Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wall Street Gives Bonuses Retired City Workers Lose Pensions

PRICHARD, Ala. (WALA) - A bankruptcy court judge has given the City of Prichard two more months to figure out how they will pay retired city workers. Prichard pensioners have gone six months without a pension check.
Prichard is operating under the protection of Title IX Bankruptcy, and for many people, that means no promised pension payments.
After six months with no pay, Prichard pensioners put their faith into the courts. They hoped a judge would force the city to pay some, if not all, of the pension money it owes. However, the bankruptcy court judge said the city is not obligated to pay the retired workers just yet. The judge gave the city two more months to restructure the budget and present it to the courts.
The city got more time, but unfortunately reality has already set in for Bobby Holifield and his family.
"You can't begin to know the stress of this. My daughter is in college right now, my son just graduated from high school, he wanted to go to college. My daughter had to miss last semester in college and she will have to miss this semester. I can't afford to pay it. My son wants to go to technical school; I can't afford to pay for it. It makes me feel like a failure more than anything, when I did my part. I worked 32 years to get my pension. They owe it to me, it's not something I'm asking them to give me," Holifield said.
Prichard's attorney Scott Williams said the city is working diligently to fix the budget and figure out how it will pay the bills.
"We still have a lot of work to do. The city is busy working on a lot of the budgeting issues about what is realistic, and what they can do on a going forth basis," Williams said.

There are roughly 150 pensioners who are going without their payments. At this point, Robert Maybry and his wife want whatever the city can give.

More Here..


  1. For those that figure on these pensions, better figure out other means of $$$ as these stories will become commonplace very soon. In fact, EA will have to set up another website if he is able to follow all the problems that these municipalities will suffer from down the road; it will be a case of so many in the news that only local news will cover it.

  2. I don't think that the city workers should get any pensions if the rest of us get a middle finger. The same applies to the rest of the government. The government income and pensions should be directly tied to the economic conditions of the country. The rack a country-they get nothing. No pensions, no salaries. No medical care. Nothing. Guys, don't think they can run and hide. In other countries gangsters also like "wealthy Pinocchios". Do you think Pelosi or Reich can run to Mexico and live happily thereafter. No, the Mexican mafia will quickly fleece them and through on the street.

  3. If anyone here thinks there will be ANY pensions available within the next 5 years, including your Social Security, you are delusional.

    Now go back to watching your march madness..

    And SHUT UP!

  4. This is an outrage, as situations in Calif (state pensions, etc)and other cities/towns have same problems. As for paying for kids college, there are pell grants; also, like my generation, these kids can work and go to school, helping out as adults. Both my parents worked and finished college during ww2, while living at home.

  5. Thanks Laura for your comment.

    The Prichard pensioners situation is unjust, but shouldn't stop the children from getting a higher education. I had eight brothers and sisters, but managed to work and pay for school myself. I was determined to change my situation at all cost. It sometimes seems the younger generation looks at secondary education as a right and not something to be earned.

    If you want it bad enough, then go get it.


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