Saturday, January 2, 2010

Woman Loses Everything in Foreclosure "Mistake"

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 2 (UPI) -- A Las Vegas woman says she needs more than an apology and $5,000 from a real estate company that carted away all her belongings in a mistaken foreclosure.

Nilly Mauck, 31, says she returned to her condominium from a Colorado ski trip to find that in addition to her couch, bed, dining room set and computer missing, irreplaceable documents such as her father's military records, family photographs and her own immigration, medical and financial records had been hauled away, the Las Vegas Sun reported Saturday.

The real estate company, the Brenkus Team of Henderson, Nev., had admitted it meant to foreclose on a neighboring condo and initially offered Mauck $5,000, but she told the Sun that only added insult to injury.

"They came into my home and violated my dignity," she said, indicating she is instead seeking $200,000 and asserting it is "the memories that were taken" that upsets her most.

"There is no question that Ms. Mauck is entitled to fair compensation," the firm's attorney Albert Marquis said. "But we think that her demand for $200,000 is greatly exaggerated."

The Sun said Brenkus has offered her $20,000.


  1. A "mistake"????? WTF???
    The United States is looking more and more like the Gaza Strip everyday. At what point do "forclosed" homeowners begin lobing homemade missiles into Wall Street banks?
    Nip this in the bud: 1) prosecute the banksters, especially those with "duel citizenships," 2) compensate homeowners for damaged and stolen property.
    Either the US Constitution means something, or it is a piece of trash paper just as worthless as Federal Reserve Notes. Either Americans stand up to the "enemy within", or watch idly as Arlington Cemetary gets paved over with strip malls and parking garages.
    Turn off your f***ing TV.

  2. Please don't forget punitive damages. Although the cost might have been minimum, seek punitive damage to insure that those A$$H0#%s never do this to anyone else.

  3. That war is already over. Now it is the time to try your best to take care of yourself and people you care about.

    The sheep far outnumber the enlightened. The sheep will not only not fight they will assist TPTB will our downfall.

    Here we go again. Now into Yemen for paycheck for a false flag cia stooge. It never ends. I just it will end when the Empire's wrath turns inward.

  4. payback, wait i guess paycheck applies too

  5. $5,000 would piss me off also. After that insult, it's hard to accept another offer just out of anger. Drag the RE company thru the local newspapers for awhile.

  6. For 3:13: I couldn't of said it any better. We are a lawless third world country. That woman needs to sue for damages, emotional detress and there are lawyers waiting to do it. Moron Americans- over 95%, would stand by and let the gov trash Arlington cemetary and even the national monuments and do nothing..there are so few patriots left to even matter.

  7. Someone ripped me off for $3,000.00. I won my case. How much did I collect? ZERO!

    If it happens to me again, I won't take it to court, I'll introduce "my little friend" to the bastard and put them out of their misery.

    I'm old, poor and have nothing to lose. At least in prison, I'll get 3 meals a day, health care and a library.

  8. I'm 8 years and almost $600,000 of my own cash in a lawsuit that has lasted 8 years and resulted in a jury award of $147,000 three years ago. The original damages were just over 1 million, so I'm sitting here out 1.6M with 147K award. Still under appeal and haven't been paid a dime. Still throwing 5-10K/month legal fees while waiting for the appellate court's decision. It never works out for the victims- only for the attorneys.

  9. I've been following this web site for sometime now.
    As a Jew living in Israel, I've been impressed with some of the comments about the Jews owning the world's money. Gee - I wish some of that were true. In any case I would appreciate if some of you creators of above mentioned statements would give me some pointers as to how to get a hold of the dough -:)

  10. I was in a class action in 2004; the lawyers get 99%; this was securities fraud with several mutual funds (not the brokers)nationwide, didn't matter if you had 2000. or 100,000 dollars involved..even pension funds with teachers, state workers were involved..most everyone got ripped off. Anyone can google a search on this. The crooks always come out on top, just like in third world countries.


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