Tuesday, May 11, 2010

20 Signs That The US is Becoming A Totalitarian Police State

The following are 20 signs that the United States is rapidly becoming a totalitarian "Big Brother" police state....

#1) A new bill being pushed by Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman would allow the U.S. military to round up large numbers of Americans and detain them indefinitely without a trial if they "pose a threat" or if they have "potential intelligence value" or for any other reason the President of the United States "considers appropriate".

#2) Lawmakers in Washington D.C. working to create a new immigration bill have decided on a way to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants: a national biometric identification card all American workers would be required to obtain.

#3) Barack Obama is backing a plan to create a national database to store the DNA of people who have been arrested but not necessarily convicted of a crime.

#4) Just to get on an airplane, Americans will now have to go through new full-body scanners that reveal every detail of our exposed bodies to airport security officials.

#5) If that wasn't bad enough, the Transportation Security Administration has announced that airport screeners will begin roving through airports randomly taking chemical swabs from passengers and their bags to check for explosives.

#6) Starting this upcoming December, some passengers on Canadian airlines flying to, from or even over the United States without ever landing there, will only be allowed to board their flights once the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has determined they are not terrorists.

#7) Organic milk is such a threat that the FDA has been conducting military style raids on Amish farmers in Pennsylvania.

#8) An NYPD officer has broken his silence and has confessed that innocent citizens are being set up and falsely arrested and ticketed in order to meet quotas.

#9) A growing number of police departments across the U.S. are turning to mobile camera systems in order to fight motor vehicle theft and identify unregistered cars.

#10) For decades, Arizona has been known as "the sunset state", but lately many frustrated residents have started calling it "the surveillance state".

#11) Judges and police in Florida have been caught using "secret codes" on tickets in the state of Florida.

#12) An extensive investigation has revealed that between 2003 and 2007, that state of Texas quietly gave hundreds of newborn baby blood samples to a U.S. Armed Forces laboratory for use in a forensics database.

#13) A 6-year-old girl was recently handcuffed and sent to a mental facility after throwing temper tantrums at her elementary school.

#14) One 12-year-old girl in New York was recently arrested and marched out of her school in handcuffs just because she doodled on her desk.

#15) In Florida, students have been arrested by police for things as simple as bringing a plastic butter knife to school, throwing an eraser, and drawing a picture of a gun.

#16) When a mother on a flight to Denver spanked both of her children and cussed out a flight attendant who tried to intervene, she suddenly found herself handcuffed and headed for prison. Why? She was charged with being a domestic terrorist under the Patriot Act.

#17) A new global treaty may force U.S. Internet service providers to spy on what you do online.

#18) A leaked Obama administration memo has revealed plans for the federal government to seize more than 10 million acres of land from Montana to New Mexico.

#19) 56 percent of Americans questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll said that the U.S. government has become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.

#20) But one other recent poll found that 51 percent of Americans agree with this statement: "It is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism."


  1. Not becoming a Police State, we already are one.

    If a citizen can be snatched off the street never to be seen again, well come on .... even sheeple should know by now that the phony war on terror is really a war on individual freedom.

    Has zip to do with any 'terrorism.' Wait, no, the sheeple will never figure that out until they are staring outward from their 4x6' FEMA container.

  2. Good thing we have freedom of press, freedom to move about the country, freedom to marry, freedom to change jobs, freedom to protest in the streets... We are not even close to living in a dictatorship country.

  3. new york city has cameras everywhere. big brother is watching you.

  4. Your computer monitor is actually a monitor. It's actually watching you and transmitting everything you say or do back to Central Facility.

    Welcome to Central Facility and have a pleasant STAY[/slogan]!

    Central Facility is a non-smoking Facility. Please respect your boundaries.

    Assemblage is at NOW proceed to the white room

  5. 2:24 needs to go back to watching his faux channel.

    We are in a police state and as time goes on and more fake terrorist/al CIAda underwear, boob, shoe, toyota, ________________fill in the blank bomber (the sheeple beleive anything their tv's tell them), the sheeple will trust no one and believe al CIAda is everywhere, and justify the already put in place inspection stations, papers please, naked scanners, federalized police, no more Posse Comitatus, real id, national id, no more 4th amendment rights etc...

    This article doesn't even come close to the reality of what is really going on. It's much worse and we are almost at the martial law point in the country. It will come anytime, another fake terrorist attack or bomb iran or whatever?

    The sheeple love their servitude.

  6. i think there are mostly 3 types of individuals on this site: 1) searching for truth(s) not provided by msm 2) stumbled on it by mistake and just want to make ridiculous sheeple comments due to being dumbed down and 3) those who get paid to troll and post disinfo so they can be a good gov't pet.

    which category do you fall into 2:24?

  7. Hurler of InsultsMay 11, 2010 at 6:29 PM

    Thou bucksnave festersnipe!
    Sheddooo your attire Sir WE DUEL!

  8. You must learn to ignore the govt disinfo goons. Do not reply to their mindless comments, AT ALL, EVER!

    The goons will have their day very soon....Of course they will probably go down with the ship..None of them seem to be intelligent, obviously they came from the american public school system with their final brain washing when they joined the military.

  9. How many of the people who fear the Police State also argue that only the government should have guns? Who do you fear more the gestapo goon squad of the government or your friends and family?

    People need to wake up now and realize that the Second Amendment may be the only thing that saves us from slavery in the very near future. The police and military will be used against us to bring about tyranny. They will do it because they can't think for themselves and their pensions will be threatened. They will have no qualms about killing you and your entire family. Hell...your average cop on the street will kill you if you look at him crooked. How much more evil will they become when empowered by the state to put their boot on your neck?

    Remember that your vote counts. Don't vote for hysterical anti-gun politicians!!!! All you hippy protesters should go to a local gun club or join the NRA. You will realize that we are the ones who will save your asses someday and stop cursing us.

  10. I know this is a dumb question to most of you but what does MSM stand for? I see it a lot and dont know what it is. Thanks


  11. "Remember that your vote counts."

    Wrong. Your vote means absolutely nothing. Politicians are selected based on who will support the bankster's agenda, not elected.

  12. Every phone call, every text message, every email processed in the USA goes to Tel Aviv to be mined for data (yes, a foreign country has you tapped 100%) then on to the NSA.

    We don't live in a controlled police state at all.

    No, the probing into your private lives has nothing to do with stopping terror, it is all about blackmail and control.

    Every time you see a politician get busted for drugs, being gay, whatever it was because he/she didn't do what the corp bankers behind the scenes wanted. They have something on everyone. What isn't real can easily be made up.

    In the next 18 months to 24 months the Global Information Grid (GIG) will be going on line in cooperation with DAARP/Nasa(Nazis). The processing/mining capabilities will be 10,000x more robust than anything in place right now.

    Every thing you say in a room, even with your cell phone off, will be monitored. (This is being done now to certain people, but GIG will do it to everyone, 24/7).

    Welcome to 1984.

  13. 504 remove battery from cellphone problem solved or put in a sound proof place in your home when not using, no battery no power, no listen may 24 prepare everyone

  14. Yep. Americans favorite toy, the mobile phone, is one of our owner's favorite tools.

    A year ago Verizon admitted that every cell phone has historical tracking as to where it has been for at least 2 years in service.

    Think about that for a moment. If you are like most Americans and carry a cell phone with you the government has access to a file that shows in detail every place you have been for the last two years, right down to the hour and minute.


  15. 21. the holistic collection of banking, telephone, email and Internet activity by the .gov.

    22. the militarization of our police to the point where every dew drop small town has a team of black dressed storm troopers and a $250,000 mobile co0ntrol vehicle.

    23. Surveillance cameras hanging on every traffic light.

    24. seizure of private property by the police without due process.

    25. increased incidences of entrapment by police.

  16. 26. Proliferation of all kinds of torture weapons being deployed by police in the guise of 'fighting terror.'

  17. We live in a very free country compared to the rest of the world.

    Three things need to get lost to make us a little more free:

    1) Publishers and Editors.

    2) All organizations except the NRA need to be erased.

    3) Who cares anymore.

  18. Little known facts:

    - In the 50s, Iran was a Democracy and then we squashed them via the CIA because we wanted a dictator there instead that would bow to US Corporation interests.

    - In the 60s, the North Vietnamese leader Mao Tse-Tung scripted his government from our Constitution and other documents we cherish. He was a mild mannered man who also wrote a lot of poetry. He was resistant to Russian influences in his country.

    He wrote the US President with glee over how the country was going to be free like the US. His letters were ignored and instead he got the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident. Then 50 million killed. You know the story. Tens of thousands of American boys had to die to reinstall the drug trade.

    TSE-Tung was made out to be a madman and a communist dictator. The CIA did its job, as it always has, in demonizing people and countries so we can do what we do best, kill them. Study up on Edward Bernais, the master at making good look bad, and bad look good.

    Ditch the fake patriotism and bullshit folks. We have very little to be proud of at all. It is the minority, the individuals that are the shining light in this sewer run by greedy bankers and the CIA/MI complex.

    People, from where ever they call home standing up for what is right. Showing love toward their fellow man. Speaking out against the systems that are destroying any chance for an individual to be free anywhere on this planet. At this rate, anyone who is has a child should know that their future is slavery and fear only.

    Stop thinking so smallminded. Not 'American', Canadian, etc. Those divisions were put there to pit us against one another just like all the Oligarchs systems of control - religion, politics, etc.

    Look beyond their bullshit. Free your mind.

  19. Also, another little known fact is that in the Vietnamese war our Air Force was not allowed to bomb large, significant targets or command centers, only villages and kids.

    The goal was to keep the 'war' going on as long as possible; to keep the arms flowing to both sides; to keep the profits rolling in as long as possible.

    US Soldiers (not troops, soldiers; not Boy Scouts) die for a bank.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. look at 531
    hes already lost it
    see what they have done to these people

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. The worst terrorists are amongst us, the banks. They treat hard earned American investments as though they were monopoly money. They play the system like a giant game of monopoly. The need to win is an addiction, just sit back and watch a group of kids play monopoly, otherwise nice kids will lie, cheat, and steal.

    At GS, JPM and others the need to win has surpassed any inkling of behaving ethically. The kid that cheats and steals in order to win is quite possibly Mom's, err I mean Uncle Sam's, favorite, and will usually receive protection from those he or she lied to, cheated and stole from. Mom, err Uncle Sam, doesn't realize until years later that she was enabling a little sociopath.

    There isn't much hope for us; we'll just keep on doing stupid things and calling ourselves evolved. An honest look at the human condition makes 40 virgins in the afterlife look pretty good, that is if you're a delusional male.

  24. Imagine a place
    where all your needs are fulfilled
    and you actually have a reason
    to thank God.
    This is the Heaven I know.
    Beyond Imagination.
    The reward of the Just
    cannot be fathomed by man

    The tree of life
    unlocked forever
    no need of outside
    for all is within


    Life Eternal

  25. But the U.S. had always been a totalitarian state. It's just that it had been inflicting opporession not on its citizens but on weaker nations, together with other military powers, throughout the Cold War.

  26. Only when you have marshall law jammed real tight up your A**se will you believe that it's actually happening!


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