Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Matt Simmons: BP going to $1, Over A Trillion Needed To Cleanup and The Gulf Is Finished

Censored Gulf News: People bleeding internally, millions poisoned says 'EPA whistleblower'

The "Vessels of Opportunity" program has employed hundreds of Gulf Coast out of work people because of the spill which Kaufman says is viewed as yest another way "to limit the number of lawsuits against BP."
"And the government—both EPA, NOAA, etc.—have been sock puppets for BP in this cover-up. (Emphasis added)
Kaufman concurs with MSNBC's report last week, that "sole purpose in the Gulf for dispersants is to keep a cover-up going for BP to try to hide the volume of oil that has been released and save them hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars of fines... not to protect the public health or environment. Quite the opposite.."
He says to follow the money, and that leads to individuals in the Obama Administration, naming Mr. Geithner, Mr. Summers with close ties to Larry Fink who owns BlackRock that owns most BP shares.


  1. And since they don't have 1 trillion dollars for the clean up, guess who gets to pay for it?

  2. This is one trillion dollars the U.S.A. doesn't have. We are a broke. We spent out money on superficial items like large SUV"s, large flat screen televisions, large homes, and just plain old living large.

    This is what happens when you live beyond your means; eventually it all catches up with you.

  3. One thing is for sure BP and the US Government are hiding information about the oil problem.


    Likely they are both guilty.

  4. I wish I had items like large SUV"s, large flat screen televisions, large homes, and just plain old living large, I live in a mobil home park and have an 18 year old car and no job. My computer is a 5 or 6 year old Pentium 4.

    One thing I don't have and happy about it, is debt. I don't owe anyone, anything, so don't count on me to contribute financially to the clean up effort.

  5. @ 2:30, if you pay taxes you will contribute whether you like it or not

    I have those things you mentioned, and a big go fast ain't missing anything. I can afford the stuff but all it does is take time away from other stuff, and make you work harder to support the lifestyle. Some days I wish it was a case where I had less stuff to pay for so I was not pressured to keep the lifestyle up

  6. How would anyone conduct an independent study of the Gulf disaster? It's nearly impossible.

  7. Hey there 2:42. 2:30 here.

    Last April 15th (actually I filed weeks before) my 1040 showed a family of 3 with a total income for 2009 at less than $9K, all a direct result of losing my job in 2008. I neither paid any taxes nor did I get any kind of refund.

    My "home" was built in 1994 and is in pretty good shape. I did a bunch of repairs / remodels before our family economic situation collapsed. The house is paid in full, but we rent the space it sits on.

    I would rather have a job than have every day be a Saturday.

    No health insurance is scary

    Little savings left

    Plenty of ammo and several weapons I will never sell. That's like a professional mechanic selling his tools to pay the rent, you just don't do that.

    Can't remember the last time I ate in a "fancy" restaurant. It's been at least 30 years since I have eaten lobster.

    My garden helps keep some food on the table. My car should be good for another 100,000 miles, she ain't pretty, but she is reliable most days.

    I had a father-in-law once say that he wished he could pay taxes on a million dollars. I said "why is that"? He said before I paid the tax, I would have to be paid 1 million dollars. Makes sense to me.

    I know it would hard to say no to a job offer working in the clean up, but if they don't give you a HazMat suit, don't do it.

  8. EA, please go back to screening the comments, as you can see, almost none of the comments are related to the video or the story. The disinfo goons are back!

    The gulf is destroyed. It will not come alive for many generations,if ever. And the sheeple slaves believe everything is ok, cause their tv's told them.

    Now the gulf coast sheeple will begin to drop, poisoned to death from the oil, gas and dispersant. Where's the EPA? The Sierra Club? The FDA? Nope, no agency to save the gulf or it's residents...

  9. America is broke because we bailed out the bankters and crooks on Wall St. and because of our involvement in foreign unwinnable wars, not because of our large living.

  10. 2:42. At least you realize what is going on. Now get rid of that crap as fast as you can

  11. I don't know if this has been brought up before, if it has go ahead and delete. Why don't we all, and I meen ALL, boycott BP?? I have not heard any rumblings about this. It would hurt them where it counts. A few "borrowed" real estate signs, painted over, saying BOYCOTT BP, should be stuck in front of all of their drives, and I mean in front of their drives, not next to them. Short of permanent roadblocks, this would be a good start.

  12. 7:11 There is a Boycott BP on Facebook!/BoycottBP

    BP brands to boycott include:
    Castrol, Arco, Aral, am/pm,
    Amoco, Wild Bean Cafe

    Also see:

  13. How would anyone conduct an independent study of the Gulf disaster? It's nearly impossible.

    Another asks :
    Now the gulf coast sheeple will begin to drop, poisoned to death from the oil, gas and dispersant. Where's the EPA? The Sierra Club? The FDA? Nope, no agency to save the gulf or it's residents...

    A foreign observer asks about American institutions :

    EPA seems like its missing in action and handed over its role to big oil and British petroleum interests .will not Halliburton or the like get the Cost plus clean up contract not The EPA anyway ?

    FDA? Isn’t that the body that now works with big pharmacy to authorize their self testing of drugs vaccine and promote swine flu ‘epidemics” to sell vaccines?
    Not much work seems to be getting done on the dangers of Corexit dispersants ?

    Sierra Club ?
    Wasn’t it a “stakeholder” in promoting cooked up parts of the science of global warming and promotes the carbon tax scams for big oil ?
    It seems another government body and its sightseeing Banksters sock puppet commander in chief is missing in action too , perhaps both the organization and its CIC were
    de-nackered in all the privatisation corporate state stuff with most of its work going to private contractors now?

    I refer to the once magnificent USACE of course.
    That organization , that built a lot of the infrastucture that developed America .
    But that was before America turned into a Corporate state that bankrupted America with de-industrialisation ,free trade militarism and wars and war itself became mainly a privatised businesses for cost plus contractors?
    Perhaps its to busy for patriotic projects in america now that it is hooked up With ”Homeland security” perhaps fixing up the irrigation infrastucture in Afghanistan for the CIAs “anti”drug wars? Or rfebuilding the oil infrastuctire for big oil in 'liberated"
    Anyway it appears to be MIA in this crisis ..
    Some projects in its history:
    Breed's Hill
    · An act to improve navigation on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers initiated the Corps' permanent civil works construction mission. The General Survey Act authorized use of Army engineers to survey roads and canals
    · Survey and construction of the National Road until Federal funds were withdrawn (1838)
    · The 555 ft 5⅛ in (169.29 m) tall Washington Monument, completed under the direction and command of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Lincoln Casey, 1884
    · Panama Canal, completed under supervision of Army Engineer officers, 1914
    · Bonneville Dam, completed in 1937.
    · Flood Control Act of 1936 made flood control a Federal policy and officially recognized the Corps as the major Federal flood control agency
    · USACE took over all real estate acquisition, construction, and maintenance for Army facilities, 1941
    · Planning and construction of The Pentagon, completed in 1943 just 15 months after groundbreaking
    · The Manhattan Project (atom bomb)

    · Corps began construction support for NASA leading to major activities at the Manned Spacecraft Center and John F. Kennedy Space Center, 1961
    · The Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (WRDA 86) brought major change in financing by requiring non federal contributions toward most Federal water resource projects
    · Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan
    · Cross Florida Barge Canal
    · Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway
    Occasional civil disasters including the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 resulted in greater responsibilities for the Corps. New Orleans is another example of this.


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