Wednesday, April 21, 2010

IRS: No More Cash In Las Vegas!

Attention Mac Daddies, Slim Shadies, Easy Ladies, and Bernie Madoff wannabes: Your days of using Strip nightclubs and ultra-lounges as a cash playground could be coming to an end.

The Internal Revenue Service is messing with the Vegas Rules again.

The incredible cash flow of the clubs has attracted intense interest from the IRS. In an effort to make the cash transaction reporting rules clearly understood, IRS agents from the criminal and civil divisions recently conducted two meetings with more than 40 high-level local nightclub managers. Las Vegas IRS Special Agent in Charge Paul Camacho confirmed the meetings.

The prevailing theme: Monitor cash customers responsibly, or Uncle Sam will.

"We're not trying to do a gotcha," Camacho said. "We said we know the majority of people who come to this town are legitimate. This is all about following the rules. The casinos have to do this, and the nightclubs the have to do it, too."

It also sends a message.

"We're a dynamic agency," Camacho said. "We make an assessment of what goes on in a town and adjust accordingly. We're in Vegas. I can't think of another place in the country where we have these types of clubs. They can't look me straight in the face and say they haven't had customers spending more than $10,000 in cash. They can't. ...

I'm not so sure. Fact is, Las Vegas has long benefited from an underground, untaxed cash economy that's circulated from the casinos, through the cab companies and strip clubs, bars, restaurants and throughout the rest of the community. To a lot of local working stiffs who live by the Vegas Rules, Camacho is speaking a very foreign language.
In recent weeks, the IRS held similar meetings with strip club managers. The clubs spend millions in cash each year on limousine and taxi drivers to deliver customers. The drivers, in turn, commonly kick cash to casino door personnel.
What's the big deal with customers dumping their bankrolls at the nightclubs?


  1. I wager that in less than a year, at least 1 IRS tax collector is found dead in the desert.

  2. The thugs want their cut.

  3. Once Vegas goes into a money drought the whole "gambling town" system collapses! Things that happen in Vegas will no longer 'stay in Vegas'

    Good night from the high desert...time to pack up the truck and head anywhere else!

  4. 12:44, Which thugs, the Mafia or the Government? What an underground war that will be!!

  5. the irs wants this depression
    nevada is bankrupt1253
    is right i would close down first
    time to go intanother buisness
    wonde who will be the first victim for the irs to bust
    its funny bernie madoff moved 150 billion but these thugs wanna catch 10 grand
    theres othing illegal about cash
    last time i looked it was usa currencey
    like the credit card companies are legit
    w have no jobs our infastructure sucks
    lets blame te hookers
    ha ha ha

  6. sorry about my spelling it was the great schools i went to

  7. Looks like elitist casino owners, aka mafia is being challenged by bankers collection agency, aka irs.

    Too bad we the slaves, will probably never hear what really happens, as the fantasy main stream news will report how great things are in vegas.

    Hello sheeple, now go back to watching your tv and SHUT-UP!

  8. I will match tomorrow's top contributor to this blog. Get your wallets out.

  9. Suspicious Minds says:

    The IRS is merely doing the bidding of the bankster elite. By conficating (through taxation or warrantless seizures) any excess reserves of fiat currency the Middle Class might still have socked away, the elite will increase their ecomomic hegemony.

    Once the fiat reserves are thought to be gone, your PM's will be the next fair game

  10. 12:54 of course the IRS is just the thug/enforcer for the bogus Fed.

    Ron Paul had a snowballs chance in hell because he openly said he wanted to kill the Fed/IRS.

    If by some miscalculation by the Oligarchs he would have made it into office, he would have immediately contracted Cancer or caught a bullet.

    No one messes with the Oligarch's pride and joy.

  11. 1:32 You forgot heart attack or suicide.

  12. The Polish dude that filmed what seems to be gunshots happening around the crash site of the Polish plane where the entire Polish government was killed last week has been murdered.

  13. I pretty much figured that was no accident. Killing people via plane crash or explosion is a favorite tactic of the Oligarchs. When you kill 200 to get to one person the naive don't believe it could possibly be murder. Or in the case of the Titanic when they killed 1200+ to get to three. The list is long.

  14. the only money in vegas in on the strip, the rest of the town is a ghost town, take a trip one mile in any direction of the strip and you see, whores,cops, criminals, homeless and crime everywhere, only on the strip it looks good, everywhere else is crap

  15. I'd yes sir their asses out the door and ignore every damn thing they said. How in the hell are they going to monitor cash? They aren't. It says legal tender on it, and that is the most illegal part about this!!!

  16. I think the Vegas control families might want to make a few undisclosed hits this year! You know, a few things youse can keep off the ledger...

    How do you say in Italian ? It's an offer the lasagna boys cannot refuse.

    Always remember to kiss your-ah momma good night.

  17. what happens in vegas stays in vegas...
    except for your cash

  18. Are they an "Italian" Mafia in Vegas ?
    pull my other lasagnia !


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