Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What In The World Is Wrong With American Kids?

What in the world has happened to the children of America? All over the United States kids are acting like half-crazed monsters, but most people seem to think that this is “normal”. American kids today are selfish, self-centered, sadistic, cruel, disrespectful, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, boastful, unforgiving, incredibly brutal and they possess very little self-control whatsoever. They feel entitled to everything, but they don’t want to work for any of it. They are absolutely addicted to entertainment, and they know very little about self-sacrifice. Disciplining children is not considered to be “politically correct” in America today, and with each passing year these little hellions get even worse. So what in the world is our country going to look like when all of these out of control kids grow up?

Below I have posted a video that is likely to make you very, very angry. It is video of two 15-year-old bullies torturing a little 10-year-old boy in the back of a school bus. What makes it even worse is that the boy is a special needs student.

The short video below only shows some of the key moments, but the truth is that the bullies physically abused this poor boy for the entire 40 minute bus trip. They constantly used racial and sexual slurs and at one point they held a very hot cigarette lighter against his skin which made him howl in pain. Read more.....


  1. kids, adults, america, the world all susceptible to romans chapter 1 verse 28 through 32. did not like to retain God in their thoughts...having no(less also) natural love.

    ..natural is there a supernatural love? yep. seek out Christ Jesus.

  2. People no longer suffer the consequences of their actions. As a matter of fact, many don't even know what that is. We have blurred the line on what is right and wrong, applauded failure, and eliminated personal responsibility. I see it everyday :-(

  3. rabbit hole ---
    research DOLPHINS
    they are more advanced spiritually than we are ,
    the rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper,
    no we are not alone on this planet
    if i have affended your senses ,please give me
    yours truly ribin21
    water beings

    1. Offended my/anyone's senses? LOL. You make no sense at all! Though dolphins have more sense than some people I know.

    rabbit hole ---
    research DOLPHINS
    they are more advanced spiritually than we are ,
    the rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper,
    no we are not alone on this planet
    if i have affended your senses ,please give me
    yours truly ribin21
    water beings

  5. I'll tell you what's wrong....They have are growing up in a world where their leaders engage them in war based on lies, their authority figures get away with molesting them. There is no future for them in a world that celebrates greed and corruption. I'd say they are being well prepared for the world they will encounter as adults. Don't blame them for using enhanced social techniques.

  6. You must be talking about the gov't and media. One example as to why the gov't shouldn't be in our schools. Though, we must not eliminate the responsibility of the parents. So, being a brat is just a form of enhanced social techniques huh? I simply see it as being a brat.

  7. Uhh,no...I'm talking about the clergy (catholic priests), the so called free market (LIBOR), and of course torture by the POTUS (enhanced interrogation techniques). This only scratches the surface. Also, people like yourself who refuse to recognize the environment we are creating. Stick your head back into the sand. This way when one of these darlings snaps, Your brain will be exposed for the AR-15 delivery.

  8. I am surely irrelevant (this is the correct spelling by the way) but, I am far from a fool. I am currently employed as an electrical engineer, however, if I wasn't my physician wife would gladly take care of me without government assistance. I'm just an observer of a society that has run amok.

  9. Mr. Electrical Engineer, since you want to get technical, here is an example of your errors; "I'll tell you what's wrong....They have are growing up in a world where their leaders engage them in war based on lies, their authority figures get away with molesting them" (ref your first comment). Does that sound proper to you? How about this one; "This way when one of these darlings snaps, Your brain will be exposed for the AR-15 delivery." The "y" in "Your" shouldn't be capitalized after a comma (unless you wanted to emphasize the whole word, then it would've been better to use all caps). I will also say that your hostility came through a bit. I, too, am an observer of life, but I have a different perception than you. You rant about catholic priests, the so-called free market, and torture by the POTUS as to why kids/adults misbehave etc...You fail to explain how. So, are we to excuse misbehavior (enhanced social techniques) because someone didn't get what they want? Was the batman shooter using enhanced social techniques? What about the nine yr old at the daycare beating up toddlers? (look at the video it's disturbing). I'm not entirely sure to what it is you were getting at. Kudos for you having a physician wife, not everyone is as lucky./sarc on

    1. I think it was pretty clear what I was trying to communicate. Sorry your perception isn't tuned to the environment we are creating. They have/are growing up in this environment nevertheless. I am not a hostile person, quite the contrary. I worked very hard for what I have and so did my wife. There wasn't very much luck involved.

    2. I'm so disappointed. I expected far more from an electric engineer. The fact that you won't try to explain any further (so we can have an honest discussion) tells me all I need to know. Communication is one of the keys to better our society/people and you chose to tell me how much more refined your perception is by implying that I'm not tuned to what's going on. "Stick your head back into the sand. This way when one of these darlings snaps, Your brain will be exposed for the AR-15 delivery." I don't know...but that didn't sound very amiable. Perhaps, you were having a bad day? Nonetheless, I'm glad you worked very hard for what you have, though there are those that would have you believe you didn't do it on your own (need I say who). We, too, worked very hard for what we have, and are still working hard to keep it that way. Best of luck to you.

    3. I was able to get out of bed this morning. I was happy and I gave thanks for that. My day could get no worse from there because I was able to do something to make my life and the life of others better. While I had very little luck getting where I am, I had great amounts of help from great people and great services. I am also thankful for that. I think you are being disingenuous by claiming you don't understand my point. I can see one of us is caught up in a politcal paradigm (need I say who). You chose to tell me to get a job. Very amiable.

    4. Were you expecting a nice reply when you said "Stick your head back into the sand. This way when one of these darlings snaps, Your brain will be exposed for the AR-15 delivery"? I also didn't understand how you could call bad behavior enhanced social techniques, unless you were being sarcastic. I understand some of your points, but still found it somewhat vague. You say I'm caught up in political paradigm, but you began your post with;....They have are growing up in a world where their leaders engage them in war based on lies. Which leaders? What lies? I'm just curious. Authority figures that get away with molesting them? Jerry Sandusky can be one. My point were very political. You talked about POTUS and torture did you not? I'd say that is political. The so-called free market...that too is political. Heck, you even mention priests! Why don't you explain what you mean by all that? It's so simple to rattle off all these issues (which is political) and not explain as to why you think those issues are true, or back them up with some facts at least. How can you tell me that I'm caught up in a political paradigm and fail to see yours? So you perceive my curiosity and questioning as disingenuous? Well, I perceive you to be hypocritical and a bit self righteous.

    5. There is nothing political about torture, child molestation by clergy (not just catholic priests) and a financial system in tatters due to greed and corruption. While the POTUS comment may have been political, I used it as another example of what we are willing to tolerate from adults I don't think I need to tell you that most of the crimes I mentioned have gone unpunished. The question was "What In The World Is Wrong With American Kids?". I gave three general directions in which to look. The list is much longer. Children are very perceptive and they are influenced by environmental conditions. You seem to have understood my sarcasm.

    6. Torture IS political when your example consists of the POTUS. You also seem to think that the banks are solely responsible for the financial problems that we have today; that politics/gov't doesn't play a hand in it. That's very dishonest on your part. While catholic priests are a problem (like so many other molesters in many other areas, not just religion)you chose them as a prime example. The majority of children are not products of catholic priests, nor the result of practicing a religion (not fanaticism). Yes, many crimes have gone unpunished. When I mentioned gov't and media as a form of corruption you totally dismissed it and labeled me as someone who's not aware as to what is going on. Then you made your little AR comment, which came across as hostile. You fail to see that don't you? If I truly understood your so-called sarcasm and comments, I wouldn't have questioned them. The fact got defensive when I questioned you and your comment proves it. Now you want to act as if you are some level headed individual with something intelligent to say. You gave three general directions in which to look, but I don't consider the POTUS torturing or the so-called free market as the reason for kids misbehaving. By your logic, everytime I go to a public place and see a kid misbehaving I should look into blaming the so-called free market and the POTUS torturing techniques. Are you serious? I should look into becoming an electrical engineer. The schooling must've been easier than I thought. I find it amusing that you are an electrical engineer and that your wife (whom you decided to mention) is a physician. And yes, I am not being very amiable. I don't think there's anything further to discuss.

    7. Back to the sand.

    8. My premise still stands. When horrible behavior is practiced and cheered by adults. I creates the climate for the behavior we see in our kids. Get used to it.

    9. I creates? Yes, you creates indeed!!! By all means, stand on your so-called premise and get out from your mommas basement KID.

    10. If you can't extrapolate It from that, you might want to stay away from e school. GROWNUP.

    11. Maybe this KID can help you understand.

    12. You've already proven that you aren't an electrical engineer, nor are you married. Why is anything else you say credible?

    13. Now you don't know what proof is. You really should stay away from e school. Back to the sand with you.

    14. The funny thing about the link I posted is that he says exactly what I'm talking about after I posted my comments. Check your time KID.

    15. My personal status really seems to bug you. Maybe you should take advantage of some of the great help available and you won't feel like such a failure.

  10. You are not an electrical engineer, nor is your wife a physician. You are a troll.


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