Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flashpoints For Global War

As the economic collapse progresses through 2010 and its fiscal consequences become more certain, the field of view reaching towards our social and political future has become more vague and unclear. Every analyst or researcher of the New World Order and the global elite now seems to have a different insight into how our situation will develop once the financial implosion peaks, and people actually start to react to the obviously severe circumstances.
While having a microphone in the middle of the annual Bilderberg conference in would surely clarify the details of exactly how the globalists plan to conduct themselves over the coming year, this is unfortunately not an option, and reports leaked from Bilderberg cannot always be taken at face value. One element nearly all of us can agree on, though, is the distinct possibility of expanded wars in the near term, used as a diversion by the elites to pull the focus of the masses away from their dire economic atmosphere, away from the bankers that created the meltdown, and towards an overseas adversary.
War on a broad scale creates fear, and fear often inspires a senseless brand of collectivism and misguided patriotism in those uninformed subsections of the public, a patriotism based on blind zealotry instead of individual liberty. The average citizen faced with an ample and immediate threat by a foreign enemy tends to fall in line with establishment policy, even if the conflict with that foreign enemy is entirely fabricated, even if establishment policy is ultimately a greater threat. War has always been utilized as a tool by aristocrats and monarchy to not only expand kingdoms and empires, but to keep the “peasants” of their empires weak, weary, and subservient.
The size of these wars seems to reflect the scope of the goal the globalists wish to accomplish at the moment, and today the stakes are very high. The world has reached a point of no return as far as the economy is concerned, and only two conclusions are possible: the people stand down, the elites prevail, and global government is established, or, the people stand firm, the elites fall, and their designs are put to an end perhaps forever. It is an all or nothing scenario, and one of the few tricks the globalists have left to turn the tide fully in their favor is war on a magnitude so humbling that it intimidates champions of free society into conceding without attempting a defense. To paraphrase the Chinese tactician, Sun Tzu: the best generals win without ever having to fight a real battle. They simply give their enemy the impression that fighting back would be utterly futile and force them to surrender before the battle ever begins.
In this article, we will examine some of the regions around the world in which such a “shock and awe” campaign could begin, facilitating the escalation of global war.


  1. They did 9/11 so why stop now.

  2. The Adminstrations apparent suppport for Is(is)-ra-el's commando-style assasinations of unarmed humanitarian aid workers, in international waters, is proof of who is really in charge. I have no doubt they will soon prod us into war with Iran to support our "ally"

  3. The Zionists taught us how to torture, how to be cold blooded, how to run brutal occupations. They changed the USA in their image.

  4. 9:34
    I chose "jew" over "zionist" because it sounds like I'm a bigot. That is purpose. I want to create discussion and debate. I have no religious bias. I'm atheist anyway.

  5. Global Elite > Vatican > European Royalty > U.S. Jews are just a decoy/sacrifice somewhat representing their famed yahweh. They will be used to initiate global catastrophy.

    p.s.Did you know all 43 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office? 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eighth century King of the Franks... check it out for yourself.

  6. American/Isrealis = Good people...A bit annoying but good overall

    American/Isreali Governments = Pure Evil at times...Do the opposite of what their people

    Plus have you seen Jewish women? Dated 2 and yowza...Annoying but hot.

  7. You people here who believe in Zionists controlling the world have fallen for a very simple Anti-Jew propaganda which Alex Jones was sheepish enough to buy into.

    The administration we have now suddenly hates Israel and is pro Islamic Extremism, which is very real and dangerous even though you deny it like a person would deny the holocaust.

    Why do you think the far left Liberals who are so warped in their thinking they don't know why they think things are against America? The Communists running around teaching that America caused all problems (Van Jones, Andy Stern) are getting people to turn against the wrong source.

    Jews have invented over 80% of all technologies humanity uses. They are the most prosperous people even though they are the smallest group on the planet! Israel imitates this in the way that they and America believe in prosperity; equal rights to people, free market, and free ambition. The enemies of Israel who are now being supported by those in the adminstration hell bent on seeing America die are opposed to those things, they want regulated systems, control over what people can do, and to steal money from those who earned it...
    i.e "We need to punish BP!"

    The Jews are going to get blamed yet again. Consider the sides right now globally being not so much country versus country but each country divided in itself:

    Side 1: Islamic Radicals, Marxists, Administration of Obama, Left-Wing extremists (Communists)

    Typical Side 1er: Rosie O'Donnell

    Side 2: Patriots, Jews, Muslims, Right-Wing extremists (Nazis)

    Typical Side 2er: Chuck Norris

    You get the point here? Further reading might help understand what has transpired in the last 15 years that shifted people against Jews without them even knowing. You guys bashing Israel as being controlled by Zionists might at as well join a Socialist Party and have Alex Jones tag along as well.

  8. Hey !

    I did check that bllodline out !

    Your right to !

    barrack hussein obama is a direct descendant of
    Charlemagne !

    Who da thunk it anyway

  9. Jews have invented over 80% of all technologies humanity uses. They are the most prosperous people even though they are the smallest group on the planet!

    Starting with fire ?

    All this racist nonsence belittling the contibutions of all humanity!

    Then why are not the ordinary euro-colonialist settler Israelis the richest people with the highest standard of living on earth after 60 years with their own state in Palestine ?

    Why do they need continuing subsidies from America and Germany?

    Because Americans are not as clever as your super-smart mostly poor impoverished by militarism Israelis?


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