Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why The Banks Must Not Get Away With It

Why The Banks MUST NOT Get Away With This
It's now in the mainstream media....
People in this country may be uninformed or misinformed -- but they're not stupid. They'll catch on to the message soon, if they haven't already: There's one deal for average people, but a different, far better deal for the really big and powerful.
We can't go there folks.
There's a limit to the screwing of this sort that the people will take.  I have no idea where it is.  Neither does anyone else.  The Politicians definitely don't; they're tone deaf to this sort of abuse, because most of them haven't bought their own groceries or pumped their own gas in 20 years.  We have reported every time there's an election how "Politician X" didn't pay his 24 speeding tickets and as a result his license was suspended - but now he paid them and it's all ok.
These people live in a different world.  If you or I don't pay one speeding ticket the next time we're tooling down the road the cop's "robocamera" will pick up our license plate and we'll get treated to the felony stop - that's where four cop cars pull you over and the cop steps out with his gun out, behind his door, and tells you to get the f%#k out of the car and lie on the ground.  Then, since you've got a suspended license, you get to spend the night in jail before you see The Judge.
This isn't hyperbole - it happens all the time.  Sometimes it's legitimately you trying to be an ass - you tossed the ticket and the warning from the state that your license and plates were suspended.
But sometimes it's not - you didn't get the notice yet, or you send in a check but for the wrong amount.  No matter, you get the felony stop treatment.
Here's the problem: If the people get into their head that not only politicians can do this sort of thing and get away with it when it comes to things like traffic tickets, but banks can literally rob the people with predatory lending and then enlist the courts to screw them a second time in unjustly evicting them from their house, there is a point where they will snap.


  1. lol. The felony stop treatment.

    When I was 18 (not too long ago) I was joy riding at 3:00 am when I was pulled over in my own neighborhood because I came around the corner just a little fast. The cop there pulled me over and had his little friend backing him.

    He started questioning if I was, "doin' a little tweek there?" in his wannabe-hardcore-cop tone. Keep in mind I was a well groomed bookworm who hated people that used drugs and didn't even drink. I was also about 125 pounds. Big bad criminal...

    He told me to get out of the car and he made me walk a straight line and focus on his flashlight. I passed with an A+, being only high on caffeine and nicotine. He said at the end, "Now get the fuck home and if I catch you out again I'll take you to jail."

    What are these city cops missing in life that forces them to behave like losers? Maybe they were picked on in school, had abusive fathers, perhaps their mothers didn't love them enough. Who knows. Most of those 'men' couldn't fight their way out of a box even with a gun.

    Sheriffs and small town cops are way better people (generally). They have more family values and less violent tendencies. Cities are rotten anyway. Perhaps only a portion of city cops are rejects with a teenage brain in a 40 year old body like the one in the above story. I suppose there are those who aren't like that.

  2. WTF is predatory lending. What a crock of crap. There was no one standing outside the bank to grab you and pull you in last time I walked by one. Everyone who bought a home and later defaulted on it went looking for a loan. The bank didn't come looking for them.

  3. http://patrick.net/forum/?p=25968

    This guy snapped and stuck it to the banks! LOL

  4. to 7:33, yes the banks were waiting to grab you.

    I read that one of their tricks was to make the first few pages of a mortgage agreement list a standard fixed rate mortgage. But the rest of the document was all about an adjustable rate mortgage. After the home buyer signed the bottom pages of the contract, the bank later peeled off the top pages.

    So people thought they were signing a standard mortgage and had no idea until two years later--when their payment doubled--what was going on. Gee, I'd call that fraud committed by the bank, wouldn't you?


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