Friday, June 11, 2010

America's Next Major Crisis: Gulf Oil Syndrome

Note: How will Europe "engulf" this spill when it splashes on its beaches?

More than 50 days after oil began spewing into the crystal waters of the Gulf of Mexico, I want to take a step back from all the finger pointing and political speculation, and talk about the innocent lives at stake because of the health hazard this disaster has created: Gulf Oil Syndrome.

With reports of oil spill workers falling ill, and in some cases, even being hospitalized with flu-like symptoms including nausea, headache, dizziness and even chest pains — presumably due to exposure to toxic chemicals being emitted from the 33-million gallon slick, it’s only a matter of time before people start coming down with Gulf Oil Syndrome.
Remember 9/11? Of course you do, it’s a day in American history that none of us will ever forget. After those horrific acts of terrorism claimed the lives of thousands, we watched as first responders worked round the clock to try to pick up the pieces. And as the days rolled on, and their search and rescue missions turned to search and recover, we praised their dedication in their efforts to bring closure to grieving families.
In the months that followed, conversations started to emerge about the potential health hazards the rescue personnel may be exposed to during the massive cleanup. Immediately after the attacks, of course, no one focused on any of these concerns because there were more urgent needs.
"Young children, pregnant women, people with compromised immune systems and individuals with underlying respiratory conditions should avoid the area," the advisory states.
Theoretically, people suffering from this Gulf Oil Syndrome may not see the same effects as the workers who have been entrenched in the toxins since day one. But my prediction is that citizens living in the areas surrounding the spill site, will start to report symptoms like chronic fatigue, weakened immune systems, chronic respiratory illnesses, and skin irritation.
We don’t know the long-term health effects that this catastrophe will have on the clean-up workers and communities exposed but Gulf Oil Syndrome will surely linger for decades.
I can only hope that the federal government has learned from their mistakes with the handling of the health crises following 9/11, and will start setting aside some money to take care of the next wave of victims facing a future of health problems.
More Here..

Birds Flocking North By The Thousands
More Here..

Listen to A.C. Griffith: Oil Spill Is The End Of The U.S.
Listen to 80.2 AC Griffith Here..


  1. The Fed gov knows full well that the dispersants are a terrible terrible thing that will harm you, me, and everybody else.

    That's what is disgusting here, is that the Fed is complicit with BP in seeking to hide the extent of the disaster by banning planes flying over (to take pictures), threatening to arrest anyone that takes pictures or reports what's going on, and thinks that what you can't see won't harm you mentality. Mother nature has much better ways of dealing with oil than we do, and many of the fish and dolphins would survive if the dispersants where not being used because the oil would float to the surface or sink to the bottom and the oxygen levels in the water would not be so depleted and the oil would not mix with the water into a totally uninhabitable chemical filth that nothing can survive in as it is happening now.

    I'm in Miami and I smelled the oil yesterday, a burnt crayony odor many others are reporting from Tampa to Jacksonville and all over the gulf coast as far north as northern most Alabama.

    The air quality issue is going to become severe over time as is dirty rain with chemicals in it.

    I'm going to say that in a year or two you can basically condemn most of the land down here, florida, alabama, LA, perhaps georgia will be
    uninhabitable to humans and animal life.

    It might get that bad, the gusher is still flowing , the dispersants are still being pumped in, it's a huge mess way beyond most peoples ability to even envision but I'll tell you, the vibe out there is that everybody knows it's going down.

  2. The author, from Faux news, continually refers to "the 911 attacks" in this worthless article. He refers to the "911 attacks" several times, scared yet? His reference to "attacks" implies those non-pilot Muslim men flying jets into bldgs and jet fuel melting steel and bldgs expolding and disintegrating. This guy is a shill for the PTB.

    He hopes the government learned from 911 and Katrina, HA HA HA HA HA HA..What a joke...

    What's NOT a joke is the on going catastrophe in the gulf. Most likely nothing can be done with the extreme unheard down hole pressures up to 70K psi, there is little hope. The EPA measured the benzene and H2S levels in LA, MS, AL & FL, they are thousands of times higher than allowed by the EPA.

    Look for mass evacuations soon.


  3. You folks to understand that if you can smell the oil, it's already imbedded in your nasel cavity and making it's way to your brain.

    Microscopic droplets of oil, filling up the smell sensors in your nose, and for you mouth breathers, it's settling on your tounge and in your lungs.

  4. I wonder if this oil spill is what John envisioned when a 1/3 of the seas would become bitter.

  5. I take the prophecies regarding the death of this world and birth of the new more figurately.

    I think the sea turning black and killing a third of the living creatures referred to many things becoming bitter in the world that no one would want to touch anymore.

    The Sun turning black and ceasing to give light I think means severe confusion and deception everywhere.

    Meso-American religions described the world turning upside down (everyone becoming backwards).

    Those are vague, I've got a freaking science behind these things illustrating what is happening right now.

    Things are getting fucking aggrevating. I believe I want to let myself be consumed by alcohol right now. I've never drank in my entire life until this last month just because I'm fucking irritated watching every fucking god damn piece of shit thing whether it is idiots, progressive take over, Obama, Patriots dreaming of some impossible and magical American comeback, I can't really think anymore, why fucking bother? Who the fuck cares? I cared, but if you look at the 20 million views the average porn sample gets on youtube, I suppose no one really cares. Look at the amount of drugs everywhere, socially detached people...

    I cared, I wanted to somehow invoke the highest consciousness through me to enter the world and I would die not caring for a reward so that the New World could emerge and everyone could be healed and this nightmare would end. I was eager for purpose. Seeing that I am pretty much alone, sure there are a lot of people who care, but we are all a stark minority, like Native Americans. Those pretending to care just keep feeding the beast in some way. Who cares? I did... fuck it now, I'll remain perfectly still as everything self-destructs.


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