Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Former Bank Of England Policy Maker: Massive Dollar Collapse Coming

Willem Buiter warns of massive dollar collapse
Americans must prepare themselves for a massive collapse in the dollar as investors around the world dump their US assets, a former Bank of England policymaker has warned.
Writing on his blog , Prof Buiter said: "There will, before long (my best guess is between two and five years from now) be a global dumping of US dollar assets, including US government assets. Old habits die hard. The US dollar and US Treasury bills and bonds are still viewed as a safe haven by many. But learning takes place."
He said that the dollar had been kept elevated in recent years by what some called "dark matter" or "American alpha" - an assumption that the US could earn more on its overseas investments than foreign investors could make on their American assets. However, this notion had been gradually dismantled in recent years, before being dealt a fatal blow by the current financial crisis, he said.


  1. England will be taking back its prior property at the fire sale, the USA.

  2. He is saying in 2 to 5 years from now and it might be more like 1 to 2 years from now.

    I think Bob Chapman and others are right suspecting they will use some false terror or other scheme to blame the economic collapse on.

  3. Ha-ha. What a sad story. Did anyone notice that more and more “economists” see now that the king is naked? Why is that? It is call planned collapse. When you find yourself seating on a pile of toilet paper, they are going to turn around and say: “We told you so!” Why is that they have not been telling this to us 5 years ago? After every drugged up dork in the world figured it out on his/her own now they tell us. Thank you very much. But seriously! The holocaust trumpets robbed the country while it had something to rob, like gold for example. Then they fooled the entire world to by US debt obligations. They themselves only needed the hard assets, but to the Arabs and Chinese they sold “debt”. Ha-ha. Can you imagine, people, if anybody asked you to buy debt of your junky neighbour who doesn’t keep his house, doesn’t work and owes to some other creditors tones of money? Would you do that? Of course not. I wouldn’t buy it if the neighbour was a respectable or normal guy, especially if the guy has a lot of weapons. In other words, if you came to ask for your debt he could stick a shining gun right in your nose. That’s why you need to own the media to fool people by presenting some “ShNoble Price winner” in economics that supposedly came up with a computer model that backed this scam up. Where is our common sense that money is goods and supposed to be backed up by goods? Otherwise it is pure criminal activity under government supervision. Now the same ShNoble Price Winners put a circle around their inspiration and hope-Big “O”, whom they are going to dump as soon as the visible demolition starts (the invisible has been going on for years). They’ll throw an unneeded “hope” and “change” to the angry crowd. I don’t see smiles on BHO face anymore. Do you think he gets it now? So, do you people believe the US needed these Chinese and Arab investments? No. What happened is that the Arabs sold their oil for nothing and the Chinese worked and sold their products for nothing. Just roll it back and forth in your head and you’ll get it. It is very simple. Now let’s ask ourselves a question. How a group of people (always of the same nationality or religion - you see they always play games with both and use the one that is more convenient at the moment) managed to fook the whole world? And please, do not tell me, that is was done by those evil Iranians or Estonians. So start using your brain, and you’ll figure out how.

  4. Not really hard. Most of us already know who is behind it all. Who controls our politicians, our media, our banking? Don't really need a slide rule for that one.

  5. Whew! That was a close one ! Thankfully the chances i'll be around another 2-5 years are
    pretty slim - now i can rest easy.

  6. 3:06 If "the guy" has a lot of weapons why he must be in ---- hmmm USA ??? Why ????
    Oh that's right a little piece of paper with a thing called the 2nd ammendment.
    If all you people are really spoiling for this country to look like a million maggots on a 2 month old road kill - wait until all yuns super brains get tired of trying to figure out how to carve up the golden egg ( the goose/she done got cooked )and finally get around to the real power
    left in the hands of the people cause it ain't any of the above it's the right to keep and bear arms and brother; in my part of the world - we are fucking loaded for bear !

  7. What stunning optimism! These things accelerate in a hocky stick style shaped graph, not a nice straight one. Everybody is getting a whiff of our spoiled uselessness as a people now. Hedonism rules, and self-righteous chest thumping the norm.

    I can't see us making it two more years without a massive economic collapse. But we do have the most GUNS/NUKES of anybody on the planet, and I'll bet our superstitious obese butts will throw a HUGE tempertantrum as we fall. And that could be a scary thing! "If . . . if (sob, whine) WE can't be number one (tremble, cry) . . . NOBODY CAN! Nuke them all! It just means Jesus is coming back!"

    It won't be boring at least!

  8. Hedonism ????
    I do not read that into any of the above sorry.
    Chest thumping ????
    You bet and it's probably about time as the real men in this country have been suppressed for far too long; laboring for pennies as the honest trades scarcely allow an honest man to feed, house and clothe a family of 4. And at 6'4 and 235 I assure you my man ain't obese and he won't miss when you come knockin' ( you can read that any way you wish end result = same)
    P.S. I sure hope the people in this country who use the Lords name in vain are prepared for the consequences it is easy to be blasphemous when healthy and vibrant a whole different story when your mind and body are racked with pain no drug can cure I've seen enough of both to last forever

  9. Well said 8:29. Also when you put the flag away, the national bias, and the false patriotism this country has been pretty frickin' bad since day one on the morality scale. Starting with the Native Americans, ending with Yemen (so far) it is nothing but a history of killing based on false premises and greed. Propaganda and brain washing starts so early that 99% cannot see that or understand that we are no better than the people we seek to kill.

    Since day one the elite have had a purpose for this country and its primary role has been to be a militarized clandestine empire.

  10. We have ZERO high ground morality wise. We are a nation that murders and tortures millions. As George Carlin said Americans don't care as long as our cell phones can still make pancakes.

    All empires fail. This one has been kept alive on life support by the elite because we are willing to do all their bidding with a proud face and a white hat atop our heads.

  11. 8:29 it is is not a valid site.

    What a wonderful nation we could be if the deluded could absorb the truthful information there. Cults are hard to break though.

  12. Yep, its not like "some" empires fail eventually, or even "most" empires. They ALL fall eventually. And thats just part of the natural boom/bust cycle of life. And each time - the citizens of the empire are SO certain that THEIR government/society/religion is the ultimate truth - that if THEY failed - it must the the END of the WOOOOORRRRRLLLLD!

    Natural human arrogance.

    Empires come and go, period.

  13. I can't believe the drum beating over the al-CIA-duh underwear stooge. They are milking that for every drop. Now we get to go kill a shitload of Yemens. Luckily, we just happened to have hundreds of troops on their border before junior lit that fuse. What a lucky break! I mean what a coincidence. Of course they make sure each stooge has the most Arabic sounding name possible before escorting him on his way.

  14. To get a good grasp on how Americans have been brainwashed into believing that Arabs/Muslims are just animals and not worthy of any concern, watch the online video Real Bad Arabs. Fantastic A+. It is why the average American just doesn't give a crap about us killing and torturing them wholesale.

    No ethic group in history has ever been the victim of such constant propaganda and lies about themselves and their culture.

    A good follow up movie to rent is Paradise Now. A+

  15. A friend of mine is a born again Christian. Kept in touch over many years. He is so into his Christian god (the sun) and the bible ( that he didn't even have sex until he married at 36.

    I just don't have the heart to tell him that the orb of day doesn't care where he puts his pecker.

    Anyway, in one of my last conversations he said that we should nuke Iran. Turn it into glass. I asked why.

    He said that they are an enemy of Israel (ISIS-RA-EL) and must perish. God's chosen people's (the Khazars, the political zionists, not biblical jews) must be protected at all costs.

    That is what the delusion of religion can do to a human mind. A mind that otherwise can be intelligent and caring.

  16. Actually, if one takes into account that this man worked for the BANK of ENGLAND? He might have a vested interest in crashing our dollar, given the shape that England and their Pound is in.

    I hate to tell him? But England will go before we do, and all his doomsday talk about the dollar is psyops to buy a few more hours for the pound.

    Not that the dollar isn't going to collapse? It is. But, England has a larger debt? And a far more useless economy than we do.

    So, I never comment here.


    Consider the source.

  17. Zeitgeist is a farce and proven otherwise. Those that have faith and can look past this will be rewarded in the end.

    That said this country is royally screwed and going down soon. Anyone with half a brain who has preps of any kind is miles ahead of the sheeple

  18. >>10:29PM<<

    YOU are among the primary reasons our nation is screwed. To put your bets and energy on a pie in the sky. Instead of working HERE and NOW to solve starvation, pain, and suffering is Evil.

    I think you worship evil sir, even if you think it is good.

  19. Yes, he'd rather invest in a floating man/sun in the sky myth. Delusion breeds apathy. Without the lie of religion, christianity of course here in the USA, we blinders would come off.

    No wonder the elite authored all of it long ago. Christianity was authored by the Nostic cult of the Roman Empire using the age-old story of the Zodiac; a rehash; easy retelling.

    Nothing more deluded than a Christian in the good ol USA.

    The only problem I have with Zeitgeist is the comedy/mocking parts. Not practical way to reach the deluded. This is a better video since it is respectful, but still factual:

  20. 10:29 hasn't tested the rope he hangs his future on.

    Just told a story, and believes it. A story based on irrational nonsense, based on his place of birth.

    He hasn't spend any time researching where the story came from; and it is just a story, not the greatest collection of facts. A many times repeated story with the same rehashed characters.

    He doesn't have an understanding of his own faith. To understand something you must get below its foundation and see what it is built upon.

    If he did take only a few minutes to set aside his delusion it would fall like a house of cards. This is true of other cults also. A christian is no easier to reach than a Tom Cruise.

    At some point, rarely, the deluded open the window by just a crack and let some truth in; 1-2% do escape a life of lies.

  21. Not to mention the third part of the Zeitgeist movie does a fantastic job of exposing the Federal Reserve Fraud. Amazing that the majority of people that watch Zeitgeist learn and accept the false flag lies like 9/11, the banking frauds, the fake economy, etc, but just cannot let go of the Jesus Myth. Look at the so-called truth people out there like Alex Jones. Still clings onto the sun cult. Sad to watch.

  22. To those that would ask why banter regarding myth religions are addressed on an economic forum I submit that without said myths the system of control that is destroying our country would fail. Religion/fear is the engine that powers TPTB. It empowers our wars. It takes away responsibility for horrendous crimes because it is god's will.

    Religion is a national cancer.

  23. When I say I love America I mean the mountains and rivers and deserts. How can I love the masses of brain dead religious war wongering morons? Can't.

  24. George Patton
    Issac Newton
    Stephen Hawking
    Etc. Etc. Etc if you need another 30 of the greatest minds that mankind has ever produced
    that all loved and served the Lord let me know
    I will post them. I know you good folk are much smarter than these useless humans hence your blasphemous comments - I'd encourage all readers
    to consider the source some annon idiot or the above --- Hmm what a choice

  25. 3:17 I would add Benjamin Franklin to the top 5 or 6 list.
    What a brilliant mind of almost unbelievable accomplishments not the least of which was to use his printing press to honor God.
    Then I would add our constitution if anybody living in this country today thinks that document wasn't sealed by divine intervention -
    your sadly mistaken - besides the bible probably the most profoundly world changing words ever put on paper/parchment - what we're currently doing to it is another story altogether.

  26. This is funny, I just realized that all the Bible denying posts are the same guy,LOL. Wow, that must really mean the masses are on to I said before and is fact if you can figure out how to do logical research, It's a proven falicy, this whole zeitgeist movement.

  27. Approximately 90% of Americans live in an illusion, brought to you by the corporate news media. The remaining 10% live in reality, or understand what is really going on. We, the 10%, have known for years that the dollar will collapse and the American govt will not pay its bills. Personally, I believe this will happen sooner, rather than later, very possibly in 2010. This article merely confirms what many of us already know.

    The other 90%, lay in front of their TV's, drinking their starbucks or their buds, watching FOX or CNN or their local TV news, their eyes popping out of their skulls, salivating when one of the financial babes comes on and recites economic fairy tales, so dumbed down and mind controlled, they have no idea what is really happening. They have no ability to logically or critical think.

    Read and watch 1984, it is what the PTB have planned for us. It's happening NOW! When they come after us, I hope we will not go voluntarily, I know I won't.

  28. You believe what you believe because of when and where you were born. Period. If you were born in America 500 years ago out in the plains, you'd be an indian - and not a Christian. If you were born in the mountains of Nepal today, you'd almost certainly not be a Christian. If you were born in Southern Georgia, you'd almost certainly be a Christian. If you were born in the Amazon Jungle, it would be unlikely you'd be a Christian. And so on.

    You believe what you believe because of WHEN and WHERE you were born. Therefore, to believe that your magical being would allows some folks to be tortured simply based on where and when they were born? You sir, you worship evil if you believe that.

  29. The Bible is the infallible word of our Lord. If you are a TRUE Christian, you should follow these commands:

    Who you should kill

    -- Unruly or rebellious child. Deut. 21:20-21
    -- Those who curse or hit their parents. Lev 20:09, Ex 21:15
    -- Worshipers of other gods. Deut 13:6-11
    -- Psychics or witches. Lev 20:27, Deut 12:6-11, Ex 22:18
    -- Those who do not believe in Jesus (parable). Luke 19:27
    Those who work on the Sabbath. Ex 35:2 (Moses kills a gentile for this in Num 15:32-36)
    -- Anybody whom at least two people accuse of 'wickedness'. Deut 17:6
    -- The children and babies of enemies. Num 31:17, Deut 20:13, Psalm 137:9, Lev 26:29
    -- Adulterers. Lev 20:13
    -- Homosexuals. Lev 20:13
    -- A woman who is anot a virgin when married. Deut 22:13-21

    Who you should Hate
    -- Those who eat crab or shrimp. Lev 11:10
    -- Those who sacrifice an animal to God that has a blemish. Deut 17:1
    -- Those who remarry the same person after divorce. Deut 24:4
    -- Those who are proud. Prov 16:5
    -- A woman who wears pants. Deut 22:5
    -- A man with long hair (Jesus?) 1Cor 11:14
    -- Those who call others fools. Mat 5:22

    Should we still do this stuff?!

    All the Old Testament Laws still apply in the New Testament. Matt 5:17-19


    So, you don't dare to try and FILTER and pick and choose from the word of God right? You don't pull that nambie-pamby "out of context" silliness with passages you don't like, but then you wholeheartedly accept those you DO like? That is SIN!

    So either you are a TRUE Christian, and you follow all these loving commands from God. Or you are doomed to be tortured in hell forever! Oh Glory!

  30. It's not the Bible or the constition that are the problem dear people - it is what we have done to them and I understand how the comments get made when you see these things. The commandments of both WILL stand the test of time however wait and see.

  31. Filtering explained:

    When there are some truths in the bible that is because it was written by intelligent and devious men.

    Their blueprint was the rehash of the story of Zodiac. Jesus is nothing more or less than the personification of the sun. Those that read more into it than that are fools and there are many of them these days.

    Yes 7:24 the story of the Zodiac will stand the test of time.

  32. 6:33 SIN comes from the worship of the moon god in early cults of the same name. When it was time to begin worshipping the Sun it was commanded to stop worshipping sin. The wages of continuing to worship sin was death.

    The entire Christmas BS wasn't even celebrated in the US until the 1880s. All pagan. The Yule log is from the fertility sex cults as is the Christmas tree.

    If a Christian did any research their head would explode.

  33. Yep 6:33 & 7:55. And I could care less what anybody believes, unless it effects my children and I. And thats where the rub is, these folks don't work hard to stamp out horror here and now on earth, because of this pie in the sky business.

    30,000+ children will die of starvation alone today, and these arrogant folks think a god listens to THEIR prayers?

  34. The Constitution is already dead. The sheeple have openly allowed its destruction.

    The USA is far, far from being a free country. We are already living in the USSA although it has been sugarcoated on some levels.

    World communism/fascism is right around the corner. The USA is done and will not exist in five years. Get over it. We allowed it. Scared little sheep in front of our master, the TV.

  35. Israel is simply ISIS (Moon Goddess), RA (sun God), and EL (Saturian God) cults melted together. A mixing of the early cults, especially moon worshippers. That is why all the Hebrew rituals and observances start at night. The entire Hebrew belief can be traced back to the Eqyptians. The potter of men, on and on.

    All western religions sprang from the early cults. Solar, stellar, moon, saturian. When you marry someone you put on the ring of Saturn. Early forms of Christians gave their heart to Jesus, literally.

    Every bit of religious mumbo jumbo can be traced back.

    Wake up simpletons.

    Start with Jordan Maxwell's TOXIC RELIGION video. Don't go through your entire live with this nonsense. Pursue real spirituality, which is devoid of this mythical jibber jabber.

  36. This is garbage. Why would I believe some guy who worked for the government? These guys never got in right in the first place.

    Secondly, no one can predict 2-5 years out. This guy doesn't remember what he had for dinner three weeks ago AND THAT HAPPENED...all of a sudden he wants to tell you what is going to happen years from now.

    I am calling BS on this one.

  37. Gee, is sort of twisted that a post about currency collapse brings out the "Christian" in everyone. Thinking about the loss of the Almighty Dollar seems to make Americans run to their Almighty God.

    Seems that in America they are one in the same.

    Christ threw the bankers out of the temple. Pretty much says it all.

  38. 8:40 you said it all.


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