Thursday, January 28, 2010

U.S. Households Struggle to Afford Food: Survey

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly one in five U.S. households ran out of money to buy enough food at least once during 2009, said an antihunger group on Tuesday, urging more federal action to help Americans get enough to eat.
"There are no hunger-free areas of America," said Jim Weill of the Food Research and Action Center. Weill said he hoped President Barack Obama would exempt public nutrition programs from a proposed three-year freeze on domestic spending.

Obama has a goal to end childhood hunger by 2015. He backed a $1 billion a year increase in school lunch and other child nutrition programs a year ago.

Nationwide polling found 18.2 percent of households reported "food hardship" -- lacking money to buy enough food -- in 2009, according to the group. That is higher than the government's "food insecurity" rating of 14.6 percent of households, or 49 million people, for 2008.

Households with children had a "food hardship" rate of 24.1 percent for 2009 compared with 14.9 percent among households without children. Twenty states had rates of 20 percent or higher. Seven Southern states led the list.

The figures were based on responses to the question, "Have there been times in the past 12 months when you did not have enough money to buy the food that you or your family needed?" The question is similar to one asked by the Census Bureau in collecting data for the annual food-insecurity report.
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  1. I don't believe this article because as many of you always say here don't trust mainstream media. Why is it that when they say there is recovery we don't beleive them but when they write artiles like the above then we should beleive them? can any idiot here have the courage to answer that?

  2. 10:08 has problems understanding basic logic and cognitive thinking skills.

  3. Factually, 10:08pm is correct. Because this article is published by Reuters (owned by the Rothchilde's) we can't trust it. Therefore, assume the figures are worse than this article states.

  4. Hate to say it BUUUUUUT too many Americans buy crap when they shop...Chips/sodas/microwave food etc etc...They refuse to cook good healthy food...They mispend their money with cable/movies/cigs/beer/pot/toys etc but then cry "Whoa is me!"

    Some have no choice but many do...For the REAL poor I'll pray for you and help those who I know need.

    To the others I hate to say it but..."Fuck em."

    Stop having kids you can't afford with men who won't support you...Finish school...Get a driver's license...Stop drinking and smoking...Being fat is a choice learn to improve yourself...Beans and rice are very cheap and filling with small amounts of meat.

    I should know that's basically all I ate growing up poor...People may need times of hunger in order to appreciate.

    To this day I only buy what I'll eat and NEVER throw away food...Hard times make strong men and women...Only the weak panic.

  5. 11:19 - no kidding, absolutely.

    Few people know why Reuters was bought out by them in the 1880s. A reporter made a disparaging comment about them. That if there were wars, strife and plotting afoot, look around, because there would be a hook-nose Rothschild lurking nearby stirring the pot.

    You can't make shit like that up.

  6. Useless Sheep of Armageddon (USA)January 28, 2010 at 5:36 AM

    no money to buy food?
    yea buy more gold more silver more platinum

  7. The funniest thing about this ?

    Go to the big food dist. centers; every city has at least one where the big rigs come in w/all manner of foodstuffs be it fresh fruits, veggies, meat canned.

    Look /ask where it's coming from --- you'll be absolutly amazed.

    Not only don't we mfg. anything anymore, we're too friggin' lazy to throw some spinach seeds in the ground!

    I know where this crazy train is headed.

  8. What a load of CRAP!

    Times are not that hard. I was recently looking for places to stay up and down the coast, both coasts I might add, for our summer vacation, and I would say at least 80% are booked ALREADY. It's the middle of frigggin winter people, and thousands of coastal retreats are already FULL

    This is just another article to stir the masses and make them think it's worse than it really is.

  9. I'm having a hard time getting 50 yard line tickets to the stuper bowl. Must be good times are here again.

  10. Priorities for many of these people are messed up. They don't have money to buy rice and beans, or basic medicines, but do have it for cigarettes and that neat cell phone.

  11. Everybody Photocopy MoneyJanuary 28, 2010 at 9:31 AM

    i have loads and loads and loads of money

  12. for 6:21 & 12:51, etc: Your so right; several families in my city crying for help got in the newspaper; yet they owned dogs, smoked (and probably drank too) and had kids they couldn't afford. I called the writer of the article and told her their adult slacker children living at home burdening the old couple need to get a life and a job..their priorities were backwards..cigarettes, lazy slacker offspring, dogs that needed to be turned into animal control, etc. I think these journalists that report this crap are encouraging this lifestyle!

  13. If you are hungry and smoke, then send your ass to a fema camp for re-education. If you are hungry and still have a pet, well that is self explanatory. If you are hungry and are in banking then just boost your bonus with bail-out money. If you are hungry and still have a job, then be prepared to lose weight.

  14. Where is the compassion of people? Boy they can be hard as nails. Just because you might have it good does not mean other "good people" do! There is no doubt the middle class have been robbed..The system has turned on it's own people and we all are and have seen it. Yet there are people who act like it never happened.. What is wrong with you people? Are you not awake? Construction is dead. Jobs are hard to get for experienced skilled workers but if you do get one expect $10 an hour in a time of high inflation.. I think some of you high minded people need a wake up call because you are not getting it..

  15. 7:32, I don't think you should encourage people giving up their pets, that is cruel.

    And the reason some people are still spending, those who still have jobs, is that they are too used to the American lifestyle and cannot understand that things are changing; they are trying to keep up the status quo. Really, some of you who post here that things are getting better are so stupid.

  16. I agree with 9:05. Just go to the websites where the unemployed are posting hundreds of comments wondering when they are getting their unemployment cheque or their extension (which is a fraud by the way, not everyone is getting one). People who still have their jobs or are doing ok and have the gall to come here and post their nonsense are both clueless and heartless. Just wait. There are many people on those unemployment sites who used to make upper middle class incomes and are now living on scraps. Hope it doesn't happen to you; actually, I do hope it happens to you because you deserve it more.

  17. 9:05, what these "hard as nails" people deserve is to lose their job and wake up to reality. It's saddening to me that those losing their jobs are actually good people for the most part, not these *ssholes who come here holier-than-thou preaching their self-righteous crap.

  18. Re: comment at 9:05: The reason why those jobs left pay so much is that the gov. wants us to get used to working for less.

    Anyone who can't see through the charade lacks cognitive skills and criical thinking ability: They want to turn the USA into a third world country.

    WAKE THE HELL UP ALREADY. Why do you think they're still letting in foreigners with work visas when our own are unemployed?

  19. Correction to my comment at 12:13

    Re: comment at 9:05: The reason why those jobs left pay so much is that the gov. wants us to get used to working for less.

    I meant to say PAY SO LITTLE.

  20. This is 9:05 I know what you meant 12:35 It is getting so bad I don't know where my rent money is going to come from.. I have been holding out as long as I could. The well is running dry.. It's getting real scary..


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