Thursday, August 25, 2011

In An Unsustainable System, A Warning of Collapse

Bob Chapman

We do not believe that Americans, particularly elderly Americans, understand what the elitists are up to in regard to Social Security and Medicare. The Council on Foreign Relations and the Peterson Foundation has for years been working on plans to terminate Social Security and Medicare. Cuts in these paid for programs were impossible to get through Congress. Thus, the ruse was born of getting around Congress. A flash issue was raised regarding a short-term debt extension that could have been passed in 15 minutes that demanded budget cuts for passage. In that process the Obama Enabling Act was formulated, patterned on the German Enabling Act passed in 1933 by Adolph Hitler. It allows a 12-person panel to bypass Congress regarding legislation. The changes are made in this committee and cannot be debated or amended and must be voted on via a straight up and down majority vote. While this was transpiring, as part of the plot, Standard and Poor’s downgraded the US debt rating based upon there not being large enough cuts in what Congress likes to call entitlements, which are not entitlements, but paid for benefits.

As we have often said, the problem and debt has only been extended. All the debt is unpayable. Interest rates and bond yields of troubled nations are such that debt cannot be repaid. How can anyone have confidence in a broken system? Unsustainable is the operative word. There is no political courage to end all this because all of the key figures and many others are controlled by the Illuminists, who want world government. They will hold out until the system has collapsed, and hope they can save themselves. That is why people worldwide have to prepare for what is coming. Europe’s financial collapse will be the catalyst that will cause all other nations to fall. That is why it is so very important that all of your investable assets be invested in gold and silver, coins, bullion and shares.

1 comment:

  1. Warren Buffer just bought Bank of America stocks for a cool 5 billion dollars. If Bank of America fail the government will bail out him. Back in 2008 when he lend Goldman Sachs money, the government bailed out Goldman Sachs through TARP.


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