Saturday, June 26, 2010

Protesters Set fires, Smash Windows in Violent G20 Demonstration

TORONTO — Downtown Toronto was in chaos Saturday as roving bands of G20 protesters set fire to police vehicles and smashed windows despite a $1-billion security tab and thousands of police at the ready.
A core group of militant protesters, dressed in black balaclavas and using what's referred to as a Black Bloc tactic, remained at large more than four hours after their campaign of violence began.
Police in riot gear marched through city streets, pounding their shields in warning as they tried to restore order in a city under siege.
A newspaper photographer has been shot with a rubber bullet in the backside, while another had an officer point a gun in his face despite identifying himself as a member of the media.
The violence came as leaders of the world's G20 nations met behind the steel and concrete barrier that has earned the city the moniker "Fortress Toronto."


  1. Everything will begin to spiral out of control.

  2. I do not understand why they do not use more law enforcement to capture and prosecute these criminals. Today they say 400 demonstrators were taken into custody; not enough! They should get 4000 and charge each and everyone with all of the crimes. A few years in jail might deter this in the future.

  3. I predict by the end of this year it won't be thousands of protesters, it will be millions, perhaps even BILLIONS of protestors.

    Meanwhile the Bottomless Pit opened by British Petroleum spews blood and hail into the heart of the worlds oceans and Neptune is mighty angry.

    Also, when mass amounts of people start dying from the toxic rain and poisonous gases, there will be open rebellion everywhere and the violent death of many prominent banker type folks.

  4. I'm betting it's safe to assume that most or all of those causing violence were agents provocateurs. I find it hard to believe that 20,000+ police could do next to nothing to stop the extreme violence yesterday, yet turn around and use that violence to justify arresting peaceful protesters today. The violence was likely instigated to justify the outrageous billion + price tag for security, and to further acclimatize theCanadian public to the police state.


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