Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A New Currency Launched Intended to Rival U.S. Dollar for Supremacy

A new currency is intended to challenge the U.S. dollar as the world's foremost reserve currency. The WOCU, short for world currency unit, was actually launched by London-based WDX Organization in September 2009, but only seems to be gaining recognition now. Its value is determined as a derivative of the exchange rates of the world's top 20 currencies, as measured by GDP, in order to reduce the risk associated with exchange rate fluctuations. The new currency is similar to the International Monetary Fund's special drawing rights (SDR), which the IMF uses as a reserve asset to supplement the currency reserves of its member states. Both Russia and China have been pushing for the world to switch to a new currency.


From the US Mint:
Production of United States Mint American Eagle Silver Proof and Uncirculated Coins has been temporarily suspended because of unprecedented demand for American Eagle Silver Bullion Coins. Currently, all available silver bullion blanks are being allocated to the American Eagle Silver Bullion Coin Program, as the United States Mint is required by Public Law 99-61 to produce these coins “in quantities sufficient to meet public demand . . . .”

The United States Mint will resume the American Eagle Silver Proof and Uncirculated Coin Programs once sufficient inventories of silver bullion blanks can be acquired to meet market demand for all three American Eagle Silver Coin products.
Update: Due to the continued, sustained demand for American Eagle Silver Bullion Coins, 2009-dated American Eagle Silver Proof Coins will not be produced.
Scottsdale Silver 


  1. "Your all a bunch of moron, delusional sheep"

    Your apparent inability to grasp standard English grammar, syntax and spelling speaks volumes for your intelligence level as well. Is your native language modern Hebrew perchance?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Say 9:16 - BC was a major part of the problem you moron! Then we had the "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." And now sadly we have a illegal alien in the WH running up deficits in the 12 zero range who is married to a woman who wrote anti-white papers in college.

    Go figure! The majority of the American People have their heads so far up their ass the cannot see what is really going on so via vibration of the Elite mouth speaks they do what they are told.

    We're toast!

  5. Thoughts on "world currency units" - Would you be willing to accept world script as payment? Would you be willing to create, or support, a local currency issued by, let us say, for example, a food production cooperative that backs their script with produce, dairy or other valuable commodities? In America, it is not illegal to create your own currency, you simply must not name it a "Dollar" to avoid counterfeiting. Let a Thousand Currencies Bloom.

  6. boy what a bunch of mental midgets.dont have real lives to live

  7. So much silver is being bought but the price has only gone up about 50% from two years ago. That speaks volumes about price manipulation by the JP Morgan crowd.

    Love silver!

  8. i keep saying
    when gold and silver break it will happen overnight
    people will demand there gold and silver and comex will explode
    gold 10 thousand
    and silver 600
    is not that crazy infact i dont see anyway out
    of our fiscal probloms
    with the hole world in hock
    this will be the biggest gold rush in history
    and thier will be 2 kinds of people those who said i was their and made a killing
    and 90 percent who say
    we lost everything now we are mad
    sorry but get your head out of the sand while you can.v

  9. 100x more paper than real silver and gold. Fort Knox looted long ago. The worst ponzi we've ever had. Real physical metals at some point are going to be worth astronomical values.

  10. I say keep buying silver, like I have for the past 5 years, I have already almost doubled my fake dollar value, though I buy it cause soon, the dollar will collapse and silver will be worth lots and lots of monetary units.

    And silver is down today, good day to buy silver.

  11. Lots and lots of monetary units! I like that 10:35. You really can't say lots of dollars because the dollar will be as worthless as a Zimbabwe note.

  12. good job ea, One would think you are one of the Elite the way you silence free speech, you are as bad as the govt censors you are a bad as the communist chinese or nazi germans.

  13. 11:13 do you even know what is being erased here? Mindless baby babble. Not free speech, but stuff you talk when you're 7 in a school yard. This is important to you?

  14. Hey !

    Where is the dude /dudette - that just bashed the living hell out of me 3 months ago for mu comments regarding silver and why; long term it was going up and one of my points was it's realative scarcity

    The fucking mint is out of blanks baby !!

    How the fuck do you like them apples !!!


    Don't even try to tell 95% of the people that read this ----------------------------------
    They know what the real score is

    Silver $250/oz

    Write it in STONE

  15. With regard to the actual topic - the fact that proof and uncirculated coins are not now currently being produced is not horribly significant. I am bullish on all PMs, especially silver, but facts are facts and we should deal ONLY with them.

    You must all understand that the law regarding the production of bullion coins states that bullion demand must be met FIRST, before any collector coins can be produced. Proof coins are collector coins, and the "uncirculated" coins are as well. Think about it - are the bullion coins "circulating" coins? Nope. But the "uncirculated coins sold by the Mint are marketed as such, and encapsulated at additional cost to both the Mint and its direct customers (i.e. any of us that decide to order the coins by mail or online).

    Now, the fact that production of the collector coins is on hold for now IS a net positive for PMs. It means that demand for the lowest premium bullion sold by the Mint - the regular bullion coins that must first be sold through dealers chosen by the Mint - is this high means that the prices of these PMs should be going up. But this isn't the first time this has happened - it is about production bottlenecks more than anything else.

    Is the Mint out of silver and/or gold? Well, the answer is pretty much "yes." But it has not held stocks of silver or gold (beyond that held for immediate production) for **years**. The 4 billion ounce silver reserve that the Treasury (of which the Mint is only one relatively minor agency) held in the late 1950s is long gone - and any silver used to produce coins must be purchased in the open market. Ditto for gold.

    Let's all take a step back and a deep breath, and deal with FACTS...and stop with the childish name calling. Please, folks, grow up!

  16. Silver Booyaahhh Baby

  17. OMG people! Little wonder EA is forced to erase some of this prattle- THE SPELLING IS HORRENDOUS! We can`t all be Wordsmiths from cradle to grave, but at least make an attempt to check your work before submitting-or at least have a dictionary within reach. Duh...yoiks!

  18. Ok Mr. Factoid

    Swallow this one

    They started minting silver eagles in 1986

    I have 10 each of every date, every mintmark
    and every proof they produced which ran concurrent until --------------------------

    The 2009 proof

    Do not spell correctly; sound like a professor and preach "only the facts"

    Bottleneck my ass - brother; I was running a production line for Smith Kline 30 years ago -
    I ain't never seen a demand that couldn't be met if we could obtain the raw materials.


  19. 5:22 Just for sake of clarity, you seem to be running the risk of a paradox are addressing MR. FACTOID-I am MR WORDSMITH; two separate individuals. Your writ is running one in with the other. Your idea is very good and entertaining however, and in that, I will forgive you for using the contraction "ain`t" as well as the double negative: "ain`t never" lol.

  20. Only intelligent people respond please. What is you opinion on the amero as a currency.? thanks


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