Monday, March 15, 2010

25% of Welfare And Food Stamps Go To Illegal Immigrants

Nearly one-quarter of state welfare payments and food stamps issued in Los Angeles County go to children whose parents are in the U.S. illegally, according to January figures released today.
Supervisor Mike Antonovich offered the statistics, generated by the county's Department of Public Social Services, to help make the case for enforcing the nation's borders, establishing health care clinics on the border with Mexico and reimbursing local governments for unfunded state and federal mandates, according to his press deputy, Tony Bell.
The numbers show that more than $50 million in CalWORKS benefits and food stamps for January went to children born in the United States whose parents are in the country without documentation. This represents approximately 23 percent of the total benefits under the state welfare and food stamp programs, Antonovich said.
"When you add this to $350 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for health care, the total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year -- not including the millions of dollars for education," Antonovich said.
Shirley Christensen of the Department of Public Social Services said, "Our mission is to aid people who qualify and are eligible to receive benefits. We're carrying out the laws, federal laws."
Christensen emphasized that those receiving benefits were eligible for aid as U.S. citizens.
More Here..


  1. Anchor babies, you gotta love them.

  2. And we wonder why we're in trouble ? This situation is not just localized in L.A.

    Most large cities face the same situations with "those poor minorities" as well = and coupled with gangs and thousands uopn thousands of "other PROGRAMS " they are ALL BROKE.

    The honest working men and women of this country
    are in serious danger of being outnumbered by the deadbeats who by the way have had uncle sugars number for the last 2 generations - some of these "families" are 3rd generation welfare
    and make more than the working man.

    Pathetic - but our day; she's acomin' fast - these states that started all this crap are broke
    when they finally realize that tax reciepts are down 50% ------- the programs; they will stop.

    Don't forget to load the .357 tonite !

  3. The 25% figure is off slightly, try 50%. Course if you are watching the TV news, they're telling you 15 million illegals in the US? Ha HA HA, try 50 million. There are 3 million in Houston alone (Houston Chronicle). 10 Million+ in TX.

    And don't forget their other perks like free medical and dental, never get arrested for anything, free education, free food, NO TAXes, FREE EVERYTHING (except 24 packs of beer)...Every wonder why so many Mexicans want to come to the US?

    Everything is OK! Continue watching your TV's.

  4. Hey i just heard the president of the boys n girls club of america a non profit organization makes a million dollars a year .We wonder why america is broke

  5. Jake,
    We must start to pick our fights or we'll all be brain dead in a year. There is so much going on & I think that Obama is a master at flooding the
    propaganda machine.

    It's not that we shouldn't be concerned about these types of inequities; we should - but we gotta keep our eye on the ball. A Million dollars
    a SECOND is leaving the coffers on these deadbeats listed above ! EVERY SECOND !! WE can't afford it man !

  6. I was coming home from work last week. A couple of Hispanics in a nice late model Caddy cut over two lanes and plowed into my right quarter panel. My car is about a year old and was in new condition, not anymore. The guy took off running through two schools zones with the 20MPH lights blinking. I tried to catch him to get a license number but when he pulled away from me doing 60+ in the first of two school zones I told the 911 operator it is not use, I cannot stay up with him.
    I was told he probably had no insurance so to go file on my own policy. Go figure, I pay taxes, obey the laws and get F*****. I guess you could consider me just another American Idiot.

    Thanks Clinton, Bush and Obama along with Con--gress for all you have done!

  7. Why are we importing poverty when we should be taking care of our own?

  8. The problem might easily be solved if the "illegal" workers were actualy paid proper wages and conditions instead of being forced to live in poverty.
    In the meantime ,these workers are often the most physicaly productive workers and do the dirty jobs allowing an easy lifestyle and big pensions for "official" americans. The baby boomer Whites are getting old and are not reproducing enough young real prouctive workers to pay their old age pensions.They need more cheap labour "illegals" to support their lifestyles.
    After all 47% of all americans ,not just "hispanics" earning under $50,000 pay no feeral taxes .

  9. Hah, you think all this is funny?
    How about the 7 million plus illegal immigrants that Bought $380 thousand houses in 2007 and 2006 and 2005 and 2004.


  10. Hispanics are the people too and we seek representation in the governments.
    And besides, the only reason the Mexicans
    come to America is so they can have
    their own Ford F-250 duallie with chrome
    everything and a 600 hp Allison transmission
    CUmmins engine turbo diesel.

    And you're own towhook.

    Guess what the towhook is for.

  11. I once had a Japanese college student live with my family for a year. One night she asked if she could view my "Pearl Harbor" DVD. The next day I asked her what she thought. She told me that Japanese kids are taught a very different version of Dec. 7, 1941.

    Mexicans are still taught that the North West United States belongs to them and they must take it back. They know exactly what to do, once they cross the border. I have a house on the next block that has 3 families in it, 14 people in a 3 bedroom house. This is the norm for them. They all get every social service available and they keep making more and more anchor babies. Meanwhile Arnold and ICE do nothing to stop it.

    I would be happy to grab these invaders and drive them back to the border and push them through the turnstile at the Tijuana border, but I would be charged with kidnapping and then sent to prison forever.

  12. anonymous 8:30 you are so right.can't reason with ignorance. if only they could understand N.A.F.T.A and the effect it had which is tossing everyone into the arena to off each other while the elite enjoy the fight.figure N.A.F.T.A out,the answer to the "problem" lies within...

  13. Illegal Mexicans are not my enemy. The Oligarch owners of the Fed are much more responsible for the destruction of this country. Illegals are just an easy head fake for them. Focus on your real enemy. You have more in common with the poor immigrant than you do with the trillionaire Oligarchs that direct your life.

  14. Yep, the common man is your friend, the crooks and thieves in charge are your enemy.

  15. Keep blaming the poor while the rich keep lining their pockets. Soon to be popular saying in Texas; Thomas Jefferson, who's that?

  16. 10:58

    It's mind boggling how easy it is to make a napalm bomb out of a mason jar. A very good 2 dollar investment.

    End the Fed

  17. Don't worry everybody as soon as Barry is done here wif hef care fer evrione; we be all oda
    thez here immigrint preblems fer sure

  18. dumbya bush doo gu job heh, bush gif helfcare to illegal and let them come all tehy wan aftir 911, w was so gud at finsh off usa

  19. Immigrant is different than Illegal. Most of those Mexicans come to work and pay into the system which they never collect anything back. Is it easier for an immigrant, to try to collect unemployment without a valid SSN ? Or to have deducted from their paycheck Medicare and Social Security that you will never get back? First one happens .001% and they get jailed for fraud, Second one happens to millions every payday. Many of this immigrants are bailing out US Citizen benefits and retirements and god knows what else but this figure of unclaimed deductions is astronomical. Dot let the anti-immigrant rhetoric and the talk boxes to lie to you. The “Legal” vs “Illegal” is their way to polarize opinion, there is no black and white (we wish everything was that simple), unfortunately, there are different shades of gray.


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