Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Solemn Warning

I want to stress from the outset, however, that this is more than a mere forecast. It’s a solemn warning:
The U.S. stock market is showing the kind of extreme volatility and severe strains that typically precede major implosions.
There is very little time left to get your money to safety. The collapse could come at literally any moment now.
If you ignore this warning, you do so at your own peril. The price for allowing temporary rallies to lull you into a false sense of security could be severe and could result in massive losses.
The red flashing lights are everywhere. Just three short weeks ago, an initial bout of panic selling reached such a feverish pitch, it set off some of the market’s automatic “circuit breakers” that shut down trading in key stocks.
But instead of breaking the market’s decline, the crash merely accelerated, driving the Dow down 1,000 points in a matter of minutes.
That fateful day is now called the “Flash Crash.” But make no mistake: It is NOT a flash in the pan. Indeed ...
The crisis that triggered the Flash Crash
— the European debt disaster —
is just beginning.
Why? The reason is obvious: The European debt crisis has investors more nervous than a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs. And it is now spreading ...
* Spain is on the brink right now: If you thought the debt crisis in Greece was bad, wait till you see what’s coming next! The New York Times reports that “the focus of Europe’s problem is rapidly shifting from Greece to Spain, one of the world’s largest economies.”
In fact, Spanish authorities have just seized a major bank there and forced the merger of four others in trouble. Even more Spanish bank failures are on the way as a result of Spain’s own real estate meltdown.
How much could this hurt our markets? Consider the facts:
Until now, yes, Greece was the great nemesis that caused nearly all of the panic. But Greece has only $236 billion in external debts. Spain has $1.1 trillion, or FIVE times more.
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Hawaii Bankruptcy Filings Up 34.4%
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  1. so when does it get really ugly here in the u.s?

  2. I know a guy that has $900k in the market. His entire family's life savings. I do mean entire. That is all he has, period. Imagine. $900k done in a day.

    He won't listen to a work I say or even consider buying $25k in silver. His mind in 100% locked on the stock market. Has it on his I-phone, lives and breathes it.

    I have an old futon in my basement I guess I can let him sleep on when he loses it all.

  3. When the collapse comes no one you warned will come back and say they should have listened to you. That is not the way it works with a truth messenger. All you get is scorn when you deliver the warning (people only want to hear what brings them comfort) followed by stubborn disbelief that they were ever wrong. Even if they are camped out at a homeless shelter or Fema.

    They have master's degrees and huge fortunes. How could you, the lowly blog-follower know anything they do not?

    Arrogance and delusion will be their destruction.

  4. Anon 10:43...

    900K in the market is crazy. That guy needs to get some good off the grid land near a water source. Then put up a nice cabin. Can probably be had for no more than 300K total, AT MOST!!

    After that stock it with everything you need, i.e. canned food, rice, beans, ammo, guns, you get the picture. Then get silver and gold.

    This guy has 900K. Most of us doomers would love to be in his sitch, but ala, a fool and his money.

    He could completely prep out at the max and still have 500K left. At that point, store it in the 1-ton safe at the cabin.

    Well, when it all goes poof, I hope you let him have the futon!!!

  5. When the collapse happens, you will really need Jesus!

  6. a futon a bag of rice and a book on how to speak manchurian because the chinese will want their gold
    or their land

  7. they should tie a 55 gallon drum to the bp exces
    legs and push them over board
    give the a cork and tell them to plug the hole

  8. My brother is a doctor and he is not listening to me about our economic condition we are in. He will find out when collapse takes place.
    I think you guys should not try too much to persuade other about buying gold and prepare. The sheeples will call you name and hate you even more. I know because I have tried.

  9. In '29 people with vast fortunes were reduced to poverty in just minutes. Poverty that they had never seen in their lifetimes before because most were spoon fed from birth.

    To judge yourself by your material wealth as well as your peers and then have that all jerked away is going to be extremely traumatic for them.

    I know most pity here would feel pity for them as they jump from their windows but it is like having their whole life and value system jerked away from them.

    Ever notice that some of the poorest people are the happiest and the wealthiest are miserable? That is because materialism is a poor god.

    The people that will make it through this must get over the materialistic BS. You must not want to peacock around in your Mercedes and flash your stock market and bank balance.

    An entire re-thinking is necessary. Someone who is truly prepared has all the essentials stored up, inc Gold and Silver, and believe it or not, it is a very humbling experience.

    As your peers buzz around in their fancy cars and show off their 62" lcds (the bastards!) you are silently preparing. Appearing to have very little in terms of materialism.

    If you need attention, if you need to appear to be Mr Bigshot, owning PMs and laying low will be a challenge for you.

    You must re-adjust your thinking and see that true wealth is piece of mind, especially if it includes a humble heart.

  10. 11:03 - never mind, hopeless.

  11. 11:03 they already have the pink slip to most of our open government land, including our National Parks. That's fine though. It's their turn to live high on the hog while we have baskets on our head. We had our chance and blew it.

  12. So sad but true...People don't believe and grow to hate the messenger...Tried already and got labled as a "Tin Foil Kook."

    When shit happened with the RE market I was blessed enough to see it and get out in March 2005...They all lost their homes or are losing their homes now but no one remembers me telling them to get out.

    People just remember what they want...That simple...Prep and stock up and lay low till it hits...If it isn't family or close friends? Fuck em...Let the grasshoppers eat their ETFs, bonds and CDs.

  13. You have to options without bullion.
    1. Pick out a nice shopping cart.
    2. Paint the walls with your brains.

  14. 11:19 true, but unfortunately family and friends don't listen to truth either. I only have limited resources so if I want to survive I will be forced to turn them away also. I have made that clear to them already. Very sad, but people, even family, make their own choice now and live or die by it later.

  15. You would think fear of starvation would be enough to wake up some people. Fear is such a powerful motivator. I guess if the fear is dish out by an authority figure like government or a talking head on TV people would do something.

  16. European debt problems pale in comparison to USA debt problems. American media propaganda at full force in order to prop up the dying dollar.

  17. Market's up 170+ points today. How's that a collapse?

  18. My elderly father has $3-400K in the market, used to be about $600K, he will have nothing to do with anything I say to him. My brother in law has over a million in market, won't hear of buying gold and silver. I suspect there are millions of slave sheeple with their entire fortunes in the market. Some day soon, they will loose it all, or most of it, and have $ for beer and pretzels...

  19. 12:30 this manipulation is for people like you. They forget the 1000 point drop. Jam the market up a hundred here, drop a few hundred there, then jam it up a hundred, next thing you know its 4500. Hey look the markets are up! It went from 4500 to 4800, things are looking up, its a RECOVERY. The headlines read...

  20. 12:37, the market has nothing to do with a potential collapse, whether it be up or down. The market is merely a charade.......smoke and mirrors.

    The collapse is, and has been, in process and the market does not reflect it. It's now irrelevant, so why waste your time using it as evidence of a collapse?

  21. 12:39, market was 916.30 in June 1977 and 10,207.97 today. Idiot right back at ya.

  22. 12:27 so which way is the market trend going today? Up or Down?..idiot right back at ya..from 14,000..

  23. 1259 Lower Highs and Lower lows, it will not get back to 14000, but when it goes lower below 10000 and it will soon, I hope you have your life savings in it, so when it crashes I can say I told you so, Idiot at ya

  24. 12:59, if things are as dire as you say, market would already be at 3,500. It's not. Therefore, it (the market) doesn't represent reality. It's a charade. So, why do you keep using it to prove your point? If the market is manipulated, why wouldn't gold and silver also be manipulated, or prone to manipulation? Why do you seem to care so much? Why do you want me to buy PMs so badly? What's in it for you? To you, we're all just idiots, so why do you continue to try to convince idiots? If we're idiots, we're never going to learn.

    FYI, smart guy, I don't have money in the market. Never have. My money's in oil.

  25. my moneys on gold
    when market hits 5000 sell gold buy oil at at 15 dollars a barrepeople arent idiots buy more stocks so i can get more gold cheap
    eat out spend away

  26. 1 09 i hope yoou dont own bp smart guy
    got gold

  27. I think what most people here should be investing in is not gold or silver, but an education, since it's clear you can't a) speak proper English, b) articulate ideas solid enough to warrant speaking proper English, that is, without making fools out of yourselves by calling one another names.

  28. People forget fortunes were MADE in the last depression. Just because they're in the market, it doesn't mean they lose their shirts. There's money to be made for traders to ride waves up and down. 401ks, mutual funds, yes they are toast.


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