Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Next Crisis Will Be A Tax Revolt

14.8 million Americans are currently out of work and looking for a job,according to a report released today by the Bureaus of Labor Statistics. Even if you do have a job, wages have not increased substantially over the last ten years, with one exception: government workers.
Thanks to generous health-care benefits and pensions, it pays - more than ever - to work in the public sector. Economist Gary Shilling fears dubious consequences if state and local workers continue to make more money and at the same time governments raise taxes and cut services. 
"In good times, nobody really cares that much but now we’re not in good times," says the President of A. Gary Shilling & Co. "The basic problem is pay differential, as I see it, and that I think is likely to lead to a taxpayer revolt."
Shilling's point about pay is illustrated well in this recent research by Dr. Mark J. Perry, professor of economics and finance in the School of Management at the Flint campus of the University of Michigan.
According to a December report from the BLS, state and local government employers spent an average of $39.83 per hour worked ($26.24 for wages and $13.60 for benefits) for total employee compensation in September 2009. Total employer compensation costs for private industry workers averaged $27.49 per hour ($19.45 for wages and $8.05 for benefits). In other words, government employees make 45% more on average than private sector employees.


  1. It will never happen, too many sheep still asleep and many will still get some of thier money back come tax returns, just a little treat to dumb them down some more

  2. Why are our servants (govt workers) making/leeching more money (US$75,000) than the masters (median citizen) earn (US$45,000)? When will the American people rise up and refuse to be counted as sheep?

  3. Unfortunately do not see any type of rise up occurring. I see the available office spaces and foreclosure homes on every single block of my city, but still not seeing any public outcry? Where is it? What will it take, and when will it come?

  4. "Every generation needs a new revolution."
    -Thomas Jefferson

  5. Sure, blame the government for everything. I don't even believe in government but I am not going to sit here and say there needs to be a revolt about taxes over all other problems with this country. How about the stupid wars we are in? When it comes to taxes people are just arguing over how many crumbs they should be fed on a daily basis.

  6. I do blame the gubmint for everything 'cause guess what? It's all their fault. Name me one freakin' mess we;re in right now that is the fault of the good ole USA private sector.

    We don't need a revolt - we need a full fledged
    fucking revolution - right here; right now.

    With the exception of Ron Paul - EVERY one of them should be tarred and feathered and sent to the Afghan front.

    These people are using the Constitution as a doormat and meanwhile these progressive elitests
    chisel away at the very freedoms the founding fathers told us they would.

    A moving stone collects no moss - 2, 4 & 6 yrs
    and you are out, out out - we have friggin' 5, 6 , 7 & 8 term Senators COME ON PEOPLE !!!

  7. I do think a tax revolt would be possible. Most people are lackadaisical until it comes to rising taxes. Especially now when most are getting their hours cut -- this does NOT look good. Lots of gov. employee layoffs coming too. Say hello to the end of entitlement benefits.

  8. Too many Americans for a revolt. Too amorphous a group and too large. During the Depression, ppl just slunk off; they didn't dismantle closed banks brick by brick.

    Arms bearing US citizens: Blacks during the civil rights era riots. Whites during the Civil War. Colonials during American Revolution. Small groups, excellent marksmen or good w/ a 2x4 or chain.

  9. I suggest each and every person in Senate, House, Executive Branch (employees) and other spin-off's of these be paid $7.25 and hour. They should get a retirement (Social Security) and health care (Medicaid) and yes if they qualify subsidized housing in a "HUD dump" apartment, and if eligible, food stamps.
    You WOULD see immediate improvement in government, or no one working there.
    Anyway, most politicians are rich to begin with so why pay them the big bucks?

  10. I'm a card carrying member of the Establishment and I want a tax revolt, right now!

  11. 5:46 pm
    you have got to be kidding, right? Name one thing the private sector has screwed up? Lol How about the unmitigated greed of selling this country's manufacturing sector for the sake of shareholder value? Or the greed of private sector unions? No? Not ashamed of that? Probably not. Careful what you wish for... IMHO

  12. Sheep don't revolt. They are led.

  13. 7:50 You forget that the reason the private sector sold out this country's manufacturing is because government regulations and union demands killed their profitability. A move offshore was usually all that was left for them to do - when you try to make a buck in the US and compete with foreign imports there is no way a company can survive. Thus all the crap placed upon private enterprise (OSHA regs, union demands, SSN payments, unemp benefits, workman's comp, Fed and State income tax, legal insurance costs, etc) kills them - thank the US government and unions.

  14. Has anyone every seriously questioned WHY Americans are so distracted and many are still not waking up? Or am I wrong and are people really waking up? Why is everyone on facebook so oblivious? Why are most people oblivious? Is this a nation of idiots or are people just scared and don't want to think of what is coming?

    So many questions and so little time.

  15. Well, did you hear that MTV changed its logo? That's pretty big news right there.

    The government didn't kill the profitability of the malls. It didn't create the housing bubble, although it helped it along. It didn't create the myth that a healthy economy is a continually expanding one, although it certainly parroted that notion. Now that we have over-extended ourselves the economy is retracting, like a rubber band, one that will likely never bounce back.

    7:16 hit the nail on the head. Most of us are reliant on the establishment and simultaneously moan about the taxes used to pay for it. Stop being a consumer. Furthermore, if you really want to revolt, get out of the system and don't pay taxes.

  16. I'm sick of hearing about this so-called "government" It should have only enough politicians to get by. One per state and you actually have to WORK. Their are only a few real people that would take these jobs. Top pay for a Senator of a state $98,000/yr max. The rest (lobbyist congressman ) can get in the unemployment line like the rest of us and dont mention your past employment (especially in the line).

  17. 9:15, the average American is clueless and has been Zombified by shows like American Idol or sporting events. This Once great nation has lost its way and this time it may be for good.

  18. It cant happen to America! just kidding. That is what most sheeple think

  19. 915 I believe we are a nation of idiots. They dummy up our children in the public schools. They teach little on how the government works and they do not teach the importance on maintaining our republic. If you try to explain it to most people they say it doesn't make sense to them. Even supposedly educated people say that can't be bothered with politics. I say everybody refuse to pay taxes, work jobs that only pay cash, cut off any connection from the government that allows them to control and to know your personal business. We are the biggest bunch of fools if we think the government has the answers to all of our problems. Compared to what we pay in taxes, we get very little in return. We need to revolt against the government robbing us of our hard earned money and freedom. Most people don't think anything bad is really going to happen. People say they will do something when things get reaqlly bad. By then they will be to weak from hunger and fear to do anything about it.

  20. Ea since when do you review comments before posting? What happened to my post? Or is it really the government reviewing my post?

  21. I used to daily visit the Orange County Craig's List. The R&R section I thought was the pulse of public opinion. I have not been there for a very long time. You see the R&R's are mostly about:

    - Men hating women
    - Women hating men
    - Everyone hating illegal Mexicans
    - White guys with lifted trucks
    - Neighborhoods that look like ghettos, thanks to the illegals
    - Mexicans hanging out at Home Depot
    - Illegals working at McDonalds
    - Illegals driving drunk with no DL or insurance.
    - Anchor babies
    - Illegals getting all kinds of free Public Social Services
    - Loud Mexican music, not to be confused with Latin music of Central and South America.
    - Lousy service at Target stores
    - White trash and Walmart

    The list is endless. Sheeple are just that. Sheep are clueless. They must have a Shepard to lead them and protect them. They can do nothing on their own. Sheeple can not think for themselves.

    I did not watch the Super Bowl. I care not about sports

    Michael Jackson dies and he is the top story on every MSM news broadcast for weeks on end.

    Madonna and Britney swapping spit

    Janet Jackson and her "wardrobe malfunction"

    Britney and Paris forgetting to put on some panties.

    Coverage of the Conrad Murry trial. Did he murder Michael Jackson? It's a conspiracy theory!

    Gay Scoutmasters

    Lesbian Bishops in the Anglican Church

    Need I go on?

  22. No, you really don't. You have shown your ignorance and intolerance clearly enough, just like you usually do on this blog every single day.

  23. Your prediction of a tax revolt has been pre-empted by The Unions. It has been supplanted by entitlement strikes. Obviously, the next revolt is here, it's violent, and it's Union.


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