Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Raining Oil In Louisiana (Video)

From The Washington Post:
The most disturbing of the worst-case scenarios, one that is unsubstantiated but is driving much of the blog discussion, is that the Deepwater Horizon well has been so badly damaged that it has spawned multiple leaks from the seafloor, making containment impossible and a long-term solution much more complicated.
Video from a robotic submersible, which is making the rounds online, shows something puffing from the seafloor. Some think it's oil. Or maybe -- look again -- it's just the silt blowing in response to the forward motion of the submersible.
More trouble: A tropical wave has formed in the Caribbean and could conceivably blow through the gulf.
"We're going to have to evacuate the gulf states," said Matt Simmons, founder of Simmons and Co., an oil investment firm and, since the April 20 blowout, the unflagging source of end-of-the-world predictions. "Can you imagine evacuating 20 million people? . . . This story is 80 times worse than I thought."
More Here.


  1. Sure, but's a good thing because Mr Um um um is in the White House. Take a deep breath and smell the oil.

  2. Hmmm, at the risk of being labelled a shill or disinfo agent I still must say this video leaves me unconvinced. It is common to see an 'oily sheen' on roadways and in gutters after a big rainstorm- oil drips from leaking vehicles collect on roadways and driveways, and are washed free in the rain.
    Not to say oil rain can't happen, but I think it would require a very strong tropical storm or hurricane to pull the oil out of the gulf and into the atmosphere.

  3. 2:38 maybe you missed the part about how they SMELL it too? Even the kid walking through it, claims he smells the OIL. Better go back and review that video?

  4. 238
    be carefull your dream will come true
    leave the gulf while you can

    also he smells oil i never smelt it

  5. If this is not on the nightly news, then I think that this video is not correct. I agree with 2:38, if it is real the word will be out soon enough, and not just this single home grown video.

  6. Gary, you mean you believe the NIGHTLY CNN NEWS? Quite funny, you'll read it here then a month later it will be on the news..maybe.

  7. 4:36 I did not say that I listened to CNN, I said that the word would be out soon enough, thru newspapers, magazines, internet, and yes even local nightly news, that...."oil is raining onto the strees and land, etc."

    Having been on a countless combustible and flammable spills in the fire service, this video looks like a leak on the street. And yes you can also smell it, but from rain, I think not. That is not until it can be verified and believe me that news would be spreading across every news channel there was because it would be so out of the ordinary. This is what I meant.

  8. That corexit dispersant will give anyone exposed to it cancer.You couldn't pay me to eat gulf seafood now!

  9. gary
    you seem very nice
    but the reality
    2 wars 3rd on the way
    20 million uenployed and 6 for every job
    no extension on uenployement
    jobs being closed here in ny left and right

    the gulf they new 3 weeks in advance
    tonight on fox they said the well could blow the top off

    northcom has been praticeing to evacuate the gulf
    on thier website june 3rd

    ill be pessimistic but i would run like hell from the gulf

    we are in the eye of a major disaster
    our country will and is destroying itself
    many will see and still wont beleive

    our leaders have destroyed america
    land sea and air
    god help us

    also the first day lindsey williams warned of this word for word

    you watch msm thats for children
    you seem nice but i cant afford to be ignorant

    uenployement extension has to be voted on every month and they say the depression is over!

    we are ruled by incompetent self centered satan worshiping crazed maniacs that will not be happy unless thiers rioting

    why eles would you destroy america from the inside

  10. 642 and thats the good news...

    gary take your tv and smash it.
    and see how your mind opens to the truth,

    many will find out that these things where by design
    she spoke of it in1972

  11. In the very last paragraph of this article (SEE LINK BELOW)it says that it cannot rain oil as a result of a hurricane. EA You should book mark this or copy and save it because they will delete and act like they never made that statement. If a hurricane hits the slick at the right angle the force of the winds will pull the oil out of the water and blow it across the land. I am embarrassed for the precise yet ignorant statement that NOAA made.

  12. It's obvious from the video that the oil was only in the street and looked a lot more like residue from vehicles then from rain. Look at the puddles, no sheen. Not convincing evidence. Not to say this blowout isn't the biggest disaster ever and looks to get a lot worse. Time will tell what the full extent of the damage will be...


  14. There is lots of speculation ,and even wild speculation on the effects of these dispersants ,oil ,oil smells, toxic rain etc. police preventing news reporters or the public from investigating and so on.
    why is this speculation even neccessary?
    BP and corporatism is fully in control!
    Is the Government informing the public how to protect themselves from odourless Methane gases for example ? Are gas masks needed ? who Knows!
    Shouldnt an american president have set up a health commission to investegate the facts and possible dangers and what can be done, using all the resourses of government and distribute that knowledge as well as public involvement plans if evacuations were necessary etc.

    Instead it is left up to 'conspiracy theorists"and individualist survivalists to try and work out what is happening and try and warn the public .
    The old "can do" america and social concern for the public good is no more. We saw that in Katrina under a Republican Bush and now in the oil blowout under a Democrat Obama.
    Under a Corporate state and its two party same -same managers and patriot act semi monarchial system , democracy and freedom to be even informed has no role when the news is managed by business interests.An american semi-monarhial president forms a committee to "investigate" the past causes blowout to ensure it will "never happen again" and leaves the current blowout managemant in the hands of people that have shown in practice they are environmental criminals
    He calls that Kicking ass for america.
    Paranoia is just one necessary result of corporate state 'democracy" for a people prevented from learning the facts by government . The future is grim for Americans unless they take back and reassert democrating contol over america and the corporate "persons" like BP.

  15. 6:42 like I stated I was in the fire service, for about 30 years, and part of that time spent as on officer on a hazardous materials unit, and I am aware of the toxic gases etc, that is now invading the workers, gulf coast, etc.

    I do not watch much TV, but get most of all my news off of various websites and have for some time. I am well aware of the problems this country faces and the world, and me thinks by mid to late summer into the fall, most people will be aware that this country is in great trouble. I taught classes in the fire service also on prepardness and believe me I am well prepared and have been for some time. I suggest others all the time to get prepared as I see this country entering a very dire strait. My big concern out here near Death water of which I am installing a hand pump on my well very soon as a further backup. Prepardness is always the correct thing to do, as I have seen far too many people not prepare for anything, and relys on government to help. Like Katrina,,,you saw how well the government did in that situation and the gulf incident won't be any different.

  16. That's how out of touch with nature so many people like Gary have become.

    They, having not natural understanding of how this earth works, think it hard to believe that 200 million gallons of oil and Corexit 9500 (40% or more 2 butoxy ethanol) in the gulf
    will cause oil rain, contaminated rain all over the world.

    Gary is like many, still in deep denial about what is happening.

    Do you as a person find it in any way interesting when you see that the final authority of Government or Authority figures such as Coast Guard and Police have absolutely no idea what to do? They don't even have the common sense to close water to swimmers in some areas. I find it interesting when big brother
    is revealed as only human.

  17. Some of the comments on this video at zero hedge on if oil rain from toxic clouds is possible. Edited for brevity :
    “How hard is it to understand what is coming out of the well? The "crude" is a mixture of gases, liquids and solids that could contain thousands of different "things". Each thing will react according to it's own molecular composition.”
    “When an Oil Spill Occurs.Light crude contains volatile organic compounds which evaporate. Thus, light crude oil will lose up to 10 to 15% of its volume immediately, and up to 25% of its volume within 24 hours. How much of its volume is lost depends on the surface-to-volume ratio of the bulk oil. Events that disperse the oil, such as a well blowout, can affect this. Thus, crude oil in a pool or tank will retain more of its volatile components than crude in an oil slick”
    … And yes it can "rain" some of the "things" in the crude. Some things will vaporize on their own depending on ambient pressure and heat. Once a vapor they can either rise into the atmosphere or hang low close to the water/ground. They can also bind with water vapor that is at every altitude from 0 - hundreds of thousands of feet. Once bound with water they can fall as rain. Many molecules do not need water to bind with. They will form a vapor and rise. They will condensate and fall depending on pressure and temperature. Start the crude on fire and all kinds of chemical changes will happen to the things in the crude. “
    “… Volatile organics tend to distill or vaporize at less than water (100 degrees celcius at sea level). The tarry portions of the oil (dependent on whether they are dealing with light crude or heavier crude) will tend to distill at significantly higher temperatures than water or not at all. Benzens has a boiling point of about 80 and forms azeotropes with water, alcohol other volatiles at temperatures lower than 80 (ethanol/water/benzene azeotropes off at about 65 degrees celcius). Bottom line- the stuff is in the clouds in various forms in high concentrations. Get the fuck out of there. Next up- transfer of 20-50 million residents out of there. Your guess as to timing of martial law….. “
    “Old document says oil can evaporate...light crudes up to 75% of mass and medium crudes up to 40% of mass in just a few days. Then you have to factor in dispersants and how they might factor into the evaporation process.

    “I just stumbled on a motherlode of info on toxicity of spills - it is like taking an excellent college course on the subject - well woth skimming this document. It is dropdead fascinating - excellent source - and, I found, near the end of it, a discussion of how oil spills are dispersed, and, this lilttle segment talks about oil particles travelling on winds, check this out… following physical, chemical and biological processes [713]: -PHYSICAL: spreading (thinning of the oil slick); dispersion (by wind); movement (by currents or gravity flow); dissolution; sedimentation or settling; emulsification; evaporation or volatilization; aeolian transport (when oil droplets become airborne and are blown long distances by strong winds). -CHEMICAL: photolysis or photooxidation or photodegradation; oxidation or chemical degradation. -BIOLOGICAL: microbial degradation or biodegradation.

  18. WTF is it with this Gary bashing?

    Gary seems more sensible than most people on here I can't understand why it seems everyone turned on him as if he was an idiot.

    He is one of the first I've heard to actually analyze his own situation rather than think it will be the same everywhere.

    He's in a hot location that dehydrates people like hell and he recognizes it is in the middle of nowhere; good since it keeps annoying people away and allows independance from today's toxic society but also bad because eventually people need to work together. So he brought up the water problem he'll have and is actually focusing on what his predicament is and comes to practical solutions rather than, "we need to take up arms and kill the banksters!".

    Why is Gary in denial or an idiot?

  19. 10:51 Me thinks you did not understand what I stated. I did not say the government did well, I said "you saw how well the government did in that situation and the gulf incident won't be any different', and that was a slam against how government works on large problems. Yes the gulf incident has a good chance of coming out poorly and I always stress that people better be watching out for themselves because guberment won't. Been there saw that!


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