Friday, July 9, 2010

Infowar Gets Its Economic Info From This Blog


  1. An Excellent video that reflects my views. While the sheeple slaves worry about what team some stupid ass basketball player is going, the economy is collapsing (which we have been announcing on this blog for years now), the gulf is dead & soon the gulf residents will be evacuated or dead, war any day with Iran, ever increasing police state, cap & trade coming, to mention a few current issues that your tv will not cover or focus on.

    Remember, the sheeple will believe anything their tv's tell them. Most of my friends and relatives are addicted to their tv's, and they have no clue and don't care.

    At least we saw it coming & have had time to prepare.

  2. They will never take my guns......NEVER!!!

    Speaking of guns, look at Alex's guns. Does he work out? His arms are huge....look at those biceps. He's not only intelligent.....he's buff, too.

    I want to have children with him. He can put his shoes under my bed, anytime.

    I love you Alex, you sexy stud muffin.

  3. Maybe if we all get blowhorns and buy Alex's tee shirts and videos the problem will be solved.

  4. Honestly I don't think people actually cared about the Lohan bullcrap or basketball, it is the media that insists people see it.

    There are more people concerned about reality than some of you think, they just don't have time or energy to focus on it because they are desperate enough as it is and/or it scares them too much.

    What we will need is young people who will be sober and sharp minded for what's about to come so that they can be the frontrunners of a new civilization. They need to be there to witness all of it and make a new foundation for humanity. They need to be able to teach the children then not to repeat it and pass these warnings down through generation to generation like the Native Americans once did (see Hopi Prophecy)

    Everything else is pretty much dead. Just awaiting now two things that occur at the same time: Destruction and Creation.

  5. While they are prying Nancy`s cold dead fingers off her big guns; I`m voting Celente for prez, and Alex for just about everything that`s cool! Yaaaaay-Alex!! Woo Hoo! lol.

  6. Those aren't guns; their man boobs ! Yummy - I'm gonna get ne some O 'dem

    Don't worry ! market up today & blonde bimbos on Fox say best week of gains in over a year - all is well !

  7. These Johnny-come-latelys are exactly that:

    It's all over, baby, there is no movement in the USA, none, and any attempt to build one will be extinguished by the FBI with the same precision as using a switchblade in a back alley.

    Great blog, you're wrong about universal health care (although right to oppose Obamacare), and you're wrong posting wingnuts like this prisonplanet guy, who ain't got a clue.

    Rally on.

  8. This vid is going Viral right now because Drudge has it on his page. We can see that Alex has grown over the years to polish out his ramblings to become a fine tuned laser guided missile straight into the minds of the uneducated. Glad he could use Lebron as his springboard... Lets see more important, bouncing a basketball or creating enough jobs for the millions torn into basic animal survival instincts... ?? bueller Bueller...
    Economics Teacher: In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the... Anyone? Anyone?... the Great Depression, passed the... Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Which, anyone? Raised or lowered?... raised tariffs, in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government. Did it work? Anyone? Anyone know the effects? It did not work, and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression. Today we have a similar debate over this. Anyone know what this is? Class? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone seen this before? The Laffer Curve. Anyone know what this says? It says that at this point on the revenue curve, you will get exactly the same amount of revenue as at this point. This is very controversial. Does anyone know what Vice President Bush called this in 1980? Anyone? Something-d-o-o economics. "Voodoo" economics.

    Economics Teacher: Bueller?... Bueller?... Bueller?

  9. Hard to disagree with where we are heading but he makes a leap with his assertion that the globalist social engineers are making you focus on Lebron James while they destroy the country intentionally.

    Was Rome overthrown by the globalists and did it lead to world government/tyranny? No, Rome was already tyrannical but it fell because of the unsustainability of an empire and the excesses of too big to fail civilization.

  10. Nancy, you're kidding, right? I like the guy.....but he's fat. You can't see his biceps, because they're covered in a layer of....fat. Plus, he dyes his hair.

  11. Its too late you cannot get through to them. A lot of people must die.

  12. Not everyone is going to come out of the MATRIX.. Just worry about yourself and those who matter.. The hell with the rest of the sheeple!!


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