Bill O'Reilly To Quit Fox News Over Obama Tax Increase?
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly threatened to stop doing his job if President Obama raises the top marginal tax rate on the richest Americans. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur gives his take. Click here to watch the video....
ReplyDeleteEnough of the class warfare crap.
does fox news run for profit? does CNN? do all the "tv" news attempt to pay for themselves even profit? who owns these studio's? do they like money too? so who is this o-reilly guy, dunno, who hosts cnn, dunno...who cares about tv news. why not search out better huh. yep, must work for better news now, not like before when it was back then a bit more truer and could sit in front of the glowing tube and hear somewhat accurate news. those days are gone. want good news-get to work. lots of better news to be found, lots of trash too, hone thinking skills with patience is a benefit of searching and working for the news.
ReplyDeleteGet it in writing!