Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Get Ready for the Next 'Great Crash'

NEW YORK: The next Great Crash is coming. Guaranteed. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow. But, in all likelihood, sooner than we think.

How can I be so sure? Because the history of modern markets is a story of meltdowns. The stock market crashed in 1987, the bond market in 1994. Mexico tanked in 1994, East Asia in 1997. Long-Term Capital Management blew up in 1998, Russia that same year. Dot-coms dotbombed in 2000. In 2007 — well, you know the rest.

And that was just the last 20 years or so. The stagflation of the 1970s, the Depression of the 1930s, the panics in the 1900s ... and back and back and back it goes, all the way to the Dutch and their tulip bulbs.

In those giddy years before the Great Recession, it seemed as if we’d grown accustomed to the wild ride. Wall Street certainly had. Jamie Dimon , the chairman and chief executive of JPMorgan Chase likes to say when his daughter came home from school one day and asked what a financial crisis was, he told her: ”It’s the kind of thing that happens every 5-7 years.”
No one should be surprised, Dimon insists, that booms go bust. That’s the way markets work. Most Americans probably find that answer unsatisfying to put it politely. After all, millions have lost their homes, their jobs, their savings. Perhaps something is wrong if CEOs expect the markets to break down every half decade or so. 

More Here..


  1. And the games go on !

  2. The CEOs and Bankers probably do NOT see anything wrong with the markets breaking down every 5-7 years because they make money off of it.

    The PONZI scheme collapses and they just restart it again to rake in more money.

  3. believe it when i see it

  4. lol. People like 10:54.

    What are you expecting to see to finally believe? The level of ignorance there is staggering.

  5. whatever.crashes, collapses, recessions, depressions mean nothing to me. I have zero debt I eat on less than $5 us dollars a day.I don't keep up with the Joneses. 90% of my saving are on silver and scrap gold. thanks to sites and blogs like this one, i rid myself of the sheeple mentality 5 years ago...

  6. Hey George,

    You can't eat silver and gold. Us folks who have land, horses to plow with, and seeds we know how to sow? We'll be the one's you'll be hoping to swap metal for food with. And, hopefully we'll have a surplus for you.

    Meanwhile, the stronger bet is on being able to GROW not hope to BUY.

  7. reply to 6:11
    you are making fun of george but he will buy your land with his silver because at the end of the day the horses for plowing will be shot and eaten your garden will be robbed by gangs of 50 to 100 dudes feeding their families .Buy the way if you live in the states the seeds you buy almost all seeds you purchase just about from any company is a monsanto seed company ,they own almost all seed stock .good luck I hope you have a small military protecting your worthless land

  8. Reply to 9:01
    Your ignorance is staggering.You call someone's land "worthless", where do you think your food comes from, I'm assuming you're overweight and have never gutted ANYTHING you've had a hand in killing.Do you believe a farmer doesn't have a small cache of firearms, where are home invasions most prevalent, in the city, or in the country.Do you believe when the shit hits the fan that ALL those overpopulated cities and towns are going to join hands and sing.Do you have a way to even safely move your rotund ass about a city in chaos.Just like in the first depression, you'll expect your government to help you, to find there is no government.Your mentality is a sign of why history repeats.I hope you don't have children.


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