Thursday, July 1, 2010

Collapse: Economy Will Not Survive Without Tax Credits

U.S. pending homes sales drop to record low in May; U.S. mortgage rates have sunk to their lowest level since the 1950s

NEW YORK (AP) -- The number of buyers who signed contracts to purchase homes tumbled in May, a sign the housing recovery can't survive without government incentives.
The National Association of Realtors said Thursday its seasonally adjusted index of sales agreements for previously occupied homes dropped 30 percent in May from April. The index fell to 77.6 from 110.9. May's reading was the lowest dating back to 2001.
The index also was down 15.9 percent from the same month a year earlier.
The reading provides an early measurement of sales activity because there is usually a one- to two-month lag between a sales contract and a completed deal.
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WASHINGTON — More than 1.3 million laid-off workers won't get their unemployment benefits reinstated before Congress goes on a weeklong vacation for Independence Day.
An additional 200,000 people who have been without a job for at least six months stand to lose their benefits each week, unless Congress acts.
For the third time in as many weeks, Republicans in the Senate successfully filibustered a bill Wednesday night that would have continued unemployment checks to people who have been laid off for long stretches. The House is slated to vote on a similar measure Thursday, though the Senate's action renders the vote a futile gesture as Congress prepares to depart Washington for its holiday recess.
More Here..


  1. Before everybody starts blaming the republicans please take 2 minutes and watch this:

  2. The media keeps reporting that the economy may be slowing down or possibly fizzling. What they should be saying is that the economy is on the brink of collapsing. Just tell the truth already!

  3. 8:31 That youtube video was dead on. Thanks

  4. The video is interesting, and more truth than most new outlets will openly admit. The truth Americans should be aware that the Democratic party has been infiltrated and taken over by 'Progressives' who are trying to convince this country that only GOVERNMENT can fix this economic mess that the Democrats(Progressives) with distractions and accusations to demonize Republicans, and FREE SPEECH( the real arbitrator of power), combined with non-profit 503K organizations ( ACORN,Move On, FreePress)How did this economic collapse occur, and who got rich? WATCH Glenn Beck on FOX the week of NOV. 9th.( why is it that president Obama and his supporters
    are attacking this network? Why are they attacking Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh? Why is President Obama spending our money trying to bankrupt the U.S., and insulting the intelligence of you and your fellow country men and women? Obama has called us stupid. why?

    Find out who GEORGE SORROS is and how he has collapsed governments and their economies to force them into debt ( Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Russia) so shadow governments could seize power, JUST AS HE IS MANIPULATING IN THE United States NOW: "The main obstacle to a Stable and Just world order is the United Sates"~George Sorros.
    This is his plan he uses, and is now using in America :
    1.FORM a 'Shadow Government ( progressives? green party?)
    2.CONTROL the Airwaves (Attack news organizations like FOXnews)
    3.Destabilize the State ( Attack AZ for wanting U.S. immigration laws enforced as violence increases, mortgage crisis, control businesses like GM,Chrysler, and the banks, and mortgage lenders..?)
    4.Provoke election crisis ( like the 4 we just had. Recount anyone?)
    NOW PAY ATTENTION to Obamas empty platitudes and non-commitment to details, and how he spends money we can't afford. why spend money when the economy is collapsing? Watch GLENN BECK's SHOW this week!


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