Friday, July 9, 2010

Is Death Better Than Slowly Starving to Death?

For older Americans surveyed by Allianz Life Insurance Co., death is not such a big deal. Not, that is, when it compares to the spectre of a dwindling bank account. In a poll of people between the ages of 44 and 75, 61% said that running out money was their biggest fear. The remaining 39% thought death was scarier.

With a couple of banking crises under our belts, we've become almost entirely focused on the monetary aspect of advanced age. The context is important. The poll of 3,257 people, released last month, found that a whopping 92% of respondents agreed that "the United States is facing a crisis in its retirement system," the
AARP wrote about the report.

It's so well-known that the U.S. won't have enough to fund Social Security in the next several decades that most younger people are throwing up their hands in disgust and counting, instead, on their own ability to save, as well as family and community support. The younger cohort among the old folks, who may after all be farther from retirement than they'd like, have really nail-biting fears: 56% are concerned they won't be able to cover their basic living expenses once they reach retirement age.

Read more: 


  1. I have a civilized comment to make. What a wonderful photograph, I love to see matadors gored by their victims. I hope this cruel rascal succumbs to his injuries. After being goaded by the picadors for hours and bleeding heavily from their lances, this brave bull struck back before being slaughtered.

    We salute you brave and glorious beast and wish you a speedy ascent to the heavens. Your death has not been in vain! You will be remembered!


  2. Not surprising that 3/4 of the sheeple are more worried about running out of money than dieing. The sheeple worship their money and possessions, have been trained to do so by the media, a.k.a. your tv. The sheeple live for their MacMansions, electronic devices, fancy cars and boats, expensive designer name brand clothes, ______________(fill in the blank).

    Of course, if one is starving, one will face death in a short period of time.

    Good Luck!


    Posted on July 8, 2010
    Filed Under Breaking News, Oil Disaster | 10 Comments
    Under the guise of the “war on drugs” the U.S. Military is evacuating its ships and hardware from the Gulf of Mexico to safety off the sheltered coast of Costa Rica.
    The “war on drugs” cover story is laughable being that we can’t even get that level of engagement on our border with Mexico where all the drugs come through.
    The Navy is obviously worried about either poison from the methane/corexit 9500 mix or a massive methane explosion/tsunami. A tsunami fits with the NOAA blackout of the U.S. tsunami warning system. It also explains why BP is not actively cleaning up the oil on the beaches. Why clean them up if they are going to be gone.
    On the 2nd July 2010 the Costa Rica Congress authorized the entry of 46 U.S. warships capable of carrying 200 helicopters and warplanes, plus 7,000 U.S. Marines “who may circulate the country in uniform without any restrictions” , plus submarine killer ships to the Costa Rican coast for “anti-narcotics operations and humanitarian missions between 1st July 2010 until 31st December 2010.
    With this kind of nation destroying firepower, it gives real meaning to the expression “war on drugs”, but if this a real six month “war on drugs” we should expect to see some fantastic results, right?
    Politicians representing the Acción Ciudadana (PAC), the Unidad Social Cristiana (PUSC) and the Frente Amplio (FA) political parties opposed the measure saying that the destructive force of the ships, helicopters and 7,000 US Marines is “disproportionate for the fight against drug trafficking.”
    On Sunday, the President of Costa Rica Laura Chinchilla said that the government does not intend to militarize the fight against drugs and the Minister of Public Security Jose Maria Tijerino stressed that this huge, powerful military force would be under the command of the US Coast Guard and not the US Navy.
    Although I don’t suppose the Costa Ricans, the drug traffickers or we expats will notice the difference…
    Another politician Francisco Chacón defended the arrival of the US forces saying that “they would give humanitarian support, build schools and fight against drug traffickers.”
    If these 7,000 US Marines, 200 helicopters, warplanes and submarine killers are coming to Costa Rica to “give humanitarian support, build schools and fight against drug traffickers,” perhaps we could ask them to repair the new highway to Caldera? With that kind of manpower they could have it finished in a week.
    Read Full Article Here: 46 US Warships Plus 7,000 US Marines On Route To Costa Rica?.
    We are sending a war level force of 46 naval ships to stop drugs in Costa Rica which is roughly the size of Vermont with less coast line than Louisiana. Why has the mainstream media not mentioned this massive military buildup? Obviously it is not a buildup…it is an evacuation.
    If you are in the gulf coast region you should consider evacuating.
    Here is another article on the evacuation.
    Here is a link to the article

  4. These elderly retirees really have nothing to worry about. Each FEMA Camp will soon provide 'special accomodations' for our destitute Golden Agers, complete with daily 'early bird specials', Mahjong and Bingo parlors, and dignified burial expenses fully paid. What a relief and blessing to their children! Come on Mom- let me help you aboard. The train is about to depart....

  5. That's a hell of a picture, holy crap.

  6. If and when things get to the point of no return, a FEMA camp won't look so bad I guess, at least if your too old or too young to put all those survival plans into action.

    hunger and the elements can make a person do almost anything.

  7. That's a great pic of the bullfighter getting gored!

  8. You can't take your pointless material possessions into the after-life, folks.
    Get a grip.

  9. True story:
    Guy that works for me goes to Spain. He says he wants to see a bullfight to experience it once in his lifetime. He came back with that picture and an article; THAT was the day he went to the bullfight and he was there. He said he and those around him were traumatized for the rest of fights.

    Small world.

  10. The young can't fund social security. Older people don't want to give the younger people any jobs. Instead, the older generation snickers as they put the younger generation in heavy debt for higher education, and then doesn't hold up its end of the bargain by actually employing and training the younger generation. The older generation giggles like little schoolgirls as they wag their fingers and tell the younger generation to volunteer, that they're lazy, and all sorts of other shaming language.

    Then the older people are bewildered when social security is dwindling and all their old people programs are in danger of being cut, since the younger generation can no longer fund the ponzi scheme. Most ponzi schemes fail, and the US economy is well on its way to failing.

    But it is truly funny seeing these arrogant old farts that had no ability to relate to the younger generation flow down the creek with the waterfall at the end with no idea what was happening. They figure they have the paddle in the boat, but it's just a piece of worthless green paper.

  11. @8:45

    To top it all off, the young will have neither the ability nor the desire to take care of the old folks as they age.
    Fine mess the baby doomers have gotten themselves in, the selfish asses.

  12. 7,000 marines to Costa Rica?
    American military humanitarianism at its Best!
    But ,how can the American system afford this ,when there is an economic crisis and military and related deficit spending for “defence” and wars already costs nearly a trillion dollars.
    Don’t they realise that these marines will be soon be needed for the next surge of troops in Afghanistan to look after the warlords and supervising the harvesting of next years opium crop?
    Everybody knows that the drug business follows the CIA and US military as the US creates free trade countries. And the military is already ‘over stretched”, as its incompentant generals are retired for their failures in winning 'victory"
    Has the war in Afghanistan gone so badly that the CIA now has to open a branch of the "war against drugs" in Costa Rica?
    Anyway, Opium /heroin is sooo 20th century, but Cocaine is "hip" in the US and Mexican markets right now. Why it is just simple business !
    A "cost/benefit" analysis , comparing the cost of doing business in Afghanistan :
    The billions in yearly cost of a never ending war V the actual massive profits from the opium business ,show, that the ongoing losses now outweigh any possible future profits for the CIA.
    And the future looks grim ,despite the patriotic willingness of some Americans to even die for opium and recourses/ Oil/pipeline profits in Afgahnistan.
    At least in Costa Rica , the heroic marines they sent will not have to fight off 'militant" Muslims ,even if some of the more "inedepenant minded " locals might get upset , Costa Rica has no standing army. But 'liberators" are arriving to bring Law and Order to these markets just as when America removed ex-CIA -agent Noriega competition in Panama!
    Possible Oil discoveries too? Terrorists in Costa Rica ?Whatever : Its all good!
    Clearly ,this is a strictly humanitarian effort, not as some people say , for setting up yet another, or the thousand and first military base in the world today for the Empires wars against third world peoples.
    This Bullshit Empire propaganda is a slander against american good humanitarian intentions and 'our boys"in the military fighting for the corporations that once made America great!(Before they shifted the factories and jobs out to to the Cheap labor Third World)
    But , Everyone knows America is an unselfish peaceful country that has never colonised, or neo-colonised, or unnecessarily invaded and occupied any country in the world in its entire history! So, no worries, not many body bags may be necessary for a while yet In Costa Rica ,till the "Yanqui go home" independence movement gets organised and arms itself for a Peoples War.

    But who will guard the FEMA camps now ?
    With half the national guard already tied down in afghanistan and Iraq protecting big oil and the Opec puppets oil monopoly business .

  13. This is a no brainer. I am 45, life is kind of crappy, I don't really find it worth living. I would guess that it would be most economical to just end my life and leave what I have accrued to my kids and my spouse (I have no debt, otherwise I would not consider quiting).

  14. It is truly amazing that the first 2 post have nothing to do with article instead are from the brain washed masses worrying about the Bull.

    The Pol-ticks and bankers ruin this country and you people are blaming the Baby boomer LOL you folks need one heck of a lot of researching to find out the truth.

  15. Please do not include me in the "brain-washed masses" reference. I know exactly what is going on. However your apparent lack of worry "about the bull" places you squarely in the narcissistic bosom of the boomer generation.

    Bullfighting, dogfighting, cockfighting and the other forms of daily banal animal cruelty correspond precisely to the historical algorithm of bread (blood?) and circuses.

    Anon, your apparent lack of understanding of this symptom of such wanton societal decay does not sadly place you in the ranks of the emancipated. Sorry.

    Only when the very essence of morality is restored will the "masses" be able to see and remedy their plight.

  16. Mustang Above is 100% correct, dead on right.

  17. Obviously neither one of you have been to a slaughter house, packing plant or processing
    facility in your lives or neither would comment
    on this poor lil ole bull.

    Tell ya what - next time your fat, overgrazed asses are sucking down a 20 oz. steak and sipping
    on a $40.00 Calif. cab.

    Go to the stockpens fro a day or two.

    it'll bring your apparent lack of understanding about what really happens to these beasts thousands and thousands of times - every day.

    A large number of people who read this blog know that one of the huge problems facing this country
    if we collapse is that 99% of the people have no fucking idea how to survive because over the last 60 years we been to busy saving the ants - after all; they have feelings too !

  18. Anon 7/10/10 17.02

    Ah, I love it when cretins like you try to link several non sequiturs together. I do know what goes on in slaughterhouses and became a vegan a decade ago.... I do know how to survive but I have also been busy saving ants and other animals all my life.

    How can the vile, banal and anonymous cruelty of billions of animals slaughtered daily extinguish the eternal glory of this magnificent bull who vanquished his tormentor?

    Can you not grasp this elemental construct, Anon?

    Let me look at my crystal ball Anon..... you and your fellow dumbest Americans (99% of the population at last count) are about to become victims of a savage Darwinian socioeconomic slaughterhouse.

    Do you hear that metallic grating noise Anon? That is the economic grinder just starting up that will consume you, your family and your friends. And yet Anon, I do not weep for your suffering or those of your fellow consumers. I shed not a tear. For those like you who partake in wanton animal cruelty richly deserve your own fate. Karma perhaps.

    Remember Plutarch's words;

    "But for the sake of some little mouthful of flesh we deprive a soul of the sun and light, and of that proportion of life and time it had been born into the world to enjoy."

    When non-vegetarians say that “human problems come first,” I cannot help wondering what exactly it is that they are doing for human beings that compels them to continue to support the wasteful, ruthless exploitation of farm animals.

    All the arguments to prove man's superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering the animals are our equals. Our betters perhaps.

    And speaking of ants Anon;

    "As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods,
    They kill us for their sport."

    Have you ever heard of King Lear Anon...? No not the hip hop artist, another one.

  19. Dudette,
    You are one screwed up veggie and I can only hope your a tree hugger too !

    Do not forget; when you cut that spinach - if you listen close; you can hear it cry.

    I compete against a couple of Veggies - they are funny creatures & cannot understand why they run out of gas at the 12 mile marker and cannot go any farther.

    Well. that about raps that up - i must go slaughter a bambi now as that is what I live off - the leanest, purest protien known to man
    Venison - YUMMY

  20. to read the idiocy of anon above "dudette etc" makes me actually truly happy for the forthcoming collapse. all this fat bluster and false bravado will evaporate as the taser makes him squeal.

    it is economic darwinism and such primitives truly deserve what is in store for them. see for erudite cross section of anon's society! bloated and stupid, they wander around in a daze..... really quite funny!

  21. Look at the picture!!!! That bull represents us - or some of us anyway... Hard working Americans that have been slashed and gored, repeatedly by our Government through taxes, and laws restricting our freedoms. We are being bled out until we collapse. I only hope that we are like the bull and we gore the demons before we die. A picture says a thousand words.



Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.