The ultimate insider, Robert Rubin, who is a former secretary of the Treasury (1995–99) and now serves as co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and is a fellow of the Harvard Corporation, in a Newseek opinion piece had this to say:
The United States faces projected 10-year federal budget deficits that seriously threaten its bond market, exchange rate, economy, and the economic future of every American worker and family. Those risks are exacerbated by the context of those deficits: a low household-savings rate, even after recent increases; large funding requirements for federal debt maturities every year; heavy overweighting of dollar-denominated assets in foreign portfolios; worsened fiscal prospects in the decades after the current 10-year budget period; and competing claims for capital to fund deficits in other countries.
The conventional concern here is that private investment will be crowded out, which would result in a reduction of productivity, competitiveness, and growth. In addition, the very early 1990s showed that unsound fiscal conditions can have a symbolic effect that broadly undermines business and consumer confidence. But finally, and far more dangerously, our bond and currency markets could react with severe distress to fears about imbalances in the supply and demand for capital in the years ahead or about the possibilities of inflation. Those effects have been averted so far by a number of factors: large inflows of capital from abroad into Treasury securities; concerns about other major currencies; the low level of private demand for capital; and the psychological state of the market. But this cannot continue indefinitely, and change can occur with great force—and unpredictable timing.
Of course, he is correct. However, this isn't the first time an insider has warned about the debt. Obama, himself, has done so.
Inverted Body Scanner Image Shows Naked Body In Full Living Color
Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds
Great Article EA! I can see the headlines already:
ReplyDeleteSuicide Rate of TSA Scanner Personnel Skyrockets After Seeing America Naked
Next time your in an airport, see if you can spot ANYBODY who looks like that hot test subject....hehehe....They're not there! TSA is going to have to offer some hazardous duty pay for that position!
Could anything be more tyrannical than scanning people nude? I mean holy shit! The sheeple as usual fall in line.
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter note, no kidding! While yes 1 in 10,000 Americans are fit and the guy monitoring will have a jar of vasoline on hand for that rare occassion, what a horrible job! Pig after pig. Flapping fat. Barfo.
That woman in the scanner article is beautiful.
ReplyDelete*FAP FAP FAP*
Hey just wait till the pervert scanner operators
ReplyDeletestart posting on youtube!
The Naked Truth About Air Travel.
Looks like Obama's on a gender bender witch hunt.
ReplyDeleteScanner Operator: "No he's not a threat, he doesn't have the balls to hijack a plane"
ReplyDeleteEverytime these scumbags amp up the tyranny I wonder if the sheeple will offer any resistance at all. They never do. So, happily, the Oligarchs keep doing what they do so well. Use staged fear campaigns to gain more and more power.
ReplyDeleteI am waiting for the rubber glove treatments to start. Will the sheeple complain? Answer: No.
I wonder if they would ask a women to extract their Tampax if they see something in the scanner and clearly it is going to show? Every frikin time I cross the border with the States I argue with these crooks (who call themselves Border Patrol Officers) and would not let them treat me like a piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteSupposedly the Xray doesnt go past the skin.
ReplyDeleteWhich is why if there really were such a thing as REAL terrorists and not escorted and staged patsies, this would be a waste of time. Bomb material can easily be shoved up a rectum.
Plus it has been proven time and time again that the people examining carry on luggage are morons that let all kinds of things through.
No of this is about making you safer. If you want to feel safer, work on exposing this fake BS crap. The people you think are there to protect you are actually the perps.
You have a higher chance of choking on a peanut in your lifetime than dying of a terror attack in the USA.
All fear mongering to scare you into submission. The patsy with the flaming underwear story has been shown 10,000x times already.
These 'attacks' are staged to FAIL, not succeed. More fear comes from showing a face, an arab name, a fake story than a plane actually blowing up.
The fix is for the airlines to have an armed guard on every flight.
ReplyDeleteIf the sheeple just stopped using the airlines,
you'd see how fast the airlines would correct the problem on their end.
People have no respect for themselves anymore and have forgotten where the intrusion of big brother stops.
There a health risk from the effects of those scanners.
Even though I have a body to die for and look incredible naked there is no way I will ever submit to one of those scanner scumbags.
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ReplyDeleteOk, all the pornographic comments here really detract from the story. You guys make everyone coming here look bad.
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ReplyDeleteSo many have died (supposedly to defend our 'freedoms' - maybe WWII vets, who knows). We are more than happy to piss them away now.
ReplyDeleteNo brown person from the middle east gives a crap about your freedoms or taking them; the feds do though.