Friday, June 18, 2010

Europe Has Data Retention, Australia Next

ZDNet Australia broke the news on Friday that the Federal Government Attorney-General's Department was considering how it could best implement a data retention regime in Australia.
"The Attorney-General's Department has been looking at the European directive on data retention, to consider whether such a regime is appropriate within Australia's law enforcement and security context," the Attorney-General's Department had said. "It has consulted broadly with the telecommunications industry."
Data retention requires telecommunications providers, including internet service providers (ISPs), to log and retain certain information on subscribers for local enforcement agencies to access when they require it.
The regime sees certain data logged before any suspect is identified, meaning that every internet users' online activities are logged by default.

Europe has one

Such a system currently exists in Europe, and has been adopted by select states. The call for the European directive on data retention came after the 2004 Madrid train bombings in Spain.
 Importantly, the EU directive requires ISPs to retain data necessary to trace and identify the source, destination, date, type, time and duration of communications — and even what communication equipment is being used by customers and the location of mobile transmissions. 
According to the EU directive, where internet access is concerned, ISPs must retain the user ID of users, email addresses of senders and recipients, the date and time that users logged on and off from a service, and the IP address (whether dynamic or static) applied to their user ID.
Importantly, the EU directive requires ISPs to retain data necessary to trace and identify the source, destination, date, type, time and duration of communications — and even what communication equipment is being used by customers and the location of mobile transmissions.
For telephone conversations, this means the number from which calls are placed and the number that received the call, the owner of the telephone service and similar data such as the time and date of a call's commencement and completion.
For mobile phone numbers, geographic location data is also included. The data is retained for periods of not less than six months and not more than two years from the date of the communication.
More Here

Romania’s Health Service on Brink of Collapse
More Here..


  1. Here in this Empire (the USA) all of this has been going on way before the fake war on terror was started.

    Without a doubt the mobile cell phone is the worst offender. Not only do computers in Tel Aviv listen to every word you say, but any modern cell phone service keeps a detailed log of everywhere you have been for over two years.

    Most sheeple are clueless about this sort of thing. Not to mention computers are listening to everything said in the background when your phone is even sitting idle or turned off.

    A lot of this is selective at this point. There simply is not enough processing power and storage to listen to and track everything.

    That will change the end of next year when DARPA and NASA bring the Global Information Grid (GIG) online. Processing capability will increase a thousand fold and Orwell's 1984 will become reality.

  2. When I hear the sheeple sing along before a ballgame to that erroneous, war-praising and ridiculous national anthem it makes me cringe. Home of the Fee, land of the Slave.

    We are the most spied-upon people on the planet. North Korea's slaves actually have less to deal with in that regard.

    To top it off, the surveillance processing is done in a foreign country, Isis-Ra-El. Free my ass.

  3. Knock, knock Neo.

    You are a slave.

  4. I didn't even know Romania had a health service.

  5. I assumed this was already happening with my IP address and ISP, so no surprize for me. I'm sure I'm on some kind of list.....Lord knows I was always on my Mother's list growing up, so what's changed?

  6. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 18, 2010 at 11:44 PM

    Gimme back the
    Berlin Wall
    Gimme Stalin
    y Saint Paul
    I've seen the future, brother

  7. Anonymous said...
    “I didn't even know Romania had a health service.”

    I suspect that the Romanian Health care system in a Third World country ,was once under socialism on a par with or not much worse than the American Health care system for those without health insurance benefits in a Rich First world country. After changing their economic system in Romania the healthcare system is now bankrupt.
    At least the western capitalist European, Canadian,British ,and australian Health care systems were civilised under Social Democrat style"socialist" capitalism in rich world conditions.
    And cost a hellof a lot less to run as a % of GDP than the current American system.

    Those in the U.S. currently being cut out from unemployment benefits and company run benefit health insurance rackets , will soon get a lesson on what a true capitalist third world healthcare system for the masses looks like.

    I do not imagine, in the "free enterprise" health care system in the U.S. the doctors will be very interested in exchanging their services for the odd unused food stamp tendered as payment.
    But americans are "lucky" they did not build a social democrat style Universal Health Care system in America in the good times.
    How anti-socialist Civilised .

  8. The Nazis never lost the war. They simply regrouped and stopped calling themselves National Socialists. The EU is infested with them. Take a look at these laws and tell me different.

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