Wednesday, January 5, 2011

29% Of Americans Say It's Difficult To Afford Food

The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press released their year-end survey on December 15, 2010. Their pollling revealed that for the public, a tough year ended on a down note.
Consistent with the mood of the nation all year, 2010 is closing on a down note. Fully 72% are dissatisfied with national conditions, 89% rate national economic conditions as only fair or poor, and majorities or pluralities think the country is losing ground on nine of 12 major issues.
Pew's survey results are not surprising, and I would cover them in depth if it weren't for some rather important information that was buried in the next to last paragraph.
The survey finds that a majority of the public (57%) says it is very difficult or difficult to afford things they really want. About the same percentage said this two years ago (55%). And for many Americans, affording basic necessities remains a struggle – 51% say it is difficult to afford health care, 48% say the same about their home heating and electric bills, and 29% say it is difficult to afford food.
I just quoted Pew, and you read the quote, but I want to make sure all of us truly absorbed what it says. So let me repeat the information as a series of bullet points.
  • Affording basic necessities remains a struggle.
  • 51% say it is difficult to afford health care.
  • 48% say the same about their home heating and electric bills.
  • 29% say it is difficult to afford food.
Why isn't this information Front Page News? Can you see the headline? I can see it, splashed across the top of the front page of the New York Times
29% of Americans Say It's Difficult To Afford Food
Why haven't we seen this headline? Or this one?
48% of Americans Say It's Hard to Pay Their Heating And Electric Bills
January 3rd, the first working day of the new year, is an excellent time to call out those in the media, our elected representatives, those setting policy at the Federal Reserve, others making hay Inside The Beltway, and many, many right-thinking economists—tell me again what a great country this is. Tell me again we're all going to be OK. Tell me again that this isn't an Empire in decline. Tell me again about the "business cycle" and recessions.


  1. What is considered food necessities by Americans?...Sodas, chips, highly processed cereals, meat, meat and meat etc?

    If we ate like the Asians we'd be so much healthier and have a lil more cash in our pockets...You know 1 part rice or grain, 1 part veggies and a small part of some type of meat.

    Throw some some fruit or yogurt and it's cheap, easy to make, delicious AND healthy.

    Instead I see co workers bring slabs of meat to eat...I see HUGE patties on burgers, huge portions, chips, fried this, fried that...We Americans eat like hogs...Hence the huge upswing in obesity and diabetes...Not an opinion but a FACT.

    In order to survive and live healthier the poor will have to learn to cook again and kinda be like the rest of the world in that you can't eat fried or meat with EVERY MEAL.

    I was heavy living a fast pace life...At 31 I was bloated, tired and looked ugly...My passport picture would have made small children cry and lil dogs whimper.

    I started watching my intake and walking 5 miles a day...Bam at 39 I'm in better shape than when I was 24.

    This is a silver lining in the dark cloud...The healthiest things are sometimes the cheapest...Veggies/rice/hominy/greens/beets/broths/good chicken/oatmeal etc etc.

    We're getting screwed and poisoned why not turn the tables and used it to better ourselves?

    The health aspect will help with the other two subjects: Health costs and energy costs:

    1. Better eating = Better health = Less meds and costs

    2. Better eating keeps you fit and warm...Possibly do more outside hobbies = Lower your fuel costs by riding, jogging and keeps the body temperature regulated

    Make yourself aware of cost saving devices on bulbs, breakers, water/heater timers and if you can afford them energy saving machines, inflate your tires, get that tune up, walk or bike if the place is close etc etc.

    Most everyone can cut 10%-20% of costs if they try...Most people don't and bitch about it.

  2. The mainstream media across the board cannot discuss the above issues because they haven't the time or the room after reporting how manufacturing is up, the recovery is well under way and the dollar is making sound gains - after blowing that horn for hour after hour and front page after front page -------------------

    Out of time and out of room for the truth.

    The only big time show I see even touching the truth is Glenn Beck at least he brings this shit to the light and then people can do their own research on it. Couple weeks back. he had an excellent program on rising food costs.

  3. it's why they gave the 2% payroll give it through us to the fuel and food corporations, just a shift of money to a different pocket

  4. My big problem with this is my experience. Most of the really poor people I know have two color TVs, a car, an expensive cell phone with unlimited text and calling, drink at least a six pack every night, a minimum of a $100 a week drug habit, etc. They buy booze before they would buy food. But I am 100% sure if you asked them in a national poll if is is difficult to afford food they would say yes.

  5. As we're squeezed more and more, the healthiest foods will be priced out of the reach of most people. What will be available, at a reasonable rate, is GMO garbage.

    Organic zucchini was $3.29 a lb a couple of days ago, I didn't check pesticide sprayed zucchini since that isn't an option for any healthy body. Some people don't realize that celery, for example, has 67 pesticides/herbicides on it. Does anyone want to eat that? Knowingly, that is.

    Real people need real food, not food like substances, not GMO, not Soy.

    Stay healthy and be creative.



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