Saturday, February 13, 2010

Really Depressing Jobs for the Economically Depressed

As the Modern Economic Depression continues to expand and unemployment rises, job seekers struggling to make ends meet have increasingly ventured into hazardous occupations they are often ill-equipped to safely navigate. Perhaps formerly ensconced in a quiet corner office or at the reception counter of a boutique hotel, and now desperate to survive financially, they rigorously compete for jobs with some of the highest injury and fatality statistics in the Nation.
Reality programming such as Deadliest Catch and Ice Road Truckers have not only romanticized hazardous occupations, but have also given the broader populace a window into how lucrative these jobs can be. It is not surprising then that the competition for dangerous jobs has never been so fierce. With even hazardous jobs now beyond their grasp, desperate and chronically unemployed citizens are turning towards the last frontier of rarely-sought employment: Really Depressing Jobs.
As Congress dithers, focused solely on the financial welfare of bankers and labor unions, the job landscape for the rest of America is deteriorating rapidly. As a result, employment conventional wisdom is being turned upside-down. For example, the phrase ‘Going Postal’ once described a sudden, irrational workplace killing spree. However in the current economic environment, an announcement that someone has ‘Gone Postal’ is cause for celebration as they have just landed a good paying job with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS).
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  1. I was really kind of hoping that this article was serious as I was hoping to apply for one of these depressing Jobs- the sad thing is, even if the banker fluffer or cue card holder jobs were real, I am so desperate for work right now that I would apply for them. I won't lie, people.

  2. I'm scared to death of how our fat well-armed spoiled fellow citizens are going to react. But we deserve it. In a world view - if you have running water you are richer than 90% of the population. But we DESERVE it right? We've EARNED it right? Well, perhaps before, but for the last 20 years or so we've simply been holding a gun to the worlds heads and demanding they accept our debt.

    Its time to pay up. But I think we are pussies, and rather than pay up - we would rather nuke the planet in an obese spoiled American tempertantrum. But I hope I'm wrong!

  3. 12:22 your reasoning is obnoxious at best. It seems you don't know what side you're on, but assuming from the tone of your writing here, it seems you'd include yourself as one of these "spoiled Americans."

    As spoiled as Americans may be, it doesn't make sense for chastising a people who still hold on to the last bastion of freedom, or at least did, up to a certain point -- would you rather that we all settle for a third world lifestyle and dictatorial regime? Is that what you want?


  4. Dear Editor: I like the font of your article here, it looks more professional and it's easier on the eyes.

    Just wanted to make that note.

    And your articles are always top notch.

  5. Adding the fact that Boomers will be retiring this year, with all the decreased tax revenues, you can bet your bottom dollar (no pun intended) that this year will be the year of government job lay-offs. We've had them before, but this will be the year that hurts not only more private sector workers, but also public sector employees. That is also why you are reading about more prisoners being let out earlier and earlier, so that prison employees can be laid off. I have also read about police and firefighters being laid off. This will not bode well in combination with the prisoners being released, in fact, prisoners being released en masse was a factor during the fall of Rome according to one of my professors.

    Yes, all across America, you will see government employee lay offs. It IS coming. Just wait and see . . .

  6. What's wrong with you 12:22?
    Why don't you love your neighbor as yourself?
    Or is this how you love yourself.


  7. Yes, government lay offs must occur, government must dramatically shrink. It is a cold mathmatical reality. At this time there is no other feasible solution. It will be painful, it will cost me dearly.

    Although I served you honestly, faithfully, and at great risk to myself, I realize my sacrifices are of little concern for the greater good.

    After serving 8 years in the military and 21 years as a sworn police officer I retired. I was never a supervisor, I was always on the front line. I believed in protecting you from the horrors at hand and the bad men watching in the dark. My retirement will collapse. I re-entered the market, now working as a manager for a security company.

    I am thankful for the employment. Keep your family and loved ones close, assist others when possible, and always act with honor.

  8. Sammy davis the candymanFebruary 13, 2010 at 2:08 PM

    watch the mainstream media closely theyre in collusion with the current administration and military industrial complex and are begining to massage the Iran situation .Wars a coming.This elist scum will do whatever it takes to deflect public attention away from the economic collaspe.Iran however will be no pushover.If the us does proceed it will spell the end America period.The end game approaches.The scum bankster and polictical lackeys are getting very desperate.The bullshit smoke and mirror show is rapidly loses its ability to maintain smoke.Viva la revolution.

  9. 1:40 there will be many govt layoffs but the problem is it is only the states and locals finally doing it - The fed govt just keeps cranking the printing presses and doesnt downsize - they even had the nerve to give them all a 2% pay raise this year while everyone else in the country is going without.

  10. @Sammy--
    Yes, Iran, but we will have to get them to "do something bad to us" first. Then the citizens will put on their American Flag T shirts again and say go get "em.
    Goes down like this: First Israel sends some F16's over there with bunker busters. Iran then goes off and shoots stuff back, but also hits "US Interests". The first time, President goes on TV and says "You bastards better watch out--don't do it again"! They do it again. Citizens get pissed, write songs about the USA, and wave flags and tie yellow ribbons on trees.
    The Reserves are alerted (if there are any units that aren't already). There is a big build up (if it hasn't already been done) in the middle east.
    More failed diplomacy--more build up---warnings---trains of equipment heading to ports. Meetings with Gordon Brown (televised).
    One final "you bastards better stop this stuff".
    (televised). United Americans now on a "war" footing, anxiously watching MSM every day for "when" the next shock and awe will happen.
    (TV appearance, prime time): "OK jerkwaters, here we come"!
    That's the scenario I see. Sorta copying Desert Shield/Storm.

  11. 12:08 - It took Obama what --- about 6 friggin' months just to figure out a troop increase in Afghan ???
    It'll take this moron a decade to figure out what to do with Ahmadinejad - I mean the dude has basically pissed in our morning coffee for barry's entire first year.

    "Gone Postal" ?? your serious right ? let's not forget EA - this is a "company"??? that's roughly 4 BILLION in the RED my man - that feels like a safe job to me - yeah - uh huh.

    I also totally agree w 12:04 - recently here in the N.E. we were snowed in for 4 days - 225,000
    gov't employees in Washington got to stay home -
    take a friggin' GUESS what that costs us per day?

    If your thinking 50 million your 1/2 way there !

    A DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. 12:08 - You need to back up Hombre.

    You also need to LISTEN to the venom This dude
    spews forth ( yopu can google his speeches doesn't get any easier than that ) he has basically called for the genocide of the American people; totally denied the Holocaust ever happened; called repeatedly for Israel to be systematically wiped off the map - I mean this is one twisted son of a bitch brother - and now his own populace know he regained power by fradulent method.

    Shit will hit the fan allright; but we don't have to start anything - he's doing a superb job all by his lonesome.

  13. the postal service
    were do i start
    everytime i go in the post office looks like no one cleans
    when im shipped something 4 or 5 times they dont know where it is then they find it after i ask someone eles to look
    the postal general had me ship something i was told i could track and i couldnt
    personaly they look like they do me a favor buy takeing my mail and if im lucky it will get there
    i wonder how many go threw mt mail when i get it opened
    every day in america it seems like its harder and harder just to get your mail
    if i had to do it over again i would have become a cop or postal or anything goverment
    free ride all the way meanwhile supporting the goverment and waveing the flag
    as the poor slobs working tell them stop complaing

  14. 6:13---Yeah I know all about the guy. My point here is that to make yet still another war, and don't forget "O" is a non war Demo, the citizens themselves have to demand it to get him to do it.
    If the voters want it, we will be there.

  15. Really many layoffs were there during that period of time...But holding the courage was very good option...So because of that many were laid to depression also.

  16. Here are my predictions for future jobs: junk dealer, rag picker, flea market seller, and thrift shop employee.

    Oh, and we should reinstitute the apprentice system. We need shoemakers and more people who can repair the Chinese electronics and appliances that stop working after three months.


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