Thursday, March 18, 2010

Taxpayers Money Given To Bank Regulators For "Superior Work"

Banks weren't the only ones giving big bonuses in the boom years before the worst financial crisis in generations. The government also was handing out millions of dollars to bank regulators, rewarding "superior" work even as an avalanche of risky mortgages helped create the meltdown.
The payments, detailed in payroll data released to The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act, are the latest evidence of the government's false sense of security during the go-go days of the financial boom. Just as bank executives got bonuses despite taking on dangerous amounts of risk, regulators got taxpayer-funded bonuses despite missing or ignoring signs that the system was on the verge of a meltdown.
The bonuses were part of a reward program little known outside the government. Some government regulators got tens of thousands of dollars in perks, boosting their salaries by almost 25 percent. Often, though, rewards amounted to just a few hundred dollars for employees who came up with good ideas.
During the 2003-06 boom, the three agencies that supervise most U.S. banks — the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the Office of Thrift Supervision and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency — gave out at least $19 million in bonuses, records show.
Nearly all that money was spent recognizing "superior" performance. The largest share, more than $8.4 million, went to financial examiners, those employees and managers who scrutinize internal bank documents and sound the first alarms. Analysts, auditors, economists and criminal investigators also got awards.


  1. This blog site has become alarmist and delusional....posting very slanted and bias using iranian quoted web sites as legitimate's becoming to ridiculous for me

  2. NPR National Public Radio is slanted 9:25, but so is FOX NEWS. I listen to and monitor all news sources so that I can glean a modicum of truth and information. I know when I am being led and when I am being skinned. I hope you would too. NPR is a good resource, you just have to think about their position and motive just like any other source. And no I am not EA. He can speak for himself.

  3. Any news is more truthful that the MSM trash spewed forth here in the USA 24/7

  4. Main Stream Media is for fish that are all swimming the same direction. Unfortunately every single MSM and cable outlet are all fricking Magazine Shows. They are for entertainment not for informing you about what is going on. Fox only talks about the healthcare issue and the occassional car chase in California. Beck on Fox talks about what is going on constitutionally which I appreciate, but he thinks that we are going to solve all of this by voting. Beck may be afraid of being arrested... that may be why he calls most Americans nuts for speaking in terms of possibly having to defend our country and constitution, because he doesn't want to be accused of in sighting violence. If it were not for the internet I wouldn't have any idea what was going on in the world.

  5. cnbc fox cnn
    are all garbage news infact so many people i talked to today know its all trash propaganda.
    yea they support america but lost trust in goverment this is 1929 all over again.
    when i watch the losers on fox cnbc cnn
    spew there lies and deciet i wanna puke
    all big buissnes no jobs. more laws to take away our rights and there all giggly
    those news channels as well as the congress have become traitors to america
    and earn the title benedict arnolds
    i dont waste my time wacthing them buy gold

  6. Beck lost all credibility when he attacked 9/11 truth. He is given a script, talked about this and that, but don't step over the line. Like Bill Maher and others. To give you the impression you are really listening to some cutting edge truthful stuff, but actually you are just looking up to a shill.

  7. 9:25 If you can't stand face painting don't go to the circus.

  8. @ 9:25, please list the news groups that you listen to, specifically the ones that warned everyone about the coming financial and housing bubble BEFORE it it hit. Otherwise you can go and listen to FOX, CNBC, and the like and you can feel good about the good ole USA that has always had your best interests at the center of Government.

  9. NBC is owned by General Electric. Will NBC ever report anything that makes GE look bad? Do I even need to answer my own question?

    ABC is owned by Disney. Will ABC ever report anything that makes Disney look bad? Do I even need to answer my own question? I live near Disneyland and there is a huge labor dispute involving the Hotel California. You will never hear about it on ABC 7, Southern California.


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.