Friday, April 2, 2010

Most Canadians Believe Its The End Of The Road For The Economy

TORONTO, April 1, 2010 — According to the March RBC Canadian Consumer Outlook Index, most Canadians (65 per cent) are losing sleep over their finances. More than one-in-four Canadians (27 per cent) are up at night worrying about paying off their debt, followed by nearly one-in-five (18 per cent) who worry about having enough for retirement and 16 per cent who worry about having no emergency fund. The survey also found that one-in-three (34 per cent) were not confident about any aspect of their financial situation.

More Canadians believe the national economy will worsen over the next 12 months (20 per cent in March compared to 13 per cent in February). Similar to last month's findings, Canadians are still divided on the overall state of the economy, but the balance remains in positive territory with 54 per cent of Canadians believing the economy is good and 46 per cent describing it as bad. Overall, the March RBC Canadian Consumer Outlook Index remained virtually flat at 108 points, down from 109 in February, suggesting Canadians see the overall economic recovery as a bumpy road ahead.
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Report: More Seniors To be Homeless by 2020
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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I just cashed out my entire IRA with tax penalties. I figured the chances of it being there for me in twenty years is -ZERO-, no 1%, -ZERO- 0%.

    Taking after-tax penalty cash and putting it right into silver. Silver will be here. IRA won't. Silver may not be worth much, but it will be worth SOMETHING. IRA = ZERO.

  3. I looked into one of those Gold IRAs, but they are a scam. They hold the gold, you lose.

  4. Have no doubts, we are slowly going down. A full fledged depression will be upon us soon enough.

  5. LMAO, more anti-Canada blathering. Hate to break it to ya but Canada isn't going through such "tough times" as the USA. Even Gerald Celente said Canada is doing better than the USA.

  6. Canada Shmanada.

    It's anti-Canadian to say their economy ain't so great. Hmmm.

    Childish logic simple boy.

    And what douche bag actually says "hate to break it to you" ?

    Probably the type that wears open toe sandals in the summer so everyone can see his nasty ass hairy sausage toes.

  7. Hate to break it you but CANADA is going down the drain, and I live here. I talk to the restauranteurs, retail stores and manufacturers daily. They are hurting, its only the HOUSING that the suckers are buying and going into serious defaulting DEBT that is hanging in by strings.

  8. Come, come to our farms, we have so much food we don't want to let rot. Come and help us eat and plant a seed. Nobody's hungry here. We have lots of fruits and vegetables and fish and rabbits.

  9. Canadians are an American Black-Ops ploy. They're not REALLY Canadians.

  10. a real estate bubble caused by free money. harper is the most dangerous pm we have ever had. goldman saks runs our central bank and every mp we have in la la land has their head up their a$$. when canada's bubble bursts there will be hard times for all these new home speculators. Get physical gold and silver and be ready to move quickly.


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