Monday, March 29, 2010

Leaderless Resistance: Divorcing the System


The Illuminati fear only one thing: non-cooperation.
We are in total control of our fate and we can quickly make this NWO nightmare go away by taking just a few simple steps. I'll propose four, which I believe are key and are easy to achieve, but there are more and will leave it to the intelligence of all out there to be creative on this one.

1. Take your money out of the bank.

We know about Fractional Reserve Banking. We know that our savings are multiplied by at least 10 and than lent out at interest rates of five to ten percent. If you take 100,000 out of the bank, you take away up to 100,000 income for the bank.
Take your money out of the bank NOW. Buy some silver coins, pay off debt or your mortgage. Invest it in local enterprises so that the money is doing some good work. Better yet, start looking for local currencies to pay with. Defeat usury!

It not only protects your wealth (because in the next round of insolvencies, which is expected shortly, savers will have to bleed too, they can't expect the taxpayer to compensate them endlessly), but also destroy that vampire squid we call Banking.
We know we are dealing with a Central Banking cartel, so why are we putting our money there?

2. Take immediate control of your health.
Health is not the absence of disease. Creating vibrant health is one of the major opportunities for everybody in this lifetime.
Health is not acquired by visiting doctors. Far from it. Iatrogenic disease is the number one cause of death in the US.

In 2001 783,936 people died by Allopathy. 'Only' 553,251 died of cancer, but you must realize that many of those actually died of the chemotherapy, radiation and operations they took.
Did you know there are only five known instances of dramatic decrease in mortality rates in communities worldwide? You know what these instances had in common? There was a doctor's strike. After they resumed their jobs, mortality rates quickly got back to their former level (

How do you create good health? There are three major items: finding spiritual peace, a wholesome diet and the avoidance of toxins. Easier said than done, but for most people even a few steps in this direction would quickly result in profound effects. Educate yourself. Build a network of natural healers. Discuss health with your friends and family. Avoid doctors and their bizarre concoctions. Realize that the word Pharmacy is etymologically linked to the ancient Greek word Pharmakopeia, meaning 'sorcery'. Don't put your health in the hands of others, but find your own resources.

3. Avoid Multinationals

By saving a dime at Walmart, you are allowing a dollar to get out of your regional economy. You are backstabbing your neighbor. Go shop at his or her business. They can invest the money back into your community, instead of sucking the community dry with Chinese Slave Labor.
Saving a dime there will have your kids end up begging for a little job there. Shopping at your neighbor will allow a thriving local community with far better economic opportunities for yourself. Think a little longer term and don't whine about the short term loss. Buying locally is an investment that is absolutely sure to pay off in the longer term.

They are luring you with a little discount. Don't be a fool falling for it.
Avoiding getting your gas at Exxon is difficult, but it is good to realize you are supporting some of the main sponsors of the Iraqi Genocide and coming World War 3 starting against Iran.

4. Don't vote; don't write your congressman and don't sign petitions.

You know what you are showing them when you write them? That you are a good little serf pleading with his master.
More Here..


  1. Very well done article; I agree 100%.

  2. You should vote regardless if you think its useless or not.

  3. This article is total article. EA - please don't post right-wing conspiracy crap on your blog. It's a major disservice to your regular readers who are politically mainstream Americans concerned about the economy.

  4. Correction to 4:08 AM post: This article is total garbage.

  5. Actually the article is very good.

  6. While I agree these are good points (except the no voting), those of us living in "Reality" or "Patriots" will be identified by our tyrannical government as "homegrown terrorist". They will swat team us at our homes, taser us and send us off to Camp FEMA, or kill us on the spot. Remember, the tyrannical govt can do what it wants without fear of anything going public, since the MSN is controlled by the govt.

    Study the history of the Soviet Union, Germany in the 1930's or Italy. This is the way it was done back then, identify the "resistance", label them "Treasonous" or "Terrorist" and take them down.

    Sorry, but its time to face reality.

    I understand it's good to have hope, but hope is merely a "feeling", it means nothing. I "hope" I win the lottery. I "hope" the economy gets better. I "hope" we don't attach Iran.

    The Patriot movement offers no solutions to taking back our government. Voting is probably NOT going to work. Besides, playing the fake left/right paradigm is useless.

    The government has the means and the weapons to take us down, and I look for this to happen soon. When the criminals in DC pass the new internet bill, then I believe that will be the starting point.

    The only ace in the hole I see is the economic collapse, this may wake a few sheeple, but to what? We would still have to organize and figure out some plan. Don't know what that would be. I am open to ideas..

    Leaving the country is the only solution I see, and for me, that is not possible. One needs $$ in order to do that, I ain't got any, or not enough.

    As previously stated, "we are screwed".

  7. My comments for this post ended up on the Credit Crisis outrage below this article.

  8. 6:12 said: "The only ace in the hole I see is the economic collapse, this may wake a few sheeple, but to what? We would still have to organize and figure out some plan. Don't know what that would be. I am open to ideas.."


    If this was organized and carried out across the country for 8 weeks the losses would be devastating to the tax collectors. Also, if everyone would take a non-vacation day on the same day it would also help to send a message to the people that rely on your mindless spending and tax collection.

  9. 6:48 This is the only thing that will work. You can't physically fight them. You can't win with a vote because all parties are packed with corruption and they will continue to torture us with new laws, taxes, regulations and wars.

    Stop spending, it is the only way. Cancel all paper subscriptions whether they are magazines or newspapers.

    Stop spending. Christians did boycotts of companies through their organization Focus on the Family and it worked.

    Stop spending.

  10. This is not a right-wing conspiracy theory article, its a hard-left conspiracy theory. Quit posting articles from blatant anti-Semitic groups. You know the country is in deep, deep doo-doo when people resort to the ancient, deep-seated prejudices and hatreds, beginning with rambling conspiracy theories.

  11. I buy my food from the Hyvee. I only buy what is on sale or a loss leader. When they are giving away chicken breasts for under 1.00 a pound I buy a lot of it. I do not buy any processed food and I have become a master at getting the deals there. They have a lot of buy local products. I do not buy anything at the Walmart grocery isle. I buy bird seed and shot gun shells from Walmart as well as some of my garden plants and dog food.

  12. Shotgun shells at Walmart!! I'm with you there 7:04am!! Good deals to be had!!!

  13. The only thing Walmart sells that isn't Made in China!

  14. When the first wave of men left their transport boats and attacked Normandy, I'm sure they were all scared beyond scared. Most of the first wave were killed, but not all of them. That's all a battlefield commander can tell himself, "they can't get us all", many will die, but they can't get us all.

    I wrote before about the possibility of 500+ people entering the House and Senate and then find your State or District seat and take it. The DC police will arrest the first wave, only to have the seats taken by the second wave of citizens and then the third and fourth and... This round about would continue till all the jails and detention centers in the area are full. Just imagine what it would be like when it's time for the arraignments of thousands of citizens, all demanding a trial by a jury of their peers.

    How do you pull it off, you say? I have no use for IM's and Tweets, but I guess this is one method to spawn a "Flash Crowd" or whatever you call them, when a large group of people arrive at a common area and wait for the Tweet, to tell them it's time to act. Generally it's harmless, it would be side splitting funny to see 1,000 people in Grand Central Station all start brushing their teeth in the middle of the place, for all the world to see. To take over the Congress, it would also send a message to our elected officials that your party is over, you are fired. Pack up your toys and get out!

    Remember the members of the DC Police and the Military took an oath to defend the Constitution and I would hope in the end, no one would be arrested or hurt.

    I'll bet you all had this happen as a kid in school, "you took my chair! I'm telling the teacher!"

  15. 7:33-Me thinks you full of bull. I don't think your idea would solve anything, besides getting a bunch of people in jail. And it's highly unlikely you would ever find that many people willing to "storm" the House floor. You are bordering on violence, Violence will NOT work and should NOT ever be advocated.

  16. 7:33 Even if all of the people wore shorts and a t-shirt and carried no weapons or bags. They would be beat up and some killed. This isn't Russia or China... I am telling you some would get killed. The best and only way is to stop spending now.

  17. @2:57 AM
    Voting-means playing their game on their terms. If you want to vote come in with a big fat felt pan and cross everyone out. That's a vote - a vote of no confidence. What you tell the bastards is that you know they are all empty suites and skirts and you'll never vote for them. I would just add one thing-stop paying your mortgages-let the system collapse.

  18. A reference to the Normandy invasion was about as close to advocating violence as I could read into that comment. Yes, even if everyone were dressed in their underwear and barefoot, people might still lose their lives over this. The government is out of control, no one can deny that.

    Please come up with a solid plan for taking back our country that does not include violence or voting (since voting is a waste of time, til we return to the old fashioned ballot) and I'd be happy to pound my sword into a pruning hook.

    ...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...

    It has been a VERY long time, since we had a government Of the People, By the People and For the People, instead it's a government of the Corporations and Lobbyists, by the Corporations and Lobbyists and for the Corporations and Lobbyists.

    And yes I have watched the news. If the word is true, that a militia group was building pipe bombs, then those responsible should be tossed in prison and have the door welded shut.

  19. EA, it would be nice if the comments on this blog were moderated.

    There used to be nutcases on the automatic earth blog, but then they moderated the comments and it is much nicer. The crazies are gone, or at least, deleted.

    You do not need the likes of 7:33 wrecking your blog.

    It would be nice to have a blog where peaceful, constructive, helpful, ideas are discussed, no violence or illegal acts.

  20. EVERYONE saying violence is not the answer is a; scared,brainwashed,pandering,nonpatriot,and wrong. you in your true opinion know. real problem is we all know it's time to do something real but we are unfamiliar with one of our foes tactics which is splinter cell(lone wolf)we are used to standing shoulder to shoulder with our fellow americans. right now we are just letting ourselves be gang raped!!!!!!!

  21. Still waiting for that plan to take back the country without violence or voting...

  22. 10:37 if voting wasn't fixed then you should vote. BUT IT IS! Google it, voting is FIXED! VIDEO PROOF: View it here

  23. 10:23 Can't you read??? Stop spending. It won't take but a few weeks if it was done in mass. No buying means no MFG. and no taxes. Then they will listen. End of story, it is the only way.

  24. I don't know how violence comes out of stop spending, take your money out of the banks, perhaps don't vote. I don't see the correlation between these actions. This is an ECONOMIC BLOG not some militia BLOG...and its ONLY an article. If you don't agree with it, wait for the next one!

  25. Starving the beast will get it's attention, for sure. But there will be blood and don't forget that. I read this blog twice a day and feel it is a winner. But remember the fedgov is out for blood and it may as well be yours, as far as they are concerned.


  26. Mr. or Ms. 10:59

    I stopped spending 2 years ago when my employer fired me, instead of offering me a pay cut. Even with a pay cut, I'll bet I would have earned more than the $520.00 I get every 2 weeks as an unemployed professional.

    I have always been a non-violent person. I was a cop for 3 years! I stayed alive and never hurt anyone in the process. When I was a kid, everyone wanted to kick my ass, but I always walked away. They called me a pussy. One day I had enough, one kid would not stop fucking with me, I finally had enough and I hit that kid as hard as I could in the side of his neck. He cried like a little girl and NEVER messed with me again! Violence is NOT the answer, but sometimes it's the only option we have left.

    So for EA, yes this is an economic blog and it's all about the eventual fall of the USA. I will do everything in my power to prevent that. So far no one has come up with an idea that excludes violence. WE HAVE NO PLAN TO STOP THIS MADNESS! The government and that joke POTUS Barry Sotero need to go. We need to start over with a new Congress and President that understands that We the People, will NOT submit to a NWO!

    Please tell me what does my eleven year old son have to forward to?

  27. Your son will look forward to joblessness, homelessness, Tyranny the like of which have not been seen since hitler and the collapse of the USA, That is what he has to look forward to.

  28. Since this board will not let me edit a post after the fact, I'll say again,

    What does my eleven year old son have to look forward to?

    Complete loss of freedom?
    "Please show me your papers"?

    Not on my watch. Not as long as I'm alive.

  29. EA, do not ever delete a single comment. If you do, you are no better than the tyrants that working full time to wipe out the freedom we have had, to speak freely for the past 234 years.

    Can the Feds trace this post back to me? I'm sure they can and I don't give a rip.

  30. after you post go to the feedjit page, located under the green columns on the right then hit delete my ip address, you will see that it has a number attached to it, that means it is recorded and stored with your ip on it, not to scare you but that is what is happening on this site!

  31. Sorry click on watch in real time, then click on remove my ip address and you will see there is a number attached to your post, click to delete it and then press ok.

  32. Your son will look forward to poverty, naked body scanners, complete loss of freedom, cameras watching you all the time like they are now in London, being told by healthcare what you can and cannot eat, how to live your life day by day, just like nazi germany!

  33. 8:54 ALL IP ADDRESSES ARE not saved by me nor are they viewed by me, unless GOOGLE or BLOGSPOT saves them or views them. I don't care who posts what. Its not that I'm making money here, folks. This is a FREE SERVICE.

  34. Most often ignorance and confusion is what leads to acting on violence to solve matters. That is the case with some on the extreme right. In their confusion as to how this is all unwinding they are looking for those to blame and how to get it back to where it was. The mistake in the french revolution was to believe that you cuold kill off all the evil rulers and replace them with good rulers. Still, of course, you had the same system that led to corruption and abuses like those of today.

  35. 5:03
    Wrong, Wrong , Really Wrong

    Look to history and some of the most "brilliant'
    minds of our times who turned to violence to solve "matters".

    Shall we start wit -- say Sir Winston Churchill"
    or would you like to go back another generation?
    Or another ? or another ? or another ?

    You ------ get the point ?

  36. You're missing the bigger point here.

    Did you read what I said? The mistake is killing off "the bad guys" and still maintaining the same system which engenders all of the problems in the first place. I guess that is the problem with patriots. They worship the flag and idolize the "good old days". It's time to look to the future to a better way, not live in the past, specifically 1776-1786. Get on board or get left behind.

  37. no established government has ever relented power peacefully in recorded history. there is only two choices.


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