Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Celente: They Will Invent An Enemy To Start A War

"It [war] is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

There is much more going on when wars are waged than just bringing freedom and democracy to the countries which we invade, and it comes at the expense of the lives of our fathers, mothers, daughters, and sons.

Self interest, with no regard for the lives of others, drives those like the bankers funding the wars, the corporate interests profiting from the natural resources that are conquered, and the politicians who use war as a way to scare the population into keeping themselves in power.

It's not just Gerald Celente who believes that governments have no scruples when it comes to war and empire building, but economic adviser Marc Faber, as well. Both of these men have accurately forecast trends over the last three decades, and both warn of impending wars as politicians at home attempt to deflect blame for the economic distress being caused by their policies. This financial bust, according to Faber, will not end well:

"I think eventually there will be a big bust and then the whole credit expansion will come to an end.

Before that happens, governments will continue printing money which in time will lead to a very high inflation rate, and the economy will not respond to stimulus. The average family will be hurt by that, and then in order to distract the attention of the people, the governments will go to war.

People ask me against whom? Well, they will invent an enemy."

When Americans are protesting en masse in the streets because of lost jobs, lowered wages, foreclosed homes, higher taxes, broke pension funds, a worthless dollar and restrictions on their freedom, they will be blaming the politicians who got us into this mess. Mass protests of this nature can lead to riots, which can very quickly lead to violence in the streets.

Out of fear and self preservation, politicians will respond the only way they know how: blame someone else. In this case, it will be not be finger pointing at each other, but rather, they will collectively point their fingers at other nations, and those nations' leaders will subsequently point their finger at us.

There are many scenarios that can play out in the future, including hyperinflationary meltdown of our currency, a slide into a severe deflationary depression, or a peak oil driven economic collapse, but the long-term trend, the end result of any of these dire scenarios, is one that has been proven time and again throughout history: war.
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  1. i agree with everything gerald celente says and marc farber
    we are in a time when many refuse to see the writing on the wall
    i read history all my life and study human nature
    basicaly we are screwed
    they talk about jobs
    what jobs where?
    no benes no retirement only the few that work for goverment
    many are outraged but few will listen
    i seen this coming years ago
    good luck

  2. Celente predicted this along with the anti immigration sentiment a year ago. Look what Arizona just passed into law. Sure, 25 years too late but a step in the right direction.
    How about Iran? You can hear the drum beat of war getting louder each day. Get ready for a military Draft in order to put people back to work.

    this is our top cereal grains breeder read what he says in the paragraph down towards the bottom of this page , and look at the grain yield charts , and also read the reversal on unsustainable population growth Norman Borlaug is said to have , but in the middle of this reading there is a statement by the current advisory team advising our President like John Holdren and his Co author Paul R. Ehrlich who are quoted here as saying , " The effort to continue to feed the world is over ! "

    But this health care and cap and Trade is about so much more than we all are being told … its why the Government officials don’t want the same health care coverage …..

    read this site , under the Title " Global Situation " link on the website page between the Titles " Preamble " and , " The Way Forward " ,
    in this they talk about a Predictions coming from the physical sciences foresee disturbances in the geomagnetic, electromagnetic and related fields that embed the planet causing significant damage to telecommunications and impacting many aspects of human activity and health.

    Ervin Laszlo and David Woolfson
    for the Club of Budapest

  4. and then check the quotes out at this site , scroll down and see what Ted Turner has to say .....

    these 2 links are promotions of Marxism , which the Green Revolution is based around as is laid out here ; pay attention to the words Karl Marx and how they try to blend it with Capitalism .... Science czar John Holdren Recommends population controls

    Google this guy Paul Ehrlich , hes a co author to Our Science Czar John Holdren and is advising our President Obama too . How to Control the AMERICAN Population by Paul Ehrlich , this guy says American First has to be brought under control to then be a Model for the rest of the world in terms of population control , but we are already a Good Model , and we should NOT have to give up our Liberty , but they see Freedom as the enemy to not be a Hypocrite with such measures ;*2YAwbJKNA0ynjqNMPkAWc364um0hFryXrnCiwz7Aj0us0lz6nMDxpOErKkoOFI1yQyJxaBvmUtOCg37l0c/14211548HowtoControltheAMERICANPopulationbyPaulEhrlichThePopulationBombBrentJessop.pdf

    United Nations Agenda 21

    fits into the plan of the population reduction

    Population control called key to deal , I think this is why we saw the health care bill target elderly folks with restrictions on treatment with Medicare cuts .
    this is a UN agenda 21 plan for forest lands to speed up the rate of famine
    this is Obama's Plan for our forest lands , he wants the USDA to subsidies the planting of over 50 Million acres of our Prime Farmland in the Midwest to Trees , just trees , so we can speed up the famine rate , did we the people get to be a part of this debate ??? creating the crisis to then look like the savior ????? thats what they did with the Financial sectors in the world under the control of the Club of Rome .

  5. Poor Iranians. Haven't fought a war in hundreds of years except the one we started when we gave Saddam WMDs and turned him loose. Then there is our clandestine Empire, lashing out for profit in every direction.

    Iran is a threat to no one.

    Remember REAL history. In the 50s, Iran was a more 'free' country than we are by far. It was not kissing the corporate/cia/military industrial complex's ass quite right so we wrecked the place.

    We are the problem. Also have been.

  6. Because Americans only believe what gives them comfort, the next false flag attack will be as poorly executed as the last one. A similar, ridiculous story.

    Disappearing planes at crash sites, removing 30 billion in gold the night before, 13 terror drills running the same scenario on the same morning, thermite in the dust, buildings falling straight down in 10 secs flat, it just doesn't matter.

    No great creativity needed. Do the deed and then point the finger. The sheep rally behind the incident and the perpetrators, to defend the homeland (nice Nazi term). We lash out. Kill, torture, maim, profit.

    Rinse, repeat. What a deluded populace of frightened morons we are, just sad as hell. This is god's country my ass.

  7. They have already chosen the enemy!!! Christians, gun-owners and anyone who believes in the U.S. Constitution are the enemy. Obama and his Demo-Nazis hate these people above all others. The demonization has already started. Look at how the Tea-party protesters are portrayed....kooks, morons, malcontents, guilty of sedition. Anyone who disagrees with Chairman Zero is a racist!! The MSM is more than willing to destroy anyone who defies their false messiah.

  8. Gee ya think?

    Al CIAda, Timothy McVeigh, WMD's, The Lone Gunman, the underwear bomber, the boob bomber, the shoe bomber,fill in the blank...

    Yet the dumbed down moronic mind controlled TV addicted sheeple believe what their tv's tell them, Al CIAda around every corner, terrorist=Constitutionalists, Christians, Pro-Lifers, conservatives, blah blah blah...

    The word is a nuke strike sponsored by the US govt in a city near you. Better get ready, its acomin!

  9. 1043 and next election if a repug wins, they will demonize liberals, people who dont like guns, tree huggers, people who are pro abortion, non violent people will be made out to be violent.

  10. A good false flag and all the silly GOP vs Dems goes out the window. Full Marshall law. Food distribution via the camps. The USA will change into one giant (non clandestine) prison camp overnight.

    The sheep might as well be treated like sheep openly. Herded into boxcars, fed a ration of food, then put into labor.

    The days of our fake freedoms are coming to an end. If you are older and have enjoyed the fake Matrix for most of your life, I bid you congratulations. If you are young, sorry, but you are screwed. You will be a subservient slave to the state.

  11. Your savings, your property, everything will become the domain of the state for the general use of the public overnight. Own a big home? The 'troops' will be camping there, you are out.

    This all started well before the staged 9/11 attacks. The pieces have been put together for decades.

    The war on terror is often called fake and there is good reason, it is, but it is actually a war against freedom; a war against YOU. Not one person from the Middle East attacked the US, but 1.2+ million were murdered; before that, 1+ million plus were starved out.

    Do the sheeple really believe they will get better treatment? Answer is no btw.

    The Political Zionist Oligarch bankers have had a plan for our destruction layed out since the early 1900s. It is working flawlessly.

  12. We live in historic times ,the economic death of the “White Settler” Amerikkkan ethnoi as a valid mode of economic existence that has now lost the validity of its organising concept. Profitable Plunder. Everything has a beginning and an end. Each ethnoi ,or way of life , once organised as a society with control of a state , poses itself and its members interests in opposition to the interests of all other existing ethnoi or peoples in the world.
    The original American colonies , formed and solidified itself in its Independence as a United Ethnoi with its own state and constitution the USA . America the Brave” was first organised as improved capitalism under the land surveyor and speculator and “Great” military Khan “Gorgeous” Washington and his ideological Ethnoi organisers .The great “Liberty ” Jefferson ,the imported English rabble rouser Tom Paine ,Franklin and the like, who promised in a written contract and declaration to deliver “The Rights of Man’ , in the form of a free land/plunder reward for any volunteer willing to serve in the new horde as “Americans.” That God ,the Supreme Being, would “Bless” America.
    This now independent American ethnoi once armed with a state , immediately set out on an accelerated armed expansionist empire building stage of plunder . Like a White or Golden Horde of Mongols ,spreading right across America destroying all resistant ethnoi in its path with guns. At first with an idealogical justification of ‘lebensraum” and of spreading a Christian civilised agricultural way of life, but with the rise of industrial capitalism with the additional justification concept later added , that the White Settler Horde was the bearer of “Progress” under the ideological catch all banners of ‘American Values” and equal reward for “Individual” labor .
    In so far as the seized rent free land and capitalism and labor was productive . Wealth, besides that needed to meet just the needs for the annual reproduction of the society , could be accumulated and a portion of the accumulated profits was indeed reinvested to increase that productivity .Most of the white Horde America in the end gained a shared the wealth of a vibrant rich productive industrial society.
    The White Horde Khan leaders of the finance tribe sector , however were not satisfied with just the internal “Progress” but began to export some of its accumulated wealth as ’Capital” to extract tribute from other lands too. This was the last fling of Glorious Days Of The great American Khanate of plunder.It was so successful for a while in that ,that the now bribed White horde ethnoi turned fat and lazy living on credit. They had turned into passive sheeple ,easily milked by their own Finance Khans for the wealth they themselves had accumulated as their share of the plunder.
    They forgot that in the long run a society cannot live on plunder or credit alone

  13. RICHARD RALPH ROEHLApril 22, 2010 at 7:29 PM

    Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad (off).

  14. RICHARD RALPH ROEHLApril 22, 2010 at 7:31 PM

    Where there is no insight, the people perish!

  15. RICHARD RALPH ROEHLApril 22, 2010 at 7:32 PM

    Ass-Ass-In-Nation... is a politician's ultimate achievement!

  16. RICHARD RALPH ROEHLApril 22, 2010 at 7:38 PM

    The UNITED $TATES OF PERPETUAL WAR PROFITEERING (and it's ethno-racist Zionist masters in the apartheid theo-crazy of Israel)... is the greatest threat to the survival of humanity. The vicious and violent beast that capitalist/fascist Amerika has become must be $topped... lest the whole world will die.

  17. Can't we just think of another better way to put folks back to work?

    Better yet, let the wealthiest folks call a conferece and put their heads together.

    After all if the rich own a disproportionate share of the wealth, let them take it upon themselves to put folks to work.

    Whether it is war or anarchy from civil discontent, the rich and their property are at risk. So they should take heed.


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