Sunday, May 9, 2010

"Private" Federal Reserve Bails Out Europe

Question: Did the Feds create the market crash to make enough money to bailout Europe?

WASHINGTON – The Federal Reserve late Sunday opened a program to ship U.S. dollars to Europe in a move to head off a broader financial crisis on the continent.
Other central banks, including the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank, are also involved in the effort.
The move comes after the European Union and International Monetary Fund pledged a nearly $1 trillion defense package for the embattled euro, hoping to calm jittery markets and halt attacks on the eurozone's weakest members. The ECB also jumped into the bond marketSunday night, saying it is ready to buy eurozone bonds to shore up liquidity in "dysfunctional" markets.
The Fed's action reopens a program put in place during the 2008 global financial crisis under which dollars are shipped overseas through the foreign central banks. In turn, these central banks can lend the dollars out to banks in their home countries that are in need of dollar funding to prevent the European crisis from spreading further.
The Fed said action is being taken "in response to the reemergence of strains in U.S. dollar short-term funding markets in Europe," and to prevent the spread of that strain to other markets and financial centers.
The Bank of Japan will be considering similar action soon, the Fed said.
A so-called "swap" line with the Bank of Canada provides up to $30 billion. Figures weren't provided for the other central banks. The arrangements are authorized through January 2011.


  1. The time has come to Dump the Fed and go to silver or gold backed currencies...I mean these bastards couldn't work fast enough to destroy our country...could they? Visualize a Proud and mighty Middle Finger being exhibited!

    I'd take North Dakota currency over the Fed's Monopoly Money...worthless paper.

    How about putting Bernacke and Timmy up for TREASON!

    This is really pissing me off...meanwhile our people get screwed and our servicemen in Afghanistan help grow poppies. This is totally MESSED UP!

  2. well that postpones the long awaited crash for another decade, see you then.

  3. No it accelerates it, they won't be able to service the interest soon enough.

  4. Ah, but its free money bailout time for European capitalists this time .

    The US Fed is the € Euros banker of last resort.
    The fed will not charge interest on these Swap funny money "exchanges".
    Even though printing more paper billions helps to devalue the dollar.
    But, G.S will probably get a commission for aranging this?
    Hooray for helicopter Ben!
    saving the world.
    Long live free money for European banksters too!

  5. 9:25
    why must you burst my bubble.

  6. Christ almighty- what a shameful mess! Well you can betcha Germany will be sitting this one out while watching the rest of Europe pushing their wheelbarrows to the corner bakery for their loaves of bread-we`ll just never learn, will we?

  7. is anyone surprise.. yes the crash has been put off for a few year cash in now on the oppurtunity of a lifetime.. buy the mrkt and join the herd.. dont be caught short the mrkt losing your money hoping the system crashes in a "i dont give a flying fuck if i lose all my money as long as im right attitude." just understand u will lose ur money and be wrong.

    just go long.. the govt is backing it.. make some money then buy gold if that make u comfy just get up to speed of how this is going to affect the mrkt... major rebound coming followed by new highs by the end of the week as the US mrkt focus on US Market fundamentals which are steady and upbeat... The media is very unfair and will print anything to get ur endorphins flowing. coming to grips with realization like this is sad and a humbleing experience but stocking up on food and water and ammunition will do nothing for u other than waste money to give u peace of mind but if the peace of mind is worth i suggest u do it. But understand i come from a humble yet very well educated. mark my words... RALLY of a lifetime cause by massive bailout massive short covering and massive amount of sideline money entering the mrkt this week.

  8. if i am wrong we are shit out of luck by friday

  9. And there you see why I said a long while back They will not let the markets crash.

    Buy stocks NOW. Don't miss out on the MONEY!!!

    It's a simple scam the Governments have with their Elite bankers. Print billions, pay off debt, once it returns to banks, absorb it again. No over supply.

    Join the scam, get stocks and be part of the money making as there will not be a depression or stock crash.

  10. They will not let the markets crash.

    Buy stocks NOW. Don't miss out on the MONEY!!!

    It's a simple scam the Governments have with their Elite bankers. Print billions, pay off debt, once it returns to banks, absorb it again. No over supply.

    Join the scam, get stocks and be part of the money making as there will not be a depression or stock crash.

  11. 10:57 spot on, many idiots here don't get it...there will not be any crash, conventional economic rule does not apply anymore. Despite the fact that the EU will use QE to fund the package, the EURO is appreciating.

  12. this is fucked up. there's no way to stop the sovereign debt crisis which leads to currency crisis. that nearly $1 trillion dollar bailout package will not be enough and it won't work. you need $3 trillion dollars. where are they going to get the money? they are going to print it out of thin air or borrow it from future generations. they are doing it from europe to america. hyperinflation will result for europe and america. this is insane. we have debt crisis and they are borrowing even more.
    check out this site about the $962 billion bailout package:

  13. Haha.. This is funny. Us rich are sticking it right up you working class scum.

    This money will be pocketed. I know the system now. It's a con. The debt will be wiped clean for the wealthy, while the workers pay it all off.

    Suckers will take anything from the Elites.

  14. Is the loan from the Fed in swapped currencies a cunning roundabout bet by Ben for shorting the Euro and strengthening the dollar??
    The dollars swapped cost the US nothing -they print them-.
    Should the euro value continue to slide or even crash it will be hard for the Europeans to pay the money back in dollar currency .
    The Europeans are sucked back under the Dollar Hegenomy and will be paying off these Funny money swapped dud Dollars for decades.

    This is US policy : Export trash to solve any problem.

    Export dud sub prime and other trash to solve probems of profit for a bankrupt U.S.

    Export old golf balls and Nike shoes trash to plug the oil blow out problem .

    Export paper trash $ bills on swap to solve the € value problem .

  15. To the gold buying suckers, Gold down more than 1% trading below $1,197, Euro is up 2%....mwahahahahahahaha

  16. 11:48
    i bought gold when it was $980. now it is $1197. i made profit if i decided to sell.

  17. The EURO is set to go above $1.30 and a lot of people are selling gold and buying EURO. If you want to make a quick buck buy euro now at $1.29 and sell in three days at $1.69.

  18. 12:12 I suggest you sell now and make your profit as it is set to fall below $950 in two month.

  19. I just can't wait for the market to open. I bought shit load of stock on Friday when the market was down to 10,379 points. I bet the market will pass the 11000 point mark before Wednesday.

  20. Wow SO many posts, and all from ONE single jackhole poster. This LOSER, sure you bought alot of stock Friday cause wow it really showed, I mean, all that activity after 2:40, and you, just waiting for the market to open..ehnn.. eh.. PAHLEEEZE Boss Troll!!!! I think I hear your Mother still on Mother's Day, calling to you from her bedroom, she needs you to bring her some more sliced sharp cheddar cheese and claussen kosher pickles from the kitchen. How long DID you plan on sleeping on her couch???

  21. We will pass the 11,000 mark today itself. Most European stock are up by almost 6%. The dow has the potential to go up by almost 900 points or more making it the biggest gain in one day.

  22. 12:58 no point in being angry at people on this blog. I bet you did not see the Euro bailout coming and now you are pissed off cause there will not be any crash. I recommend to take a course in anger management cause there is a high risk you will be angry many more times during the year ahead as the Economy and stock market point to one way up, up and up.

  23. sniff...sniff...anyone smell the burning TROLL??? Target, Aim, FIRE

  24. Bailouts won't matter once interest rates begin soaring. It's only a matter of time.

    Nobody in his right mind would buy bonds at this time. That means interest rates must go up.

  25. The fact that disinfo agents are here and this website is getting a screaming number of hits says that they are really worried, and they should be.

  26. With regard to the topic question: who knows, did the birds migrate early last season just to hurt the economy and the middle class? Curious minds want to know.

    Perhaps the more likely answer is that SHIT HAPPENS and people are getting scared in the stock market and the oil disaster doesn't help. Remember, they have blamed it all on a convenient excuse that it was a "computer glitch/mistake/what have you". It seems obvious to me they are taking the attention off of the economy. There are a bagillion and one possibilities, but this seems like the likely one to me...

  27. As i see it we can spend forever.This is great im goiong out and max out my credit cards get equity in my house. Spend baby spend than i will claim bankruptcy. what a life.

  28. Haven't any of you heard the term, "give them enough rope to hang themselves"...but this time it's "dollars".

  29. America speaking: "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" ROFLMBO!!!!

  30. For all you pimping the markets by selling PMs. It ain't happening at my house! What I have would make these guys laugh themselves to death but it is real money. The markets are rigged and the common guy cannot and will not win. As a example only insiders knew when the market was going to bottom last week and already had their shorts in the Q. They also are the only ones who knew when to sell and buy back at the pre-determined bottom.

    The American Idiot

  31. stocks are set to open strong. no collapse....not this week, at least. awe can stab it with your steely gold knives, but you just can't kill the beast!!!

  32. DOW surges 400+ points right out of the gate. You cannot kill me. Your precious metal steely knives are useless. Prostrate yourself before me, and maybe, just maybe, I'll have mercy on your poor tortured souls.

  33. wow its "Kramer" and his booooya boys,

    damn kramer I didn't know you posted on this blog too, smirks, lol

    (this is who your talkin bout 12:68 & 6:33)

    (all I want is "higher" interest rates from the sandbag banks that are gettin all this free $$)



  35. Well another trillion dollars just vanished into thin air.

    What a waste but if that's what they can pretend is a solution. That just hastened all of what's about to come. Most posts on here are from the same person trying to get people angry. Only a fool would believe this would help anything at all or someone who is too conventional minded.

  36. It's now quite clear that the Powers That Be will continue to extend the time frame of this slow moving train wreck for as long as they can or desire, thus it is impossible to determine the precise day of reckoning. Nevertheless, this doesn't change a thing. It only gives more time to prepare and enjoy life until that fateful day.

    There is a day of reckoning. The world simply cannot continue on the current paradigm indefinitely.

    Those of you who scoff at those who have taken time to prepare, laugh all you want. It doesn't change a thing. It's in the bag.

  37. Stock market soaring on the news of printing a trillion out of thin air. What a f-ing mess.

  38. The day or reckoning WILL come because the elites believe they can only have their New World Order by having that order come out of chaos.

    They will bring the chaos when they want it - when they are ready for it.

    The markets are entirely rigged and not worth putting a single cent into. Since the markets are rigged, no one knows when they will fall for good. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised to see the DOW at 20,000+ while the entire world is held in the grip of a powerful depression.

  39. so how much to bail out the UK next

    regards/little britain

  40. 12:13am You said <>

    Well 1 day went by and the Euro is down to $1.27 MAKING ANYTHING YET???

  41. Day two
    stocks ("Surprisingly" and "Unexpectedly"
    fell in Asia and falling in Europe
    Euro lost its gains .
    US futures not good.
    Gold holding its own .
    libor ?
    Trillion Dollars to prop up bond markets do not seem to be having much effect at all.

    Shrills talk up "confidence" and faith as usual in order to get fools to part with their money to buy more ever rising shares and property values in America.


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