up by speculators who are looking for places to park their money (since they are afraid of the stock market). Ditto buyers in the commodity markets who are helping drive up food prices along with erratic weather due to global warming.