Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why Pay Taxes If The Federal Reserve Can Print Money At Will?

The Federal Reserve is lying about the nation's money supply (M1). The current figure for money supply is being given as $1.6 trillion. The actual number is $2.34 trillion. The reported number is equivalent to an increase of 16% over the past year. The actual number is equivalent to an increase of 70% over the past year. This compares with the nation's high money-supply increase of 16.9% in 1986.
Astute observers of the Federal Reserve have noticed that, since the large infusion of money of last autumn, the monetary base has exceeded the money supply:
Figure 1
reported monetary base ($1.8 trillion)

These figures are from Federal Reserve releases H-6 and H-3.
However, the monetary base is a part of the money supply. How can the part exceed the whole? (Money is created in 2 basic steps. First, the Federal Reserve prints up paper money. This is called special money and is usable by private banks as reserves. It is treated in the system in the way gold used to be. This money is measured by Federal Reserve credit, or Reserve Bank credit. With a few adjustments, this becomes the monetary base, which can be thought of as the special money that is available to the banking system for the second step. In the second step, the private banks create money in the form of demand, and other checkable, deposits. They do this in the process of making loans. Essentially, the nation's money supply is cash — the special money — plus bank deposits.)
More Here..

Engineers are examining whether they can close a failed blowout preventer by stuffing it with trash, said Adm. Thad Allen, the commandant of the Coast Guard. The 48-foot-tall, 450-ton device sits atop the well at the heart of the Gulf oil spill and is designed to stop leaks, but it has not been working properly since the oil rig Deepwater Horizon exploded April 20 and later sank.

"The next tactic is going to be something they call a junk shot," Allen told CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday. "They'll take a bunch of debris -- shredded up tires, golf balls and things like that -- and under very high pressure, shoot it into the preventer itself and see if they can clog it up and stop the leak."


  1. Now you know why the government stopped reporting M3 a while back.
    Shadowstats computes a more viable figure for what the government is reporting.
    Anyone in doubt that the ultimate plan is a hyperinflationary Zimbabwe event didn't notice we 'elected' a black president.

    2 years to point zero.

  2. At what point does the federal reserve stop printing money. They must know their is a limit or they would just print all of us money and we could all live rich.

  3. The have to print, print, print our savings and economy into the gutter. Scripted, fake wars are very expensive. Looks like the Oligarchs really have a hard on to increase our excursions into Pakistan. Hundreds of innocents have already been murdered by drone planes, whats a few thousand more. Ahh, life inside a Clandestine Empire.

    When our usefulness as their billy clubs fades, we shall be discarded.

  4. Taxes are out patriotic duty to pay folks, how else you going to get road bilt, or plans to fli you around, or money for schools? please tell me then hwo that happens

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. IRS federal taxes don't build roads. Do your research please for Christ's sake. Watch Zeitgeist Movie Part 3; The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.

    IRS/Fed are criminal, fraudulent institutions; unconstitutional/unlawful.

    The country did just great before 1913 with NO IRS and no greedy international bankers profiteering from your 'taxes.'

  7. OT

    Poor old guy census taker sure has to walk a long way to get to my front door. I pity the fool.

    BTW, folks, your only requirement by law to state the number of people living in the household. That is all. The Constitution says so. In order to make more questions a requirement, they must pass a Constitutional amendment to do so.

    So, if you are one of the hold outs and they are a knockin' and you are just tired of it, open the door say '1' '2' or '3' - state your reason for your curt reply, and slam the door.

    The other information is none of their fucking business. If you don't think the census has a evil purpose, think again.

  8. You DO NOT need to state your name or phone number either. NOTHING more than how many are living at the dwelling. Period. End of story.

  9. "Yesterday was our biggest day of the year in terms of investors buying gold," said David Beahm, vice president of marketing at top U.S. retail gold coins dealer Blanchard & Co. "There is no question that the meltdown in the paper assets yesterday was a huge case for diversification."

    Just one little Wall St scare did this, wait until the implosion. The rush to PMs will be crazy. Name your own price crazy.

  10. I did NOT turn my census in, as I will only answer one question, that being how many live here.

    Thus far, in the past 3 days, I missed the census worker twice, and he leaves a nice form on my door with his name etc, like I am going to call him (LOL).

    I understand they will come up to 10 times, so 8 more visits to no answer the door...

  11. A census worker came tah are dore and we started tellin' him 'bout dat census worker went missing up the block? And seems some folks ain't kindly tah census workers round these parts I reckon.

    *backy schpit*

  12. Europe to collapse in the next few months, then US will collapse comes, probably yet this year.

    Once the collapse, irs & fed will be secondary, that is if you are prepared.


    irs and fed will not be in the picture at this point in time.

    Sheeple have no clue, just like the disinfo goons on this site.

  13. The banker corp MSM desperately wants to distract from their looting and greed. Sometimes, comically so. Here, we have the worst environmental disaster in the making, and the USAliesToday list of stories ....

    #1 Betty White's SNL stint: Less than golden
    #2 Oil spill grows to 3.5M gallons as BP...

  14. Local fishermen who are willing to go on camera and say the spill isn't that bad will be rewarded with cash and prizes by BP.

    BP is doing every possible trick to protect profits. That is what corps do.

    That is why the USA does such rotten things. Because we are nothing more than a giant corp for profit. Ethics, morals not required.

  15. Did you put GAS in your car/s this week ????

    Then you share the blame

    Everybody here wants to bitch about the corporations; yet at the same time; burn their gas;' spend their money and feed their fat asses with their cheap food.

    Hypocrites are every other post on this site - the thread starts out about M1 monet supply and the zombies head it right back to the trailer trash of the day.

    It's almost as good as idol

  16. Gerald Celente: Crash of 2010 inevitable

    watch and weep

  17. I love Celente's reaction to what he thought about the B vs M button LOL! Funny that sheeple actually believe such nonsense.

  18. Roads, schools, infrastructure are paid by state and local taxes. Income tax pays for the debt on the interest to pay scumbags in Europe to print money for us instead of doing it ourselves. No one will tell you this because the income tax is a giant scam designed to keep your nose to the grindstone and ignorant of what's happening... the consolidation of all economic and political power into the hands of a tiny fraction of the population. People preoccupied with economic survival don't have the time to educate themsleves on and fight legislation involving NAFTA, GAT,WTO, BIS, IMF etc. This is why politicians and unelected bank officials get away with the crap they pull. Add a "free media" that flat out lies to people and you have the situation we're living in now.

  19. Who are the richest men in the world?

  20. What 2010 crash you talking about???? did you not hear the Mega Nuclear Financial Bomb the EU just exploded which has wiped out all Idiots that said the EU will breakup and The currency is a gonna.... currently Euro is up %1.5, Oil trading below $80 and gold is down %0.7, Asian markets up %2, US future market is Up much for the Doom and Gloom bastards

  21. oh so now the market goes up one day and the doom and gloom is over? awesome, lets party like its 1999 NOT

  22. Greece got bailed today so all Europe is back to normal.

  23. To the EA and all the illiterate Bastards:

    "Figures from the U.S. Labor Department showed that employers expanded payrolls by 290,000. That's the most in four years and more than the 200,000 anticipated."

    Also gold trading below $1,200......who is laughing now???

  24. "Also gold trading below $1,200......who is laughing now???"

    Not the increasing number of people losing their jobs and homes, plus the rising taxes and cost of food. will help you see with your own eyes if you are literate the daily increase in unemployment. (That's a vague example)

    I would be laughing but I don't watch SNL for my news like you do.

  25. 'employers expanded payrolls by 290,000'

    Who do you think you're talking to?

    As if I don't know that's the government census hires you're trying to portray as ordinary business?

    The jobs are going away permanently and there is no plan to fix that.

    The plan is FEMA camp x 700.

    Gold is under $1200 again on todays London Fix, aka the Rothschild Fix. How long before it's over again? 1 day? 2 days? The overall trajectory is up.

    And I'm hardly an illiterate bastard, being hi born and well instructed in the ways of those not authentically human, to quote Prince Charles of the transplanted germanic Stewards.

    Perhaps their name should be 'Sewer' with a picture of a big pile of human feces for their coat of arms. 'Let them Eat Cake' indeed.


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