Monday, January 25, 2010

IRA & 401k Theft Plotted by US Government

(Now's the time to cash out your retirement for real silver, and gold.)

Silver Stock Report

The State of America is not good. Criminals rule, and the righteous are in prison.

I've warned in the past that the US government is more likely to confiscate your IRA and 401k than your silver or gold. Why? Because that's where the money is!

Personally speaking, I cashed out my own IRA over the last few years, after reading the handwriting on the wall, because the government began discussing confiscating IRA accounts. Well, they are at it again. Read the article in Businessweek, from Jan 8th:


4th paragraph down reads:

"The U.S. Treasury and Labor Departments will ask for public comment as soon as next week on ways to promote the conversion of 401(k) savings and Individual Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment streams, according to Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Mark Iwry, who are spearheading the effort."

They want to "get" people to invest their 401k's and IRA's into annuities, or likely into bonds, which are in the biggest overvalued bubble the world has ever seen.

They are doing this probably because they will have $2 Trillion in bonds to sell this year, and foreign buying is drying up. They will steal the assets in IRA accounts, and force conversions into bonds, and keep the real investments for themselves, no doubt about it.

If you are unsure about what to do, because of taking the "penalty for early withdrawl" and that "tax hit", consider one of the main features of money.
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America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship
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  1. Yes indeedy. This is it. This is the second to final move in the endgame. They'll 'help' everyone into US Treasuries. The last step in endgame you already know.


  2. They will deflate the stock market soon to start the transition because they will have no other buyers for their T bills anymore...

  3. It is simple they have lost alot of MONEY and they are going to take ALL MONEY and property from the USA citizens and everyone else that they can.

  4. Our 401k is in US treasuries right now, but not an annuity..this way we control what we take out year to year by choice..kind of like a money mkt acct at a bank. If the gov. crooks force everyone into life time annuities, vs letting retirees control their 401/IRA, there will be folks raising all kinds of hell incl me. We will then be under total Marxist control. People want to invest their ira's & 401k's themselves or thru a broker in muni's, utilities, bonds and cd's, etc.

  5. If this happens, it will be interesting to see how the public reacts - IF it happens...

    That is, how many people would realize that they are getting set up to take it in the @$$?

    Yes, 3:05 - endgame indeed.

  6. I have thought about cashing out my IRA or converting it to a precious metals IRA. I think the later is just on paper, which is worthless.

    Probably should do it before it gets stolen or wiped out.

  7. If you have an accountant and you suggest doing such a thing they look at you like you are from Mars.

  8. 4:56 - as for Marxist control or something like it all it takes for that is a solid false flag and that is in the bag.

  9. I don't think anybody would notice anything. It looks like America and Canada under some kind of spell. People are in the state of either delusion or denial. Is it the food that makes their brains dysfunctional or what? I try to explain to people what is going on, they look back at me like I am from Mars. This is especially troublesome in Canada, at least in the Western part of it.

  10. 7:29, no it is not just you. I think most people are just average to below average intelligence.

  11. It isn't so much lack of intelligence. Extremely smart people believe the MSM, authority, politicians, man in the sky myths. It is intentional deception and delusion.

  12. Plus there are of course the Jerry Springer crowd which are 50% of the US population lol. Sorry, hopeless.

  13. I quit contributing to my 401K a year ago I figure I will never get to see any of it any ways.
    The best way we can beat these worms in the government is everybody say no to paying taxes. There are more of us than them.
    Quit paying taxes and then what are they going to do? Quit printing money? Put us all in jail?

  14. They won't quit printing money. We might as well print money too. Try putting us all in jail.

  15. @9:33 PM
    I think you can safely say the same thing about the Obama voters. I watched the dorks poring their tears on TV during his inauguration and could not believe my own yes. The immediate picture that came to my mind was a huge crowd crying as they learned of Stalin's death. It means on;y one thing-country is ready for a dictatorship. Sad, though.

  16. Listen carefully to the State of the Union tonight. It will include a call (I believe) to force employers to offer payroll deductions for IRAs if the company does not offer a 401k plan. This will be presented as a way to "help" you.

    When/if we hear that....GAME ON.

    It means if you go along with such a scheme, you're going along with SS Part 2. It's going to be interesting to see how they are going to go after the trillions already invested in private retirement accounts. But go after them they will, it's the last big pot of the middle class that they have failed to raid. I'm cashing mine out this week, in fact. And I'm a grad of the CFP program.

  17. If the puppet is speaking the same time as American Idol, no one will be listening.

  18. Before beginning his speech, B.O. was seen in the office of Mr Drysdale reviewing exactly what Milburn and his banker buddies would like to see happen in 2010.

  19. I couldn't possible sit and listen to that con man ramble on.

    That isn't apathy. That is just accepting the reality that he is a Goldman Sachs puppet and anything he has to say is a well scripted lie.

  20. Having a gold IRA is definitely the way to go after all that has ensued from this lasting recession.


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