Monday, July 9, 2012

Celente Launches 2nd American Revolution

Gerald Celente’s forecast is clear ­ The 2nd American Revolution is on the horizon. And this American Patriot has done more than just sign up to join the fight, he’s established its headquarters.

Inspired by its potent symbolic value, Celente has purchased the 1750s “Franz Roggen House,” a stately stone colonial set on the northeast corner of John and Crown Streets, in Kingston’s historic Stockade District. This is the only intersection in the United States that boasts pre-revolutionary stone buildings on all four corners.

“Kingston played a critical role in the 1st American Revolution and was, for a short while, the capitol of New York State,” observes Celente. “Here is where I’m taking my stand to start the 2nd American Revolution.”

“The 1st American Revolution was fought with armies and bullets,” says Celente. “The 2nd American Revolution will not cost lives and limbs; it will be fought with mind and spirit.”

Celente is unequivocal: “America’s democratic political system is degenerate, corrupt and ineffective. It cannot be patched up or papered over. Rather, it must be renewed, revived, and reconfigured from the ground up,” he says. “The potential for positive and sweeping change is there. It can happen, but it has to be made to happen.” Read more.......

1 comment:

  1. Good for Celente! I hope it works as he is 100% right...we need to start from the ground up and all patriots need to lend a hand with this!


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