Thursday, June 10, 2010

New York Government Could Shut Down Next Week: Chaos And Anarchy!

New York State government could shut down next week for the first time ever.


The state budget is more than two months late. Since April, the government has been kept running on a week-to-week basis by temporary spending bills, or extenders.
But as budget negotiations go nowhere, Governor Paterson has begun making it harder for lawmakers to rely on the extenders by including items they're reluctant to pass.
This week, his spending bill included $385 million in cuts to health care. Paterson's plan for next week is expected to include a $1 per pack tax on cigarettes.
The past three weeks, not a single republican has voted yes on the bills. Now two democratic state senators are threatening to vote against this extender.
If that's the case when lawmakers vote Monday, state government could shut down, unless one or more republicans votes for the bill.
If it fails, courtrooms, unemployment offices, highway rest stops and the state terrorism hot line could all close.
"That is not a sound bite. That is not a joke. Shutting down government means there is no one to pay the prison guards, no one to pay the state police, no one to pay the emergency workers," said Paterson.

Link Here..

Chaos and anarchy. That's what New York Gov. David Paterson is warning if he's forced to shut down the government in a few days. 

More Here..


  1. I live in the city i would love to see this happen.

  2. When SHTF the question is why place will be worse - LA or NYC. My guess is LA.

  3. On a day when the Dow is up 273 for no apparent reason or logic. I'll believe this when I see it.

  4. Awsome, This could be the spark that sets off the US powder keg.

    Cock,lock and get ready to rock.

  5. Hopefully not just a few city governments will shut down but the Federal Government will shut down and get out of Americans lives.

    How about the states thru 10th amendment just declare the Federal Reserve to be illegal and not subject to the debt and tell the FED to eat the debt.

  6. This is what happens in a conservative nyc, with all its retard repukes in there, no wonder it is failing. Stock market is rigged, soon will crash, count on it.

  7. When tshf Detroit and Cleveland with be worse than anywhere else

  8. Alert Snake Plissken and get ready to: ESCAPE FROM NY!

    John Carpenter, eat your heart out...this thing is getting real!

    NYC is going into lock down.

  9. Escape From New York

  10. There's tungsten bars in Fort Flocks.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 7:46 That was a joke right? NYC conservative you gotta be shittin me. NYC has been run into the ground by severely retarded democrats for quit a spell now. schumer,little weiner,rangle,clinton,gildabrande,Soon to be cuomo.The names are endless and in my opinion it could not happen to a better bunch of snarky little liberal assholes! I look forward to watching you libs burn your city down when the gravy train runs out of gas. LETS ROCK & ROLL!

  13. it may shutdown if someones vote is not counted on a budget issue that the state has.

  14. Texas is almost broke too, those conservative idiots have ruined the state, hutchinson, perry, delay, bushs have all ruined that cesspool, I cant wait to see them toothless hicks riot, rock and roll over you pissant texans

  15. Maybe this is why the Feds installed those gunshot tracking systems in NYC four years ago at the cost of millions. Fire off a gun and they can tell where it was fired within 30 meters. Car/truck backfires are ignored, it is that exact.

  16. Ahhh. This is what socialism breeds. We have too many government addicts and now what are they (the politicians) to do when they take the crack pipe away from all of their people? The day will come where there will not be any more giving and all hell will break loose as the addicts go through infernal withdrawal. Heaven help us on that day. They will leave their city dwellings and, like termites and roaches, begin to infest the outlying areas, pillaging and plundering to satisfy their cravings. They have been bred to believe that it is their right to take without working for it. Those who have worked hard and built up are the evil ones. God help us.

    America like the old State Capitalist Soviet Union is bankrupted by debts . The falling rate of profits to capital , to an oversupply of reinvested printed paper "profits" and to pay for fictionally overvalued property bubble assets caught up with America.
    The cut from its own production of real physical wealth going to profit from an un- productive of profit subsidised Labour Aristocracy was unable to service the mountains of debts ,property loans, student loans ,credit card debts or dividends for shares etc or pay for the cost of imports and foreign credit.America exported the bulk of its Physical wealth creating consumer producing industries so that a profit could be got from Third World labour. America was turned into a "Services economy". Services create no new wealth they only exchange and circulate existing value to the providers . Pre crisis America was living on credit including foreign supplied credit and vendor finance from countries like China ,Japan ,and the oil sheiks that propped the system up. Together with deficit spending for Keynesian militarism. (Thus occured under DemocRats and Repug imperialists )
    The Bottom line is ,that value of this foreign supplied credit and purchase of Treasury bonds was about equal to the TOTAL pre - tax ‘profits” paid out as dividends by American companies In short ,when considered as a whole economy, no real profits created in America.
    The American Government and banksters kept this Ponzi scheme economy going by issuing and exporting dud Bonds like sub prime bonds , certified as AAA by rating agencies. When the Dud bonds failed to deliver the continuation of the promised dividends .
    Money /credit supply markets dried up and the Government socialised the losses of the banksters after a financial coup with the TARP bailout and nationalised most of the housing mortgages with a promise to pay the mortgage
    dividends by taxpayers .
    As their was no real profits being created by Americans Pre –crisis ,How will recovery occur for capitalism in free trade. how will real recovery in the economy
    without competitive third world levels of wages and “austerity” by the states and the Fed in order to pay off the bondholders?
    What appears to be” recovery” is mainly the result of even more government deficit / debt “stimulus” money printing for a bankrupted capitalist system.
    Whether the US breaks into its parts ,its bankrupt states in this fake recovery,
    as the federal USSR system did or remains united in their misery remains to be seen.

  18. Canadians will rush across for some fast cross-border shopping, then on their dash back, they will light the tire barracades on fire-charrrrge!!

  19. The elite are playing this masterfully. Like a violin.

  20. Savers and the responsible people will be crushed by the hyperinflation and wreckless people in debt will be rewarded.

  21. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 11, 2010 at 2:05 AM

    Start spreadin' the news
    I'm leaving today

  22. The Canadaien economy is linked together like Gums and teeth to its biggest trade partner.
    Canadien national indepenence is mostly illusion.
    Only Canadien loonies could think otherwise.
    The bankrupted US is like a Gummy shark now and the Canadiens will have no bite in their dollar
    for cross the border shopping soon , As their Loonie dollar will tumble in sympathy with the american $ in a developing crisis.

  23. I will match any contribution MIKE M. makes this weekend. Who the hell does this MIKE M. think he is? He shall be the new #2.

  24. The state sponsored terrorism hotline might shut down? Oh my!

  25. NYC and LA, once the pride and joy of the UNION, now two burnt-out cities on the verge of becoming debt-laden cesspools. I welcome the anarchy. May all your nightmares come true.

  26. I took part in Rodney King Riot in 1991. Just got out of high school and the future is uncertain. Gotta do something so I participated in the riot. Kind of fun experience. Now looking back, it was not the right thing to do.

  27. This is interesting, seems alot of states are overbudget, but NY? This is huge. I hope they get the one or more votes to get the budget through in time. Otherwise, like the article says, unemployment office closes, what are all the laid off people gonna do?

  28. These are just threats, they will not shut down. The Governor just want to scare everyone so that he get the vote for emergency spending.

  29. How many people who are "informed", on here maybe outside of 8:36 will have enough sense to be able to focus on your own lives (locally) when everything happens?

    People still watching TMZ, VH1, whatever... those people are goners. Many who obsessively use myspace and facebook likewise. Of course addicts, thugs, and obese people won't last long.

    Many of you here are so bogus you somehow think the Capitalist System was the problem. You guys will probably be holding thought-forms of things happening FAR, AWAY, and UNREAL (like those focusing on celebrities) you won't even be able to pay attention to your own situation.

  30. It's all by design.

    Remember, they always announce worst case scenario to scare the sheeple slaves into paying more taxes. It's happening in NY.

    Make the smokers pay for the blatant miss spending by government, $1 per pack. Cig sales should boom in surrounding states.

    Don't worry sheeple, government is unfortunately, not going away.

  31. Say 9:08 -

    When we toothless hicks do riot it will be to invoke the 10th Amendment. We'll shut our borders to all you damn Yankees. Then with all the natural resources we have like natural gas, a independent power grid, oil and good farming industry we'll be just fine. You can have the Federal Reserve and all the paper money they print to keep yourself warm this next winter.

    You are just another American Idiot spewing forth massive amounts of oral diarrhea.


  32. Nothing will happen. Here is my predicted timeline:
    1)State government will shutdown.
    2)People will be angry they aren't receiving their normal "services".
    3)People will be angry at government. NY Dems will blame Republicans.
    4)Republicans will back down and allow massive tax increases.

    Problem solved.

  33. As always, I LOVE this site! This looming collapse is way overdue. I, and my brigade of like-minded people, stand ready to defend ourselves and our belongings against the mindless hordes with showers of hot lead. I wonder if during the cataclysm, will the census workers still be bothering everyone, knocking on doors and peering in windows?

  34. Yea, right, complete shut down of the state.

    - No cops
    - No firemen
    - No prison gaurds, so we'll have to release all the inmates
    - No public social services
    - No public services at all

    No matter how broke NY may be, this will never happen. The same can be said for any other state. I really wish this would happen, then we could see the burning of Wall Street and the NY Federal Reserve.

    The Trator in Cheif would then order the military to invade NY and martial law would happen. You know that little law that Bush signed that gives a POTUS the power to declair an emergency and then have dictatorial powers till he decides there is no more emergency. This "emergency" would never end and the Sock Puppet in Cheif would be POTUS forever!

  35. As a christian, it was fortold in the Bible that there would be a great global tribulation such as one no other generation before it has ever experienced up until that time.

    We are close to that time.

  36. 11:46 Maybe you are the sheeple but are too dumb to realize it.

    Government is ran by people. If people are bankrupt so is the government. That's just the way it is. Governments WILL eventually shut down, whether at the city or state level, etc. The oil that lubes this fantasy-land daydream is coming to a halt and so life as we know it.

  37. Truth be told, there are a lot of opinionated people that post comments here but 75% of you sound just as clueless as the next person. The only difference is that you believe this is "all by design" (which is where further investigation stops for you) therefore that little piece of supposed insight presumably gives you intellectual advantage over the rest of your "sheeple" brothers and sisters and allows you to feel above them. You scorn the sheeple 100-200 times a day because your own life is probably just as vapid as those VH1 and American idols watchers glued to the television and have nothing better to do aside from cleaning your gun.

  38. Dear christian,
    I hear ya. It's coming. God bless you and yours. This oil volcano thing is especially disturbing to me.


  40. I FEAR THE WORST IS HERE !!!!!!!!


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