Thursday, March 25, 2010

Majority of Japanese Airports in Debt, Face Closure

The majority of Japanese airports are facing serious financial problems and may be forced to close unless they attract more passengers, according to a Japanese Ministry of Transport survey, reports the Japan Times.

The survey indicates that 72 of the 98 Japanese airports have low viability. One of the main reasons is that huge amounts of money have been invested in the construction of new airports while both the actual and estimated amount of passengers turns out to be disproportionately small.

A large part of the construction costs were covered by landing fees and fuel tax subsidies, which in turn were paid by airline companies. The survey concluded that the underachieving airports should look to the more successful ones, and a review of the current estimation methods is encouraged.

More Here..


  1. And i'm supposed to care ?

    Not !

  2. 5:53 why are you here its about the coming economic depression, not an American Idol blog, wrong place numbskull.

  3. 5:50 - it was 5:35 you Dislexxikk dipshittttt

    Who the hell really gives a shit aboiut a country
    that we blew the living shit out of; completely rebuilt; stole most of our post war technology and used it to grow into the worlds 2nd largest economy before imploding on itself after dumping
    trillions of Mazda's and Honda's on our shore.

    I could give a shit - hope the entire country slithers into the Pacific

    Beautiful man - just beautiful

  4. The great Japanese share and property bubble was smashed by the dominant economic power manipulating its currency value upwards by demanding that the Japanese revalue its currency value downwards. The Japanese puppets were stupid enough to do what their masters said.
    You can read about it here .The Plaza Accord.

    Japan its share market and property values, its economy have never economically recovered from that since the plaza agreement. ‘Stimulus” spending to try and get their economy functioning properly and profitably again by helping America out of trouble has sent them bankrupt.

    The Americans now seek to impose the very same currency manipulation scam on China to try and save America bacon in the same way again . Americans are making threatening noises forgetting that it is their own multinationals that are making the bulk of the cheap labour profits from China. The MNC buy a pair of socks for 20C and flog them off in Wal-Mart for $5 .A great source of American profit and G.D.”P’. The margin of profits China itself makes on these MNC sales of socks is already very very thin.

    Will the Chinese do as America says and accept a Plaza type solution by destroying the value of its own currency and suffer a Japanese fate so America can recover?
    It is not only America that has big bubble problems. Accepting the Americans as masters of the Chinese currency will burst the Chinese share and property values bubbles as it did in Japan .And unemployment will soar.
    Will the Chinese be as stupid as the Japanese were, or stand up to America and remain masters of their own currency and economy?


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