BENTONVILLE, Ark. (AP) — Wal-Mart said Monday it will close 10 money-losing Sam's Club stores and cut 1,500 jobs to reduce costs.
The stores will close Jan. 22. They are in Nampa, Idaho; La Quinta, Calif.; Louisville, Colo.; Vista, Calif.; Rolling Meadows, Ill.; Clay, N.Y.; and Irvine, Calif. The cities of Houston, Phoenix and Sacramento, Calif., will each lose one store.
"Despite the outstanding efforts of our associates, these clubs continued to lose money and we have decided to close them," Sam's Club CEO Brian Cornell said in a statement.
Cornell said the company is trying to find jobs at other Sam's Club or Wal-Mart locations for workers who lost their jobs. Wal-Mart owns the Sam's Club warehouse stores chain.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc., based in Bentonville, Ark., says it plans to disclose the financial details of the closures when it announces its fourth-quarter results on Feb. 18. It does not anticipate any effect on its fourth-quarter profit.
Schwarzenegger Budget Will Make The Poor Suffer
Good Riddance Walmart Right Wing Scum
ReplyDeleteSchwarzenegger Budget Will Make The Poor Suffer
ReplyDeleteNot to sound harsh, but when you're broke, you have to take care of yourself, first. So, yes, the poor will suffer because the free ride is over.
I hate shopping to Walmart. Its uncomfortable to shop there. I can feel the negative energy as soon as I walk in the door.
ReplyDelete10:22, I think I know what you mean. It's this air of trashiness that pervades the store. I do not shop there as I'm trying not to buy products made in China.
ReplyDeleteYou know something is up though when Wal-Marts are no longer doing as well, but hey, the economy is recovering and I guess that means consumers are spending because we don't need to save the money for essentials like food and water.
As for Schwarzennegger, I wouldn't blame him entirely; he's been trying to reign in the pay and so forth of private sector (government/state) jobs for a while now but the Unions, who are enmeshed with the politicians in California, are preventing him from doing much every time he attempts to. Thus, the Uniions are the ones doing this. Forcing the poor to suffer so some government worker watching porn on their computer instead of doing "work" ::coughs:: can continue to make $70,000.00 or more a year.
Humanity. Dont'cha just LOVE it?
Although I am not a fan of freeloaders I'd rather see my taxes dollars go to the poor than for overpaid state officials and their buildings with their marble entryways. Cut the police force, they are all thugs now anyway and useless.
ReplyDeleteLeaves a budget of rice available for the starving.
American Idol rocks!!watch tomorrow for the newest episode guys
ReplyDeleteF**k Wallmart good real good yeah!
ReplyDeleteIt's not the poor that is getting a free ride, its the rich getting a free ride off of the planet and using up far more than is reasonable. And its the poor everywhere who do the work provide it to them.
ReplyDelete11:41 I agree with you. I'm also starting to notice a really big backlash against government/state workers right now. I think Americans are waking up to the disparities in income and starting to notice the inequality and unfairness that always was there to begin with.
ReplyDeleteI know of government employees with DUIs who have been in jail.
ReplyDeleteYou wonder how this happens, when people like you and I apply for those jobs they want to do all these background checks.
I think people are getting paid off.
Corruption is everywhere. It's got to end.
I am also not a fan of freeloaders, but, consider this -- what is the basic difference between the poor person colleting welfare and the state worker? Many state workers are former military who are given the jobs out of preference. Not all of them are upstanding guys, believe me, I know some of them with shady pasts.
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't people on welfare given the chance to get a nice government job to help them off welfare? They do it for military kids with GEDs. What difference in intelligence would there be between the typical welfare recipient and the typical state worker?
We just point the finger at the poor people because they are easy targets. If there is anything we should learn it's that the poor people are not our enemies,
Wow, I guess some people do have a heart. We really do have a lot more in common with a street homeless person that the ultra rich elite asshats. Plus the guy with the shopping cart might want a dollar. The elite simply want it all.
ReplyDelete1:37 Yes, I agree; seeing some of the comments here assures me that the American people are waking. It's a slow process, but they are waking up.
ReplyDeleteThere is always a bad apple everywhere, but I would hope the good will outnumber the bad.
Just when I think every person is a deluded propaganda-absorbed idiot someone (rarely) comes along that can think. When I run across such a person it is great feeling.
ReplyDeleteWhen 99% are so deceived that they can't see any truths whatsoever it is easy to get frustrated.
It is natural for us to judge our sanity by what the groupthink has to say about our opinion(s). That way of thinking must be broken.
No one is waiting to applaud the person who is ready to tell them about truths they have learned that is for damn sure :). Try telling someone about the Federal Reserve or our puppet politicians, not voting, the global warming scam, religious myths, false flags, war on terror scam ... you make TONS of new friends.
I don't think Sam's club closings say very much. With downloading who actually buys any CDs anymore?
ReplyDelete'The Argument Blog'
SAMS club has 'associates'. They're like the mafia.
ReplyDelete'He's an associate of ours'
Wonder if they call their upper management 'friends of ours'
The Sam Walton family, listed in the top 10 billionaires in the United States, knowingly did not provide benefits for their sales force. Rather, the Walton family let them use Medicare/Medicaid, so you the taxpayer chipped in. Those items you bought at Walmart had a backdoor cost to you.
ReplyDeleteThe California Budget.
ReplyDeleteIt was nice to see that state sponsored child care for 24,000 illegals will be cut. No more "Healthy Families" no more CalWorks.
My kid is 11. We had insurance when he was born and lost it a year later. We have never had it since. We are American Citizens and it angers me so, to see most of our Social Services going to assist those criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies.
A lot of class bashing here- "the rich do this...", "the rich do that". I don't see anyone complaining that the top 5% of earners pay 70% of the taxes, or the top 5% of earners provide over 90% of the jobs.
ReplyDeleteNo one has ever reported that the top 5% of earners use less than 10% of the government services, despite paying for most of them.
So, if the government has to cut, it's not going to hurt the top 5% as much.
10:02 AM: Kiddo, you are a delusional whiner.
ReplyDeleteThe wealthiest 1% of Americans own about 35% of all Americas wealth. The top 10% own over 71%. So there you have under 12% controlling 76% of American non-government assets right there.
The lower 40% of Americans, owns far less than 1% of total wealth.
And we are supposed to feel hurt for this top 5% of the people paying for a lot of the services? And BTW child, which services are you talking about? How about those socialized tax supported services like: the military, roads and bridges, air traffic control, and etc?
So falls Rome/Greece/Egypt/Babalyonia, etc . . . we never seem to learn from history.
10:34 why not just disagree without the name calling? Who uses Kiddo? You must be 85. Go look out your window, Tao is trying to steal your Gran Torino.
ReplyDeleteBecause, finger pointing whiners deserve ridecule and belittlement. And now, if you are done with semantecs. Answer the challenge of those facts. The radical and accelerating gap between the 'haves' and 'have nots', and the inherent socialism in even things like military service, roads and etc.
8:32 is nuts.
ReplyDelete8.32 is not nuts hes just a pathetic individual full of self loathing and needs scapegoats to compensate for his own thoughts of inadequacy.He most likely a failure in both is work and social network.I feel sorry for such a pathetic manifestation of putrified pond scum.Its quite possible he may have an oedipus complexe but who the F**k now or cares.
ReplyDeleteThis type of individual should not be ignored he or her is the perfect poster child for "going postal" Thankyou for your attentions messers.
I detest that resemblance!
ReplyDeleteHad a good laugh reading these posts....
ReplyDeleteAs for Wal-Mart, their prices are not that great. You have to pay attention to stuff to really know if you're getting a better price. I buy pet food there because my spoiled cats and dogs won't eat cheaper brand cans. But I don't buy much else. I've found cheaper items at Dollar General.
It's a fact that Wal-Mart picked up new customers from the more expensive stores, but they also lost a lot of poorer customers to Dollar General. I do not see as many people in Wal-Mart as I used to.
One more thing about Wal-Mart: Years ago they used to hang a sign in the entrance that pictured some item made in America. The last time they had that sign up was for six months touting a glass measuring cup. Got to admit it was very depressing seeing that sign. I kept thinking, "Is that all this store sells that's made in America?" Well, apparently that's all there is, because the sign disappeared and I've never seem it again.