Monday, April 12, 2010

Coming Unglued: Thousands Protest Huge Tax Hike In Canada

QUEBEC — Thousands of protesters whom organizers described as members of Quebec’s "silent majority" demonstrated peacefully Sunday in front of the provincial legislature against tax hikes in the recent provincial budget.

They marched to the national assembly, brandishing brooms, mops and picket signs. Participants called for the government to clean up its own spending before imposing new taxes.

The budget proposes the gradual introduction, over two years, of a 15-per-cent sales tax, after harmonization of the Quebec sales tax with the federal goods and services tax.

The first of a series of one-cent-a-litre increases in the fuel tax is already in effect.

The government has also proposed a flat charge for health care plus a $25 user fee for doctor’s visits, higher electricity and other charges.

Participants left behind shirts, to make the point that Premier Jean Charest wants the shirts off taxpayers’ backs.
More Here.


  1. LOL
    Coming unglued reads the headline, but it was a peaceful protest.

    Peaceful protests will get us little to nothing since it's all just a demontrating

  2. The governments hate peaceful protests just as much as the violent kind. It won't matter what type they are, they will be heat-gunned, tasered, water cannoned, maced, and jailed. That is what living within a clandestine Empire (speaking of USA here) is all about.

  3. Thousands of protesters whom organizers described as members of...

    Let's brush up on the English skills! "Thousands of protesters WHO organizers described as members of..."

    There are a lot of spelling, grammar and other errors. In order to be taken seriously, errors should be avoided at all costs.

  4. Government gone Wild..

    welcome to my nightmare

  5. Hey 9:18,

    If I'm in your nightmare, then to whom am I as a person?

  6. You need to put this story into perspective - I am from western Canada. Quebec is a wellfare province that gets money from the rest of Canada to support their larger then normal social program. Taxes are high in Canada, but so are our programs and social net.

    The best thing for Canada would be if Quebec broke from us - though they would be poorer then Greece and Iceland combined.

  7. Anynomous 11:41: Actually the Atlantic provinces get more money from Ottawa than Quebec.

    The problem with Quebec is that there is a huge black market. I heard that approximately less than 40% of the "working" population actually pay income tax. Quebec should cut back on the $7 a day day care programme and reduce the amount of government employees.

  8. Nice Articles , Thank you for sharing it’s useful.


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