Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Junk Bond Avalanche Looms for Credit Markets

When the Mayans envisioned the world coming to an end in 2012 — at least in the Hollywood telling — they didn’t count junk bonds among the perils that would lead to worldwide disaster, Nelson D. Schwartz writes in The New York Times.
Maybe they should have, because 2012 also is the beginning of a three-year period in which more than $700 billion in risky, high-yield corporate debt begins to come due, an extraordinary surge that some analysts fear could overload the debt markets.
With huge bills about to hit corporations and the federal government around the same time, the worry is that some companies will have trouble getting new loans, spurring defaults and a wave of bankruptcies.
The United States government alone will need to borrow nearly $2 trillion in 2012, to bridge the projected budget deficit for that year and to refinance existing debt.
Indeed, worries about the growth of national, or sovereign, debt prompted Moody’s Investors Service to warn on Monday that the United States and other Western nations were moving “substantially” closer to losing their top-notch Aaa credit ratings.
Sovereign debt aside, the approaching scramble for corporate financing could strain the broader economy as jobs are cut, consumer spending is scaled back and credit is tightened for both consumers and businesses.
The apocalyptic talk is not limited to perpetual bears and the rest of the doom-and-gloom crowd.
Even Moody’s, which is known for its sober public statements, is sounding the alarm.
“An avalanche is brewing in 2012 and beyond if companies don’t get out in front of this,” said Kevin Cassidy, a senior credit officer at Moody’s.


  1. America is the greatest country on earth, all is well, the economy is booming, I have never seen the usa in such good shape and obama is the greatest usa president ever!

  2. While I believe this story, I have to laugh at Moody's threatening the US' Aaa rating. Heck, haven't they been threatening the rating for more than a year now?

    Hell, we all know this country will NEVER PAY ITS DEBTS BACK!

    Enough talk, just lower the rating you PIGS!

    Of course they won't because they are all on the take.

    As for the first poster, I love the sarcasm!!!!!!!!!!

  3. usa will always have a triple aaa rating, even if a nuclear war breaks out, the usa will still be top rated at everything, including healthcare, education, economically and we are still number one in finances, and everything else

  4. Can we add this to tanking residential real estate, tanking commercial real estate, the reset of ALT mortgages, the derivatives blow-up, naked short selling, nobody buying bonds, etc.? Kind of interesting how it's all happening around 2012. Now all we need is to have the next war start soon and we'll know for sure.

  5. 11:53 11:44 11:28 is the same 12 yr. old that is posting these non-coherent sentences one after another..PAID DUMB as HELL SHILL?

  6. Noodles123-F*ck I hate all this tension...I would just rather have it come crashing down so we can rebuild instead of dying by a thousand mini-cuts.

    Then I start thinking about it and rather have the crap and lies go on because in the meantime I can prep and still enjoy life before it gets really hard.

    But I am getting older and as we postpone all we're doing is making ourselves weaker...We need to get this shit done...It will last a few years...People will suffer...The crappy people will riot BUT it's better to handle business while I'm strong then wait till I'm weak and old.

    Thoughts? Comments? Recommendation on Tin Foil Hats or psych meds?

  7. There will be plenty of money to buy the bonds. Ben will make it so.

  8. Oh yeah. I'm gonna print so much money everybody will have lots of it!

    This makes fundamental sense to me.

    Mboo boo botwsana swahilidad alekim hasaan malanovich bestoon faswili a bum bum.

  9. CASH IS KING, BUY AMERICAN $$$March 16, 2010 at 4:06 PM

    USA is the top country and always will be, it has been decided already. Way too many resources, they just won't let the public know about them. Bankrupt many other countries first, then we start to use our own resources, it's all part of the plan. There will be hard times but nothing like other parts of the world, and all this talk about the $$$ going by by is bullshit..........ain't gonna happen for a long time, years for sure and nothing that anyone posting here will ever see, in spite of all the gloom and doom posters that are hoping to barter with silver dimes and buy farms with gold coins,LOL

  10. This guy is a weiner, he don't know nothing. This guy must be talking about the bonds in a junk yard or what? Business at my Walmart store is booming, my TV told me the economy is in recovery and HEY, I'm gonna get me some free health insurance,thanks to Obama.

    Stick to watching baseball or basketball, HEY, is March madness great or what? I'm gonna buy my 24 pack and enjoy some good ole American Basketball, yep, that's what America is all about, Baseball, Beer and Chevrolet Pick up trucks.

    Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran-I CAINT WAIT!

  11. We all know war is profitable and peace is not.

    I so wanted to see Wall Street crash and burn.

    When I was younger I was a machinist and all the work I did was related to war, death and destruction. My fingerprints were all over the Sidewinder missiles used in the first Gulf war. These days I'm old and tired.

    Have a look at "Taxi Driver" some day. Travis started off OK, a vet just trying to make a living in NYC. More and more, he didn't like what he saw happening around him. Some would say he went nutz or was a victim of PTSD as we would classify it today. The film ended violently. There's a lot of Travis' across the nation, all in various stages of development.

    I can't see things ending any other way.

    BTW, my local gun shop is still very busy these days.

  12. some these comments seem like propaganda bs fearing people will learn the truth.


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