If bankers are increasing the supply, then the price of gold will rise in terms of this inflated money, (although gold does not really rise in price, it simply holds its value while fiat money loses value, thereby giving the appearance of rising).
One way to determine whether or not money supply is increasing is to look for reasons why the money supply would be increasing. This is because we are not sure if we can trust governments to tell us ‘the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth’ when they publish their reports. We know for sure the US CPI and unemployment reports are continually ‘under-reported’, so why not the money supply? After all the FED refuses to open its books to Congress.

This chart courtesy Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis shows the US government is running the worst deficits in more than 100 years. If the Federal Government were a family or a business faced with this kind of a deficit it would have to reduce spending and increase revenue or go bankrupt. A family or business has no other options. (Borrowing money only delays the inevitable).
The US government, along with many other governments, decided years ago that they would not consider a reduction in spending. The most important goal for the average politician is to get re-elected. Spending keeps the voters happy and happy voters tend to re-elect.
“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
Frederic Bastiat.
Frederic Bastiat.
The central banks oblige the politicians by printing the money and then loaning it to the government so the politicians can spend it.
Since we cannot count on governments to reign in spending, would it be possible for them to increase revenue in order to reduce the deficit?
Historically governments almost always raise taxes when they can justify it to the voters by claiming: “we have no other options”, or “it’s for the good of the country.” Unfortunately a deficit as large as the one facing the US and a dozen other countries cannot be covered by increased taxation.
Since governments have the ability to print money (an option not available to families and businesses), we can reach the conclusion that governments will continue to print money. To stop doing so would mean the end of a lucrative career for a good many politicians who have never had a job outside of public service.
Since the financial problems facing the US and Europe cannot be solved without extreme and unpopular hardships, and since the ‘solution’ to this point has been to ‘print baby print’, we can be almost certain that the printing presses will continue to ‘print away’.
More Here..(summary)
More and more people (worldwide) are becoming aware of the fact that ‘all is not well’ with the financial system. Fraud and corruption are evident in government and the banking industry. Gold will be seen as a beacon of safety. Recently in Greece people were willing to convert paper money for gold sovereigns at $399.00 ea, (the equivalent of $1,700.00 US dollars per ounce).
The bull market in gold is barely underway and will move higher for many years!
Scottsdale Silver
Love Gold and Silver!
ReplyDeleteRetirement will be nice. Never have to work again once the shit hits the fan and my PMs carry me through the rest of my life.
Too bad about the sheeple suffering and starving though, I feel for them, but they simply refuse to wake up.
OT -
ReplyDeleteThe Israelis openly murdered people yesterday on pleasure boats delivering food and medicine to the starving women and children of Gaza.
What wonderful folks. God's chosen I am sure.
Unlike all their false flags and deceptions at least this time they committed an atrocity right out in the open for all to see.
Probably won't make a difference since they own our media. The innocent people on those boats will be made out to be 'terrorists' or some such nonsense.
Too bad the sheeple can't put two and two together. Who runs international banking, who benefited by 9/11 the most, who owns the media, who gets 30+ billion a year in aid, who gets nukes for free, who gets by running a brutal occupation for decades.
Don't say it! Blessed are those who bless ... bleech ... dumb asses ....
ReplyDeleteDon’t worry, the “sheeple” invested in lead. Your wealth will be managed through redistribution.
1:23 Bashing Isreal? Hmmm. I wasn't there and I am sure you were not either. So more often then not a post/comment will be a reflection of your bias. Your bia seems pretty clear. One this is sure in the last year or so. The media is not to be trusted until verified and cross verified.
ReplyDeleteI tend to agree with 1:23 it cannot be denied what he is saying.
ReplyDeleteI went to the Scottsdale Silver link, I like what I see. I will be buying my monthly allocation of silver next week and will use Scottsdale Silver, Thanks for the link EA!
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the sheeple do not understand the word "deficit", as they are trained by their tv's for each and every sheeple to run their own private deficits, and the sheeple do what their tv's tell them to do. With my experience with my sheeple friends and family, the zombie sheeple have no clue, they smile and tell me how great things are going. They have no idea about the oil volcano in the gulf, as their main stream news is not reporting on it, or reporting almost nothing on it, the sheeple think the volcano is plugged and everything is GREAT!
Don't ignore the opportunities in Craigslist to buy silver. Especially pre-64 coins. Great deals out there.
ReplyDeleteI saw the Israel video and they only killed after the people starting slinging them around on the ship and striking them with metal pipes trying to kill them to be a martyr I guess - like they said they wanted to be before they started their trip.
ReplyDeleteIt all started when the Rothschilds bought Reuters in the 1880s when a reporter printed a critical report on them. Never again would the MSM report significant truth.
ReplyDeleteBTW, the disparaging report was that when there was disaster, trouble, wars or strife, look around and you will see a hook nose Rothschild lurking about. (Yes, that is racist as hell, but a historical fact. That is what the reporter wrote, and it was the catalyst for the Oligarchs to buy out Reuters news.
What is this chart measuring exactly we had a very large public debt in the 30's which it doesnt seem to show ?
ReplyDelete3:44 - lol!! Yeah, right! .. perfect example of a sheeple believe some MSM ridiculous lie! Just about as sad as the attack on the Liberty in 1967.
ReplyDeleteUnarmed peace activists vs battle ships and machine guns. You shill idiot. Must be a deluded Christian kneeling to his masters.
unarmed - have you looked at the video ? - If I have a gun and they are swinging metal pipes at me they are getting taken out if they wont stop. I hope you dont walk the streets of a big city with that attitude at night as you will be dead quick. Looking at the video if they didnt respond there would be some dead Israelis right now.
ReplyDeleteObama said green shoots are everywhere - Change has arrived.
ReplyDeleteAppreciate the memory of the bravest Navy men our army forces have ever seen. There isn't many military stories Americans can be proud of, but this is one. One in which 33 seamen died saving over a million lives via their heroic actions. (thwarted a false flag that would have resulted in the incineration of one million people in Cairo had it succeeded).
ReplyDeleteIf you want to memorialize something to do with the US military, don't chose the invasion and occupation of Iraq based on lies, or the slaughter of Afghanistan.
Here, a small group of American true heroes fought off Americans true enemy to the end and won.
3:51 pathetic troll, probably typing from Tel Aviv.
ReplyDeleteamerican soldiers are big, stupid animals Kissinger said that. I think they are sheep and are fighting for big corp profits, the only legit war was ww2 and all others are for profit, anyone who believes different is a sheep 351 is a very pathetic sheep probably a kyke
ReplyDeleteA lunatic state with 200-300 nukes. Just great. But lets worry about Iran and N. Korea, they are such a threat, NOT.
4:03 our entrance in WWII was made possible via a staged, pre-known attack (Pearl), but otherwise I guess the war as 'real.' It was, as all wars are, set up by the Oligarchs with the Rothschild banks financing every country against one another. Including Germany, where Prescott Bush was a main character who handled corporate support and financing of Hitler from the USA as our boys were dying.
ReplyDeleteYes, W's grandpa. Sheeple can't handle that kind of truth though. Especially the ones with flags in their car windows.
4:49- Up here in Canada, we drive around with flags of different hockey teams in our car windows....now how is that for cool? lol.
ReplyDeletecanada is turning into a police state also, not too cool, what are you canucks doing about it? Nothing just like down here, it will get really bad soon, enjoy your hockey, until all is taken away from you.
ReplyDelete5:20 Yes, you are 100% correct! Make no mistake about it, we certainly do feel sorry for all you guys in the US, and it`s just a matter of time before the shit hits the fan up here-nobody-and I mean nobody is insulated from this multi-armed beast that is gripping the world. This Gulf tragedy is just an absolute heart-breaker, and now you guys have to deal with hurricane season-omg! I can only wish youse the best, all we can do is hang on for the plunge over the falls.....
ReplyDeleteCorrection to the above;
ReplyDelete"America" the United States of,
Should be spelt.
Z-o-m-b-i-e - S-t-a-n.
as in -
Zombie banks .
Zombie Ponzi unproductive of physical profits
economy .
zombie puppet Presidents.
Zombie people believers in Zombieland and
The zombie Zimbabwean Type Dollar Zombie faith based recovery .
All via printing of more Zombie dollars and more zombie debts for the "Profits" of Zombie banks.
A compete Zombiestan!
I got gold teef
ReplyDeleteGold leaf
Gold Bond
Baby Gold Bond
Two turntables and a gold microphone, see
C'mon d-bags let's get this depop party started
I got a generator
Stripper clips 'n magazines
Urine on tap like Gandhi w00t
Food grade *everything*
Got me a cammo colored quad called THE LOW RIDER
All my friends know the low rider
Low rider gets a little higher
Old VHS tapes of 21 Jumpstreet to impress the zombie cougar MILFs hehe
Pirate DVDs of Pirates of the Carribbean for their daughters
That damn Johnny Depp
Take a little trip
Take a little trip
Take a little trip with me
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ReplyDelete2:24 People with your attitude die off first. Then we take your car and food. Its that easy. Better start smiling biotch, maybe you will live.