Saturday, March 20, 2010

IRS to Hire 17,000 to Collect Penalties If You Don't Pay Health Care

House Ways and Means Republicans on Thursday assailed a provision in the proposed health care reform bill under consideration this week.
Subcommittee on Oversight ranking member Charles Boustany (R-La.) said the IRS provision in the bill "dangerously expands, in an ominous way the tentacles of the IRS and it's reach into every American family," he said today during a press conference.

"This is a vast expanse of power," he said.

Boustany said the bill would allow the IRS to confiscate refunds if there are penalties for not buying health care.

Lawmakers have questioned whether the IRS can handle the increased workload to oversee, administer and collect penalties for people who don't buy health insurance.
"This is increasing tax liability and tax scrutiny," said Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.).
Ranking member Dave Camp (R-Mich.) said many Americans have already rejected the call for health care reform for other reasons and an expansion of the IRS should only add to call to "kill the bill."

Taxpayers could be required to buy insurance under President Barack Obama’s reform proposal by 2014 or face penalties of roughly $325 per individual that the IRS would collect.

More Here..


  1. We all need to let the Military know that we support a "coup" to remove these traitors from office and allow an emergency election to replace ALL of them, from the "president" on down. This is not about politics anymore, this is about a marxist/progressive takeover of our free society!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. @ 8:58

    Well said - and it's only going to get worse :(

  3. 8:58; That's exactly what I'm telling everyone as the only hope to save this country!

  4. I don't have the money to buy this. I subsist on about a dollar a day. I work hard, I choose not to get married and to not have any children because I recognized that I don't have enough income and support a spouse and to properly raise children, and I'm STILL right on the edge of economic survival. This makes me angry.

  5. America is now somewhat analogous to a computer that has become hopelessly infected with viruses and malware. The only way to restore proper function is to wipe the hard drive clean, reinstall the operating system, then reload any useful software and and utilities. Similarly, the government must be wiped clean, the constitution reinstalled, then all the various useful government functions restored. A hell of a job but likely the only way to return to full democratic function.

  6. Military COUP!! WHHAAATTT!!????
    M I L I T A R Y?

    Like this ever ended with Citizens on the right side...
    Forget military - they need to support a representative in the chain of command who can lawfully file charges and remove the unconstitutional actions of the Executive, Legislative branches (not that the Judicial is all that insulated from political pressures, but the Supreme Court should hear such a petition from someone the People trust in government to enact such actions...

    Will it work or go far, probably not! realist about it... BUT I prefer a non-military removal of the federal government by state governments (dissolution of federal government - since it the states that created it) with the military acknowledging that they would not follow illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional orders from the executive branch to fight back, in other wards, back us up and reconstitute new elections and really thin out the federal bureaucracies!
    Now will the states do this...? Some are enacting 10th amendment resolutions to show some 'balls' but again they already have the power, just not the political balls to do it without wishy-washy 'more' resolutions...

    Otherwise, citizen arrests!!! In everyone's own state for their representatives and for the Executive branch, they have to leave Washington DC some time. 50 state arrest warrants for all members of executive branch!!

    Good luck to everyone...

  7. Stop fretting about the future of the USA - it is done as a free country, if it ever was one.

  8. 10:12 is a smart person.
    Nice analogy.

    The major problem we face is our infected servers are in control of lots of very dangerous military hardware and won't let us get anywhere near them.

    What now?

  9. The firs post has a good idea, but.......I am afraid, having figured out how this mafia operates, the top army command is also elitists who would not do anything against the government and the banks. For them it is a money making machine. Do you guys remember a conference Rumsfeld gave on 9/10, a day before 9/11 and what he sad? He said that 2.x (I think it was 2.2) trillion dollars are unaccounted for at Pentagon. Who can refuse this money making opportunity? Look at general Betrayus who is pushing for the Iran invasion. I hope by now you Americans have realized that your country is being destroyed. I still believe we the people can beat the mafia. You gotta understand that their strength in our stupidity. Their most powerful tool and weapon is money. We have to beat them with this tool. We have to chock their money flow. Everywhere. Taxes, mortgages, credit card payments-everything that makes a penny for the banks and ruling elite. Do you really believe that if we all would not pay our mortgages for two-three months and withdraw cash from our accounts they would manage to survive? Just yesterday 4 more banks filed. The crooks are transferring your cash accounts to more “lucky” banks while wiping out investors and shareholder of the failed banks. What are they getting? Free cash for the Wall Street casino. This is why the DJI keeps going up. Not because the economy is getting better. No. My strong believe is that you can only fight money with money.

  10. Here is the link to his speech.

  11. And people wonder why would some guy take a plane and plunge it into an IRS building....

    Don't wonder any more... Know your enemy..

  12. The Police state continues. The sheeple are excited to watch their "March Madness" as our country is taken away from us, one piece at a time.

    We are very close to collapse, and the sheeple will herd up and do what they are told. Baa FEMA camp, Baa IRS debiting your bank account, Baa the internet filters, Baa Kill Al CIAda terrorist, Baa Bomb bomb bomb Iran!

    We are done here in the good ole USofA!

    Read 1984 and take a current look at N Korea and China...TPB were nice enough to at least tell us in advance.


  13. Screw'em, just be happy folks. Move to the hills and live off the land. If revenuers come looking then shoot, shovel and shut up..

  14. dont pay mortgages, dont pay credit cards, take all money out of banks, only pay with cash for what you need and we can bankrupt them, then they will have no teeth to do anything with.

  15. My 2009 earnings amounted to $14K, all of it from UI payments. How does this worthless POTUS think I can buy health insurance? Oh he's gonna take my refund if I don't buy... my refund was ZERO.

    The only thing I have managed to save a lot of, is lead, .223 to be exact.

    Only in Hollywood movies does a true patriot in Congress, gain the trust of the population and then go after the POTUS.

    Excellent idea anyway.

  16. Well we did have one call him a liar during
    his speech.

  17. the irs will be receiving lead, not money

  18. Okay. When and where do we meet to get together and get the job done and quit just talking about it. The Russians are ignoring their government and forming a new one. People need to know where to meet so we can get rid of the traitors of the constitution and replace them with people who are loyal to it. How can anybody believe this can't be done there are more average Americans than there are politians and most of them are out of shape worms. Maybe it will take great oppression before people are ready to truly do anything about it.

  19. Go to and sign a petition against the health care bill. Do it now let congress know that if they vote for this bil they will be out in november.

    Try anything to stop this

  20. Nobody gives a crap about Bush now. It's that liar non citizen Obongo that's the problem now.

  21. No, he was just a puppet of the Oligarchs, just like the one in there now.

  22. single-payer would avoid this bureaucracy

  23. This is terrible! Protests in Greece protest in Russia and Prichard USA don’t these people have faith in god ,in the invisible hand, or even the US Constitution or the market?
    In the end Capitalism makes everybody permanently better off as we can see in the capitalist countries in the rich and third world too. The sheeple in Prichard should go back to sleep. They had a vote didn’t they ?
    Take America for example . Privately run Medicare in the US is the cheapest and Best in the world
    Thanks to free enterprise.
    There are no hidden socialist costs . It’s the best of all possible worlds. It’s a proven fact just leave it to the market to self regulate as it will deliver freedom and choice for many who currently go without and in the great USA they do not have to wait in queues for cheap second rate socialist Medicare they have in other rich countries or like the Russians once had.
    It well get even better for the U.S. healthcare industry now as the privately owned insurance companies compete in the marketplace for profit with your enforced bigger contributions for mafia an virus protection. It will all boost the national profit recovery now clearly underway
    underway. After all I think Americans currently only contribute about 17% of GDP to the insurance /health care industry now so there is plenty of scope to improve the percentage . After all many non insured millions do not contribute much to that 17%
    Normally I would say, the government should butt out ,and not interfere with private enterprise that is clearly doing such a good job. Government should stick to their current business of printing money ,looting america for the rich in the great american tradition. And continue to leave it all up to the free enterprise healthcare market that has done so well up till now for all americans .
    But ,whats a few fines on the poor and middle class anyway compared to the great advantages to the insurance companies that will be patriotically helped on the path to “recovery” by the government, in a win-win private /public health care partnership that any corporate state should build to help out the profits of free enterprise in a time of crisis.

  24. Govt doesn't give two shits about the citizens.
    Ask the Citizens of New Orleans about that.
    Forced healthcare insurance will create yet another huge money pot that the Govt will steal and hand to the Banksters down the road.

  25. “Take a look at China and North Korea” . China is now an environmental “communist”
    Nightmare, poverty for most of the people with the newly rich delivering near non -existant medicare and multi-national companies sucking up most of the profits .
    In the other nightmare of the third world Nth Korea the government appears more patriotic under the so called “Dear Leader” number 1984 who is said to live on imported delicacies and corruption Juche. But seems to still believe in National Independence Patriotism and Self Reliance.
    The crazy third world buffoon won’t even turn the MN Companies and Globalism loose!
    He should be taken out too its un-american!
    A journalist Pepe Escobar not usually known for being pro-communist recently had a look and reported on North Korea it doesn’t seem to be imploding after all. He said very strangely;
    “Each neighborhood is entirely self-sufficient - with its own schools, kindergartens, nurseries, clinics, a people's hospital, shops, rice cookeries. Some sort of private initiative goes on - street stalls mobbed by long lines selling sweet potatoes, vegetables, fruit, chestnuts or ice cream. Shops display their sparse, standard products in neatly arranged rows. This is indeed a garden city - nearly 60 square meters of green area per person, better than virtually any city in the developing world. And although it's the industrial center of North Korea, there's virtually no pollution.”
    Now we already know just how true that vision of reality can really be!
    It’s a good thing we can still get the usual and proper non- propagandist world view on Nth Korea from Voice of America and Fox news on the dangerous “Stalinist” anti-American values still rampant in that part of the third world

  26. Democrats promote abortion to cull out the poor and ignorant and now they are setting up a vehicle to better pay for it and jail those who don't or can't buy into it. You can't easily make babies from jail.

    These guys are creeps for a lot of reasons and I agree that if the military created a coup against all politicians in D.C. and demanded an emergency election to replace them... I AM FOR IT.

    We need to remove any and all nukes and weapon systems from California and remove them from the Union as soon as the coup begins.

  27. we need to remove toothless jesus fckers from the south quickly, they are lowering the gene pool and creating more welfare leetches

  28. Dude, try to spell leetches correctly if you're going to accuse anyone of 'lowering the gene pool'

    Also, a high IQ is not necessary to sort of 'get by' in most areas of life, as you and the ducks outside my house prove daily. Don't ask for a world for of intelligent people such as myself or there will be no room for the likes of you, you would be erradicated post haste.

    Jesus Is Love, and sometimes Love is a brutal 250lb bald headed skinhead Aryan Brotherhood motherfucker with a hatred of anyone that speaks badly about Jesus.

  29. Ok 4:13 , you got me there.
    Jesus did in fact create teh gays.

    Ok I don't hate teh gays.

    As a matter of fact, just this morning I was thinking of that song 'careless whisper' by

    I ain't never going to dance again
    Guilty feet have got no rhythm!

    Catchy tune!


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