Monday, June 11, 2012

Why You Absolutely Must Have Food Supplies, Hard Assets and Reserve Cash

While many refuse to believe that it can happen, evidence for why it is absolutely critical to stock up for hard times and worst case scenarios is and has been staring us in the face for the last several years (never mind the thousands of years of historical precedent).

The latest warning signs are, once again, popping up in Europe and should be taken seriously, as it is only a matter of time before such events play out in the rest of the world, including right here at home:

Via Adiconsum Italia – Translated via Google

BNI depositors unable to make withdrawals / payments, payments of utility bills, mortgage payments, taxes

Peter Giordano, Adiconsum: “Grave of the Bank of Italy’s attitude that takes action without considering the impact on depositors, and especially on single-income families and pensioners” Read more......

1 comment:

  1. that's an interesting and revealing clip, with vp biden saying how they called jon corzine and asked for his advice...


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