Saturday, January 2, 2010

Housing Coming To America

TOKYO — For Atsushi Nakanishi, jobless since Christmas, home is a cubicle barely bigger than a coffin — one of dozens of berths stacked two units high in one of central Tokyo’s decrepit “capsule” hotels.

Atsushi Nakanishi is among the jobless living in a capsule hotel, renting a bunk with no door. More Photos »

Atsushi Nakanishi has condensed his possessions to two suitcases, which he stores in lockers at the capsule hotel where he lives.
“It’s just a place to crawl into and sleep,” he said, rolling his neck and stroking his black suit — one of just two he owns after discarding the rest of his wardrobe for lack of space. “You get used to it.”

When Capsule Hotel Shinjuku 510 opened nearly two decades ago, Japan was just beginning to pull back from its bubble economy, and the hotel’s tiny plastic cubicles offered a night’s refuge to salarymen who had missed the last train home.

Now, Hotel Shinjuku 510’s capsules, no larger than 6 1/2 feet long by 5 feet wide, and not tall enough to stand up in, have become an affordable option for some people with nowhere else to go as Japan endures its worst recession since World War II.


  1. Damn ! And many in this country collecting 2 years of unemployment; daily visiting the well stocked local food pantry for free and driving to and fro to all in the cash fer clunk '09 chevy are prone to bitching - maybe we should send them all to Japan for a reality check ???

  2. They will be getting such a reality check. No need to go to Japan. The containment cubes that have been manufactured for the FEMA camps are nearly identical and can be stacked one upon another. There is a matching coffin for each containment cube.

    Welcome to the Hotel California.

  3. No the Fema containers are gray pressed fiberglass. No lighting or place to sit or crap. Just a 6x6, or possibly a 6 x 4 box with metal bars in front. Stackable is correct though. They are a place not to sustain your life but to wait for you to expire.

  4. 10:19 actually the government and Federal Reserve like the kind of people you are complaining about because they are easy to control. It is the hard-working people with some common sense that they do not like. You need to look at the think tanks that plan out society engineering to make people into a dumb dependent bunch of people with no will of their own.

  5. What? No room for curtains?

  6. I have always liked living in small places, but holy crap. If there is AC I'd get an LCD TV and stereo in there somehow.

    Then FAUX news could tell me how good I have it and how my tax dollars are about to be spent on bombing yet more countries inhabited by brown people.

  7. Why not bomb the countries that are only inhabited by WHITE people. Oh that's my bad
    there ain't nun O them left

  8. Sounds like a coffin to me. I think I'll sleep in the park. Im very clostrephobic!(sic)

  9. Poor guy, that is so sad. It sounds like the Japanese are having it even worse huh.

    And those of you talking about FEMA all time I find very annoying; instead of doing something real you just sit back talking hogwash about government putting everyone in camps.

    GET REAL. Your fearmongering is an excuse. There is something you can do but you choose to also be a zombie and just fearmonger.

  10. Posters on "The comming depression". Contact me for a special price on the Dale Carnigie Course.

  11. What are you some national socialist douche? They are more out of touch with reality than the couch bound hot pocket, cheetos scarfing white bread society they wish to align themselves with in any town usa that makes up this country. Nations are governments which control populations of people cordoned by invisible borders and made docile by endless TV and anything mundane. Races, if you mean ethnic groups and not track contests, refer to individuals comprising humans originally adapted to certain regions over time, THAT IS ALL.


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